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Whats wrong with you?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
Just outside Music City
I thought i would be interesting to see what kind of shape everybody is in, i get worse every year, but still keep on keeping on. So here's my list:
Sled wreck when i was in grade school lost my appendix,spleen,galdbladder, and one kidney.
Next was the double hernia operation, yea it impressed the girls but hurt like hell.
Then the fabulous vastectomy, that's a whole notha story.
Then the shoulder surgery for bone spurs,cartlidge, and pulled muscle.
Several other small items that left scars, and a few cracked ribs.
I always heard the saying:( If i knew i was gonna live this long i'd have taken better care of myself) and Damn i believe it's true.
Almost forgot, got shot at once by an ex but she missed, you guess where she was aiming............................................................... pepper.gif
I have a feeling Black Sheep's gonna outdo me on this one
I'll play.
Im 24 years old and already have arthritis in my back and my Knees ache daily.
Working on Carpal tunnel in my hands.
At 34 years old I really have not had much. Broke a couple of fingers in high school, had bi-lateral hernia sugery in college and twisted a knee water skiing once that aches from time to time. That is about all I can think of, other than having stitches from time to time.
I have never broken a bone. I think a broke a finger a few years ago in flag football, but I had Jen set it and I kept playing. I mean it was the damn championship game. I was bad overweight at the start of this year. Weighed 238lbs on Jan 2nd. I currently weigh 217lbs, so I am very happy to have lost 21lbs in 3 months. I have about 10-15 more to lose and it is getting harder

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47 stitches in the face..

Broke both wrist at same time...

broke ankle in the growth plate...

shattered leg.. Bad. Wheelchair for 3 months.. rehab for a month..
Arthritis like a mofo till this day.. can't run for ****...
you guessed it.. Freestyle moto-x

some people just never learn :afro:
1) At 17 I had a car accident that damaged my ulnar nerve. It's in your forearm and it controls the muscles that operate your pinky and ring finger. As a result my dexterity in those fingers is pretty bad for some operations. It hurts me in guitar hero but I can type really well. (I broke both bones in that forearm too but they are fine now.)

2) A few years ago I was checked while playing ice hockey. I had a concussion and I tore my ACL. I kept playing on it and re injured the knee once or twice a year.

3) Last year as I was training in MMA (I'm a somewhat skilled fighter in Muay Thai and BJJ) I finished off my knee. After that it wasn't even suitable for normal life activities like jumping off an 18" rock or getting out of a chair. I had it repaired in June and it's getting better all the time.

4) I had my nose broken four times. 3 fights and once wrestling/playing with my dog.

5) I was hit in the skate with a hockey puck. I didn't realize my foot was actually broken until I took it off.

6) I once dropped a bowling ball on my big toe and broke it in 4 places right before "states" as a high school swimmer. It still worked out pretty well for me.
This sounds fun.Summer after first grade I broke boyh arms at the same time.Few years latter broke right coller bone,left hand has been broke four more times.Broke left leg.Started moto-x and somehow moved right knee cap to the back of leg,major surgery back in 1977.Married in1978 and threw right knee out for about five more years.Crushed right hand from being stupid and thinking I could destroy a oak table.Shot my self with nail guns from shoulders to toes,only a few saw cuts to the fingers and one chain saw notch in one finger.Now that I'm older (50) I've only had two heart attacks with two stints.Night before last I was shaving my head with one of my daughters small razor and with a fast swipe across the top of my head the razor doug in with all three blades and stuck in my head.Now I'm missing a big chunk out of my head.So what next,I;m going to spot for Adam this year in the We-rock events.Thats about it,I'm allmost scared to walk to the bedroom now.COME ON-NEXT
I'll play....

When I was about 8 I broke my right ankle, jumping my bicycle.

When I was 10 I ripped a chunk of skin off my right arm. I forget how many stitches but it was over 100.

When I was 12 I broke my right arm, thrown from a horse. Had to have surgery to repair

When I was 13 I broke my left arm, thrown from a bull,

When I was 14 I broke my right arm, fell off the roof of the barn.

When I was 15 I broke my right arm, run over by a car at a store.

When I was 20 I tore the ligaments in my right leg, steer wrestling

When I was 23 I tore the meniscus in my right knee, steer wrestling

When I was 24 I had hernia surgery.

When I was 30 I had a pretty serious accident while steer wrestling which included:
bruised brain
bruised kidney
broken eye orbit (required surgery and a plate)
broken cheek bone
5 broken ribs
2 broken fingers
2 broken toes
crushed right ankle (required surgery, 1 plate, 15 screws)

When I was 31 I had to have my right shoulder rebuilt as a result of the above accident, it included:
torn bicep
2 other torn muscles
rotator cuff
2 torn ligaments

I think thats all. If I remember anything else I will update.
Im 25, have a fawked up back from various labor intensive jobs, the worst being UPS for 2 years, loading and unloading. I broke my nose doing backflips off a tree swing into a river, stayed balled up (dont do that) and nose slammed my knee when I hit the water, blood everywhere and still had 3 hours of canoing before we got to the end (thank you baby jesus for beer and co-pilots). I sliced my calf open on a piece of toyota bed that I was in the process of bobbing and dovetailing, sliced all the way through the muscle and had to get stiches (thank you baby jesus for shop rags and duct tape). Let's see, oh, I smashed my index finger with a 2 lb hammer working on u-joints on the TJ. I have a lot of scars from when I was a kid, one on the palm of my hand from trying to open a window that was painted shut, pane broke and sliced me good; I dove for a football in yard ball and landed on a plastic water meter that had been sharpened by a lawnmower, sliced my knee open; got burned by the damn oven from hell when I was working at McCalister's, still have a scar on my left arm; and best of all...

