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Trump for prez?

Re: Re: Re:

Shortbus said:
Last I heard selling illegal drugs was a crime. I can understand if laws are changed, but what's legal or illegal is that way until a law is changed or removed.

So you're OK with the federal government breaking a law to make a law? Last time I read the Constitution it doesn't give the federal government the right to tell me what I can and can't put in my body and any right not giving to them in Constitution is delegated to the states.

One of the reasons I'm a Libertarian is because I support a small federal government and want the states to be more independent. Donald Trump just wants to grow the federal government. A lot of people died fighting a Revolution trying to make that all happen.

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Another side bet. Govt will shrink if Trump gets the nod. Might take 2 terms, but I am an eternal optimist. And he will create a surplus instead of a deficit.

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Trumps best attribute

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Re: Re: Re:

onepieceatatime said:
So you're OK with the federal government breaking a law to make a law? Last time I read the Constitution it doesn't give the federal government the right to tell me what I can and can't put in my body and any right not giving to them in Constitution is delegated to the states.

One of the reasons I'm a Libertarian is because I support a small federal government and want the states to be more independent. Donald Trump just wants to grow the federal government. A lot of people died fighting a Revolution trying to make that all happen.

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I didn't say that. What I said is it's on the books today. There's a system of checks and balances in the system that could remove the law. That's the Constitutional way to remedy this, even if he did get elected, would the president making or changing a law be constitutIonal?

Are you sure Johnson would shrink government? What was his track record as governor? I'm also not sure about his stance on socialism. Personally, I believe Trump would do more to shrink government, like Kel said it will take time.
Re: Re: Re: Re:

Shortbus said:
I didn't say that. What I said is it's on the books today. There's a system of checks and balances in the system that could remove the law. That's the Constitutional way to remedy this, even if he did get elected, would the president making or changing a law be constitutIonal?

Are you sure Johnson would shrink government? What was his track record as governor? I'm also not sure about his stance on socialism. Personally, I believe Trump would do more to shrink government, like Kel said it will take time.
He vetoed over 700 bills because they were wasteful. Doesn't sound like the kind of guy who wants to expand government.

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Re: Re: Re:

Shortbus said:
I didn't say that. What I said is it's on the books today. There's a system of checks and balances in the system that could remove the law. That's the Constitutional way to remedy this, even if he did get elected, would the president making or changing a law be constitutIonal?

Are you sure Johnson would shrink government? What was his track record as governor? I'm also not sure about his stance on socialism. Personally, I believe Trump would do more to shrink government, like Kel said it will take time.
I can see some of your other arguments, but you saying GJ wouldn't be for smaller govt and not sure about socialism? Have you read into his background?

My opinion is that a vote for Gary Johnson is a wasted vote only to make you feel good. He has no way in hell of winning, at least Trump has a decent chance. If enough people waste their vote, might as well turn in your guns at the voting booth.

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Re: Re: Trump for prez?

Neal3000 said:
It's more important that you vote for the right congressmen to protect your rights
They didn't help us when Obama lubed up his big ole black penis and rammed it up our asses and called it Obamacare.
Re: Re: Trump for prez?

TacomaJD said:
They didn't help us when Obama lubed up his big ole black penis and rammed it up our asses and called it Obamacare.

Maybe you missed out on some of the last 8 years.




The Obama with the big black **** is Michelle, not Barack.



And final proof in her own words, just in case those others ones were photoshopped.

I hope Gary Johnson gets into the debates. How awesome would it be if the electoral college said fawk Hillary and fawk Trump, and elected Gary as prez :woot:
That's completely against the agenda. It would be an impossibility. Though it would be what we as Americans need, it's not at all what the machine needs

The electoral college has decided this election before we even started talking about it.

I agree with you though. (Black sign language I love you hand)
LightBnDr said:
That's completely against the agenda. It would be an impossibility. Though it would be what we as Americans need, it's not at all what the machine needs

The electoral college has decided this election before we even started talking about it.

I agree with you though. (Black sign language I love you hand)

That's always been my real thought on the matter. It plays out exactly how a select few want it to. But I still find myself overlooking that ideaology and trying to care appropriately about who wins, even I know it's most likely a moot point. We have no decision Lol. We are sheeple.
Here's my new POTUS prediction for 2016. Wikileaks drops a bomb on Hillary in Oct. She gets indicted and Biden comes to the rescue for the DNC, makes Obama his VP. Dem zombies go ****ing crazy and Biden / Obama are swept into office. Biden's first act as president is to pardon Hillary and make her Secretary of State again. :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin: :spin:
I have heard that there was going to be another email dump in September, that would be enough to put her away for extortion with the Clinton foundation. Maybe be bs tho but it would be fitting. The bad thing is that they would throw Biden up and they would elect him.

Jeezus, finally catching a little bit of Hillary speaking at the DNC. How in the fawk do people actually believe any of the bullshit she is spewing? Of course, I could ask the same question about Trump too haha.
The scary part of the DNC last night the things that got the biggest applauds were for gays and abortion ....

One of Hillary's things she has been pushing is You cant trust your childrens future with trump... But they want to murder countless numbers of babies because parents are careless ect... and gay people don't creat babies... so I guess if the DNC gets their way there will not be children to worry about