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Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

I see both sides. I have family members that are officers but even they will admit that a large number of officers are power tripping douche bags. I respect all officers of the law until given a reason not too. I have had several bad occurrences with the powers at be mostly because of the vehicles i drive. Everything I've owned from the time I was 18 has been custom, dark windows, lifted or lowered, big tires or big rims...... Cobb county Georgia painted my tahoe after a K9 jumped all over it with direction from the officer. Two hours later and a ransacked Tahoe, of course they found nothing and a month later wrote a check for $2400.

I also never leave home without a firearm and have had a few interesting moments even though I followed all proper steps and precautions. Most officers thank you for doing the right thing and move on.

One other occasion, a Stevenson, AL officer pulled me over. I have my 100 pound doberman in the backseat that is very well trained but very protective of my family. I asked the officer if I could step out of the vehicle or if he could back away from the window a little bit. I was being very nice and respectful. I informed him of my dog in the backseat and his response was that he didn't give a damn what was in the back seat and proceeded to open my door and grabbed my arm. About the time he grabs my arm, my doberman grabs the officers arm and he jumps back and draws his weapon. I'm trying to calm my dog and the officer down at the same time. Luckily another officer pulled up and handled the situation properly. I was released after being told I was stopped for no other reason but "suspicion".....

I really hate that the few bad apples ruin it for the others but it is life. I try to treat all people regardless of position in society with the same respect. It's the way I was raised and the way my kids will be raised but I ask for the same respect in return.
The last two speeding tickets I got were from power-tripping douchebags, and the counties behind them grasping for my wallet. 42 in a 35 (Pigeon Forge), and 77 in a 70 (Berea, Ky), both times the cops were being stern little county robots. Come up to the window and ask for credentials, walk away, come back 5 minutes later hand me a ticket and THEN explain what I've been pulled over for. Just money, money, money. That's when I lost respect for them.
:gtfo: The kid wasnt rude at all!!!!!! He knew his rights and it pissed the dickfaced cop off!!! That was awesome when he seen the video camera rolling. The other officer never took the light off the camera until he moved it.
i know i dont understand^^. the guy who said he would have a come to jesus meeting with his son about that kills me. I HAAAAATTTTTEEEEEE cops like this douche. there are cool ones out there but they are few and far between! WTF does it matter if the kid doesnt want to roll his window down, its a DUI check not a Window regulator check. The kid did nothing wrong. All the people saying " if he was just nice and just let the cop violate his rights everything would have went smoothly.." Are you guys (ones defending the cop) reading what your typing? the LAST people you should be letting step on you or violate you is the ones getting a paycheck from uncle sam. **** the cop. in a perfect would he would be made poster boy of power hungry cops and be fired.
BEATIN35S said:
If cops where allowed to puck smart mouths I bet he wouldn't have pulled up there acting like a prick. If this was my son and I found out he disrespected an officer of the law regardless of his power trip me and him would have had a good come to Jesus conversation. As for the officer yes he could have handled this situation a lot different and still been a winner. This was nothing more than a video made to arouse public discontent and outrage against the police he pulled up to that checkpoint to be defiant and he got the video he was trying to get.

You and I must have a different definition of disrespect then if you think that kid was "disrespecting" the cop. That leads me to another point. Why the hell should I "respect" an officer of the law? I will comply with what I am legally required to comply with and NO MORE. A pig with a GED and a badge are no more deserving of my respect than joe blow walking down the sidewalk. Just because you carry a badge doesn't make you above anyone else. If I could opt out of law enforcement assistance on my taxes I would. I'd rather take my chances defending myself and my family than dial 911 and wait for help. Those idiots don't show until the mess is ready to be cleaned up anyways then you're stuck answering questions. **** them.

Several of you have pointed out the kid is probably filming because he has had problems in the past and I guarantee it. Woodlee is a good friend of mine and I spent 2 years dating a chick from the Boro so I've spent a lot of time there and know first hand about these clowns. I'm not going into a lot of detail here but let's just say Murfreesboro/Rutherford Co is known nation wide for being one of the worst DUI towns in America. It's big business there and they have a system setup from the top down for you to fail. It's HUGE money for that town, they've turned it into a racket.
I didn't see the kid being rude. Maybe he was out to provoke or maybe he had run into trouble with the officers in his area before and had enough of it :dunno: He knew his rights and was willing to stand up for them, which is pretty cool considering the youth out there today.

