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Solo Buggy Build by Wide Open Design, Adam Woodlee

ridered3 said:
Coming along quite nicely! How long til trail runs and how'd you come about using the color purple on your builds?

Well, I bought the "Purple Jeep" from a guy that was color blind. It was a mixture of a purple with Ford blue frame. He thought it matched! The color kind of stuck, but we have come a long way with it. From my wife sitting a bottle or Crown Royal on the desk at Rozar's Paint to chasing down a FedEx truck to see that purple. Ended up being a custom blended color that was used on the 38 Special, the Solo Buggy uses the same color as the 38.
JohnG said:
Well, I bought the "Purple Jeep" from a guy that was color blind. It was a mixture of a purple with Ford blue frame. He thought it matched! The color kind of stuck, but we have come a long way with it. From my wife sitting a bottle or Crown Royal on the desk at Rozar's Paint to chasing down a FedEx truck to see that purple. Ended up being a custom blended color that was used on the 38 Special, the Solo Buggy uses the same color as the 38.

And here I thought it was "Royal Purple". Go figure! Looking good sir! :dblthumb:
JohnG said:
Well, I bought the "Purple Jeep" from a guy that was color blind. It was a mixture of a purple with Ford blue frame. He thought it matched!

This is why I flat black every thing I own that way I don't fawk it all up, molaugh but time from time I'll look and point something out and I get the look for the other person and then I just ask OK what color is it cus I'm color blind then they start quizzing you :****: just to see you ??? ( and I though 38 special was blue this whole time also should've know by the looks I got sometimes ) but oh well color kick ass and so does both rides :dblthumb:
patooyee said:
So is it on its way to Grayrock right now?
Not sure when Adam took this picture they posted on FB today, but it looks like it's still got some work to be done (in the background)


Close!! N

Sent from Mallory Square in sunny Key West Florida.

Well not physically, but that is where my mind is at!