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Walker Valley 'lets get Expressway open' Work Party

This is something I'm not happy with DNR about. They were supposed to post signs here, but I saw no evidence that they were ever put up. There is supposed to be a sign up at the top.

Sadly, we will probably need to drop trees along this road until the new trail is built.
My take, for what its worth:

Trees WILL be cut. They look like falls, can easily be removed, and will probably be taken for fire wood. Cabling them is just a PITA.

The barrier you put it is (I think) leading in the right direction. Obvious and conspicuous. Post could have been further in, but it is what it is. I'd do that again, WITH SIGNAGE. Those T-bar fence posts are good as well, absolute BITCH to pull out without the proper tools if they are sunk deep enough. Put a bunch of them in, like every foot or 6". Someone would have to work to clear those on a whim. If someone had a portable welder you could even weld #4 bar across them a couple times and make them a real PITA, but easy to remove with the proper tools when you were ready.

Just thinking out loud. Try what you did again, with signage. Then just keep doing it. Someone will get the hint eventually. Political parties make up those plastic corrugated signs by the millions. They can't be too expensive. Convince the DNR to make up some of them with a simple message that the trail is closed TEMORARILY for trail maintenance and restoration. THANK them for their patience and that continued patience will allow the area to be opened up sooner, include the DNR logo and some notation that it is an official notice, then leave room/lines at the bottom so specific information can be added in Sharpie - i.e. date, anticipated reopening, specific contact person, description of work being done/needed. Maybe even updated it over time with progress.

Just a thought.

Also, and this is for anyone doing trail maintenance. I have some 3" sched 40 ALUMNUM pipe that I set aside along time for this kind of stuff that is free for the taking. Its PVC coated a light aqua blue/green so ita junk for anything I got going on today, but I figured it would make good Bollards so I hung onto it.
- 10' long, threaded on both ends (electrical conduit). Maybe 4-6 pieces (been a while since I looked).

All you have to do is come to Kirkland during the day and get it.

I also have some sign post material like this:

That can be had for trail work. Reiter, Walker, just let me know.
We put signs up at Reiter.

Someone ripped them down almost immediately. We just kept on putting the same sign up. Eventually folks got the message. :awesomework:
I hate to say it. ( financial impact )
But then again, what are you going to charge them with?