I think most people have been conditioned in to giving away a small amount of rights over time for "safety" and just do not realize the slippery slope that our fore fathers warned us of. A DUI checkpoint seems like no big deal to most folks in this day and time. It's an old saying, but it can apply here:

First they made me prove my innocence at a DUI checkpoint...but I didn't say anything because I wasn't driving drunk.

Then they came looking for illegal weapons in our homes...but I didn't say anything because I didn't have any illegal weapons in my home.

Then they came for insert whatever they decide...and there wasn't anyone else left to stand up for me.
BEATIN35S said:
If cops where allowed to puck smart mouths I bet he wouldn't have pulled up there acting like a prick. If this was my son and I found out he disrespected an officer of the law regardless of his power trip me and him would have had a good come to Jesus conversation. As for the officer yes he could have handled this situation a lot different and still been a winner. This was nothing more than a video made to arouse public discontent and outrage against the police he pulled up to that checkpoint to be defiant and he got the video he was trying to get.

Just step into this strange cement shower room with no windows and don't ask any questions. Everything will be alright, trust us.
wagnon89 said:
I didn't see the kid being rude. Maybe he was out to provoke or maybe he had run into trouble with the officers in his area before and had enough of it :dunno: He knew his rights and was willing to stand up for them, which is pretty cool considering the youth out there today.

I think most people have been conditioned in to giving away a small amount of rights over time for "safety" and just do not realize the slippery slope that our fore fathers warned us of. A DUI checkpoint seems like no big deal to most folks in this day and time. It's an old saying, but it can apply here:

First they made me prove my innocence at a DUI checkpoint...but I didn't say anything because I wasn't driving drunk.

Then they came looking for illegal weapons in our homes...but I didn't say anything because I didn't have any illegal weapons in my home.

Then they came for insert whatever they decide...and there wasn't anyone else left to stand up for me.
You just hit the nail on the head.
Brings up something. ..... I left Morris mtn. On the sat evening if the wounded warriors ride.
Was cruising in traffic on the 2 lane. After the four way stop. I was behind a pickup pulling a tractor.
There were several card behind me. Meet a Alabama state trooper. He makes a u turn. Passes all the cars
Behind me. Pulls me over. I was with my wife. His 1st words were. Have you been riding at MM. I said yes.
He said have you been drinking. I said no. He said we'll your the only person there that wasn't. I replied I new I had to leave.
He invited me to his car I didn't have a problem I was sober. Period. He wanted me to close the door. I declined saying
I didn't trust him. He could drive away with me in the car. He only gave me a equipment warning. Which I had no violations.
He was being a cock bag cause I was pulling my buggy. He thought he had a ez DUI. IMO hell be at Morris mtn. Alot.
For sure when there's an advertised ride. He new all about it. Riders beware ill never leave there buzzed again :****:
85buggy said:
Brings up something. ..... I left Morris mtn. On the sat evening if the wounded warriors ride.
Was cruising in traffic on the 2 lane. After the four way stop. I was behind a pickup pulling a tractor.
There were several card behind me. Meet a Alabama state trooper. He makes a u turn. Passes all the cars
Behind me. Pulls me over. I was with my wife. His 1st words were. Have you been riding at MM. I said yes.
He said have you been drinking. I said no. He said we'll your the only person there that wasn't. I replied I new I had to leave.
He invited me to his car I didn't have a problem I was sober. Period. He wanted me to close the door. I declined saying
I didn't trust him. He could drive away with me in the car. He only gave me a equipment warning. Which I had no violations.
He was being a cock bag cause I was pulling my buggy. He thought he had a ez DUI. IMO hell be at Morris mtn. Alot.
For sure when there's an advertised ride. He new all about it. Riders beware ill never leave there buzzed again :****:

The only time I've ever been to WITC I got pulled over, same deal.