When I was 3 years old, I was in a department store down in Gulf Shores with my grandmother, and I jumped into a power wheels that was on display, took off driving through the store and nailed a revolving sunglass display. It fell on top of me and I got a nice gash on the top of my head.
Filet O Knee Surgery... dirty bike 4 screws in my miniscus or whatever bone graph ACL repair all that other **** in there I dont know what it is.. It grinds pops everytime i move it and I was told when it was done it wouldnt last and Id have to get knee replacement one day. ( Im real easy on it too as you all know laughing1 )

More stitches than I could ever count.. most in my head when I was young/ growing up most recently last years Turd blood bath. Been knocked unconcious enough times I was told last time I really need to keep my head in a bucket from now on.

Busted my right middle finger tip off and broke my pointer on same hand tryin to be a carpenter.. was my first day on the job in HS and I was there a total of 25min before I did it. Got sewn back on with a pin stickin out the tip of it for 6 weeks, pretty cool chicks dug it.

Bent weiner and a vasectomy

Bad ankles

Ive been in 3 seperate rear ended accidents and my spine is crooked, I dont know the technical jargon cause Chiropractors are fruity fuggers and Im instant gratification guy.. I never finished any of that "therapy "

The real biggy is , I have high blood pressure so it appears or pre-hypertension whatever , agian I never finished any of that stuff either cause they kept sending me back for more and more BS and I got tired of fuggin with it. I got a EKG, a stress test on the tread mill and all that crap then they wanted to send me for a nuclear stress test that lasted like 5 hours and I just wasnt in for that. That was about a year and a half ago. I have alot of stamina and can hang with the best of them in strenuous activity so Im not putting alot of stock in all that. If my heart was half bad Ida stroked out by now the way I push myself laughing1

Thats all I can think of quick like...
DavidsCJ7 said:
I'll play....

When I was 12 I broke my right arm, thrown from a horse. Had to have surgery to repair

When I was 13 I broke my left arm, thrown from a bull,

When I was 15 I broke my right arm, run over by a car at a store.

When I was 20 I tore the ligaments in my right leg, steer wrestling

When I was 23 I tore the meniscus in my right knee, steer wrestling

When I was 30 I had a pretty serious accident while steer wrestling which included:
bruised brain
bruised kidney
broken eye orbit (required surgery and a plate)
broken cheek bone
5 broken ribs
2 broken fingers
2 broken toes
crushed right ankle (required surgery, 1 plate, 15 screws)

When I was 31 I had to have my right shoulder rebuilt as a result of the above accident, it included:
torn bicep
2 other torn muscles
rotator cuff
2 torn ligaments

I think thats all. If I remember anything else I will update.
Note to self: If livestock challenges you to a wrestling match, shoot him.
Compound fracture of the elbow.
Various Broken fingers
Tried to cut off my foot with an ax (yep, I always wondered how people did that too.........it's easy)
Too many concussions to count or I lost the ability to count.
3 knee surgeries
Ruined shoulder joints from years of bodybuilding (yep, it turns to fat)
Overweight.......ok.......waaaaaay the **** overweight
Arthritis and gout especially in bad knee and elbow

Damnest thing yet though is my rib injury from this Winter. Bad cold and bad coughing...sudden excruciating pain in ribs.....2 months later and allergy season and I still have to hold my ribs when I cough! (no body hugs from you homos at the XRRA please!

Almost forgot......I'm with you on the high BP PDaddy........that's probably the one thing I should take care of and I don't...I'm walking everyday and dieting......and I was back into my weights til this damn rib thing started.......I should go to the doctor but I don't like them or tests or meds.
I'm 24 also.
Knees swell up all the time and have to go get the fluid drained about once a year.
Broke several toes and fingers.
Go to the doc about every other month to get the back popped from farious differnet wrecks (all offroad).
Broke knoes 4 times and several others I have probably forgot.

I know in about 24 more years I will pay for all that I have done.
I don't break. I'm dumb, ask anyone that's seen me ride or overjump a dune by 111' or so. my renthals on my 250r always bent, my footpegs always ripped out or bent way down, frame and swingarms ALWAYS broke, I didn't. I've been stabbed in the head with a footpeg, folded in half with a handlebar tearing my pants and underwear off and digging into my pelvis 1" from my cock, still attached and I rode the rest of the day with a broken from and duct taped pants, I've had the whole quad land in the middle of my back during a 4th gear topped dune jump with a side wind that blew up a disc, rode the rest of the weekend and won a jump contest (the 111' with broken parts) just had to have someone put my on the quad. once the adrenaline started, I was fine. I overjumped every jump I was ever on with my CR250 and only tore my knees apart. I've been lucky and put together well except my knees. torn meniscus both sides 3x each. I need a scope and I saw a doc once that said I have pretty much no cartilage left. It started playing football in Hawaii on turf my first time, and continues to this day, every time I get out of shape while in high activity.
vanguard said:
Note to self: If livestock challenges you to a wrestling match, shoot him.

After typing all of that stuff, plus all the broken fingers from football, all the other bangs, bruises, and arthritis starting to set in. I'm beginning to think i'm accident prone. :dunno:

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