Had NOT been drinking at all, just pulled over because I had a rig on a trailer.
85buggy said:
Brings up something. ..... I left Morris mtn. On the sat evening if the wounded warriors ride.
Was cruising in traffic on the 2 lane. After the four way stop. I was behind a pickup pulling a tractor.
There were several card behind me. Meet a Alabama state trooper. He makes a u turn. Passes all the cars
Behind me. Pulls me over. I was with my wife. His 1st words were. Have you been riding at MM. I said yes.
He said have you been drinking. I said no. He said we'll your the only person there that wasn't. I replied I new I had to leave.
He invited me to his car I didn't have a problem I was sober. Period. He wanted me to close the door. I declined saying
I didn't trust him. He could drive away with me in the car. He only gave me a equipment warning. Which I had no violations.
He was being a cock bag cause I was pulling my buggy. He thought he had a ez DUI. IMO hell be at Morris mtn. Alot.
For sure when there's an advertised ride. He new all about it. Riders beware ill never leave there buzzed again :****:

talking about an advertised ride and cops cashing in....

I've been riding at HPO every since it opened. I live few miles away. In all the years of riding there I have never meet a cop coming/going down hawk pride mt. rd. This recent SRRS hill climb brought in one of the biggest crowds i've seen in a long time and at 10-10:30 a buddy sent me and some others a msg warning of a rode block that was set up on both ways out of the park. No way around it if you was leaving. Which at 10:30 in the morning everyone was getting there. By 5-6 that evening they were gone but just the fact that HPO had a big event they was trying to cash in on DUI and other violations which in my eyes kinda kills business for the park if they continue to do it on weekends when there open.
I saw that at HPO also....Said to my wife you think they would b happy with all the money we were all bringing to the area instead of using it as an opp to mess with us.
1tonyj said:
I saw that at HPO also....Said to my wife you think they would b happy with all the money we were all bringing to the area instead of using it as an opp to mess with us.

exactly, no telling how much money was spent at hotels, resturants, gas stations, ABC stores lol.
Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

Idk how in the **** I've not got stopped on the way home from offroad parks before. I'm gonna start camping more or drinking less instead of driving home after a day of wheeling. There's so many places less than 2 hours from my house, it's too easy to just say fawk it and drive home, usually blistered drunk. BUT....I realize how lucky I have been, prolly a good idea to slack up a little.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...
Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

TacomaJD said:
Idk how in the **** I've not got stopped on the way home from offroad parks before. I'm gonna start camping more or drinking less instead of driving home after a day of wheeling. There's so many places less than 2 hours from my house, it's too easy to just say fawk it and drive home, usually blistered drunk. BUT....I realize how lucky I have been, prolly a good idea to slack up a little.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...

For sure, it's not worth getting all your **** taken away, put in jail, or insurance rates so high that the only thing you can afford is a 1991 Geo Metro.... That is of course assuming you don't crash and kill yourself or others.

Besides, camping is more fun!

Now that I've got into hammock camping, it's so much quicker/easier/more comfortable to set up camp than fawking with a tent and ****.
Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

TacomaJD said:
....... I'm gonna start drinking less instead of driving home after a day of wheeling. There's so many places less than 2 hours from my house, it's too easy to just say fawk it and drive home, usually blistered drunk. BUT....I realize how lucky I have been, prolly a good idea to slack up a little.

Sent from my other hand, not the beer holding glove wearing hand.....

dafaq u say???? molaugh
Re: Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

TBItoy said:
For sure, it's not worth getting all your **** taken away, put in jail, or insurance rates so high that the only thing you can afford is a 1991 Geo Metro.... That is of course assuming you don't crash and kill yourself or others.

Besides, camping is more fun!

Now that I've got into hammock camping, it's so much quicker/easier/more comfortable to set up camp than fawking with a tent and ****.

The ole air mattress on the trailer with a comforter was pretty darn awesome and easy to set up last time I went to MM. That was my first time camping since prolly right after high school lol. Had to camp then so we could go out and drink and not get caught.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Murfreesboro TN, DUI Checkpoint Video

Rokcrler said:
dafaq u say???? molaugh

Haha, man after this past week of vacation, I think I heard my liver cry a little.

Sent from my not-so-dumb phone...

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