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Are you the man of your household? NSFW thread spinoff

I ask for everything!! molaugh Can i bulid a buggy "ok" can I get a new trailer and truck to pull the buggy " OK" can I build another buggy" Ok"
I'm the bread winner! but She spoils me!! I got a garage as big as my house! cant park in it for all the toys!!! got a redneck yard from hell .. full of future projects
" when I think I can afford it! It is my call " !!! got 4 in line. not enough room in the garage!! About the only thing I'm afraid to ask for is a girl friend !!! I;m afraid of the answer!! Why ruin a good thing!! she doesn't like to wheel .. she says that is guy time.. And I do it a lot. But she does what ever she wants too. Now after putting her thru 7 years of school ! I hope she gets a great job!! I hope To really have fun !! you just have to ask !! be good to them !! I ran out of things to ask for!!!
may be a new truck and a bigger trailer to get both buggies to the mtn.. Oh yea we got no kids!! I just need to know when and where !! Lets tear some **** up!!
I hate my job !! It pays !! So I get up and go every day. haven't missed a day in 7 years!! But that is what it means to be a man !! Bills are paid , wife is happy!
I got play time !! molaugh
I have to say that I consult with my wife on all purchases I make that are "play" related (buggy parts mostly). We've been married 23 years,self employed (we work together) and she handles the finances. I don't wanna deal with all the Quickbooks,bill paying,invoicing bullshit! :****:
She started our business in '96 and I started working with her full time in 2002. We're both the bread winners in our household and I know there are times when I don't need to spend money on things that I don't necessarily need or that can wait till a later time. We've got three kids and one grandson. Two daughters and the grandson live with us and our son lives behind us in an apartment that's attached to our shop.I don't see myself as being whipped but I do hold my wife's opinion in high regard. Bills,household maintenance and helping the kids out when needed,even though I'd like to put a boot in the two older ones asses sometimes,comes first. Play and luxury items come second. thumb.gif
I pay all the house bills, she pays her car note, insurance, and groceries. Seperate checking accounts that we both had before we got married, she buys what she wants, I buy what I want, no bitching about it from either side. I have it good. :dblthumb:
grcthird said:
I pay all the house bills, she pays her car note, insurance, and groceries. Seperate checking accounts that we both had before we got married, she buys what she wants, I buy what I want, no bitching about it from either side. I have it good. :dblthumb:

Same setup we have.

My wife and I have basically identical incomes now, but I used to make all the money, so I took care of all the bills. I kinda "manage" both of our accounts, more so just keep an eye on all our finances since everything is in my name (except her school loans of course).

I tend to buy fewer, yet more expensive items and go wheelin/camping/kayaking/biking whereas she will how to the movies (which I HATE), out to eat, and buy lots of nick knacky gadgets and bullshit ( mostly housewares stuff or stuff for her 4runner)

My wife and I have been together for almost 10 years, been married a year in october. I am the type of person who gets very obsessive when I start a project so it's not uncommon for me to be in the garage for days on end working on something, after a couple months of that she can get pretty bitchy about spending time together lol. We just switched over to a joint account because I am much better at managing money so she wanted me to be in control of it. I make more money so I feel that I have the right to blow some money on toys after all our obligations are taken care of. That being said if possible i usually give her a heads up when I'm going to buy something. She knows that I'm not reckless with money and that generally I try to buy things I can make money on. She will ask me if it's ok for her to buy something extra and I generally tell her yea. She doesn't care if I go to titty bars ( prob cause I'm a tight ass and it's rare that I do) she could give a **** less about porn. I pretty much get away with whatever I want and I'm glad because I don't think it would work otherwise. I've got buddies who are so ***** whipped it isn't funny. I think alot of it comes down to how you are in the begining of the relationship, if you let them walk all over you at first then you are setting yourself up. I'm not an ass hole to my wife, but she knows who it am and how I am and has known since day 1. Like somebody else said earlier we have equal input on big decisions, but at the end of the day I am the decision maker and 100% of the responsibility falls on me
johneddie said:
I have to say that I consult with my wife on all purchases I make that are "play" related (buggy parts mostly). We've been married 23 years,self employed (we work together) and she handles the finances. I don't wanna deal with all the Quickbooks,bill paying,invoicing bullshit! :****:
She started our business in '96 and I started working with her full time in 2002. We're both the bread winners in our household and I know there are times when I don't need to spend money on things that I don't necessarily need or that can wait till a later time. We've got three kids and one grandson. Two daughters and the grandson live with us and our son lives behind us in an apartment that's attached to our shop.I don't see myself as being whipped but I do hold my wife's opinion in high regard. Bills,household maintenance and helping the kids out when needed,even though I'd like to put a boot in the two older ones asses sometimes,comes first. Play and luxury items come second. thumb.gif

You are the definition of whipped :flipoff1:. If you don't believe me ask your wife :flipgotcha:
I'm out of town as much as i'm home, my wife of 25 years takes care of the money and has done very well at investing and what not, communication is key, when it comes to the buggie she says go for it because she loves it as much as i do and helps work on it and shares ideas and she loves the rev limiter, for me it's ideal. L
patooyee said:
Yes, I re-read the OP and I was the exact same way before I had kids. I always thought all my buddies with kids were just complete pussies. I was 100% mentally incapable of understanding until I had one and then BAM, it hits you like a brick in the face how it all makes sense all of a sudden. People without kids say they get it sometimes, but I'm not sure its actually possible until you have one. It wasn't for me. I almost feel bad for all the **** I gave my friends now. :)

I was/am the same way and agree with your comments. I too used to talk trash about my buddies who settled down. Then I met a woman who I had a lot of fun spending time with. We got married, then when my boy was born it changed me in ways I did not expect. He is 3.5 yrs old now. A coworker was telling me a story the other day. He was sitting on the couch watching his 9 yr old boy play video games. His boy said,"dad, don't you have something else to do?" That story made me sad and shook me up a bit. Right now, my boy wants to play with me all the time. A few days ago he told me that I was his best friend, lol. That moment will come when my boy no longer wants me around all the time. Playing with his friends will become more fun than playing with dad. For now I am soaking it up for as long as it lasts. As far as money goes, my wife and I both very much dislike working, lol! We are a team, saving and investing a large portion of our income so we can retire as early as possible and live the good life. My wife also makes over twice as much as I do, so I think that creates a different dynamic that majority of relationships when it comes to financial decisions. When I first got into wheeling about 12 years ago, it didn't take long before I caught the 'bigger is better' fever like most people. At one point, I was on the fence about cutting up my cab truck and building a nice $20-$30k buggy like everyone else seemed to be doing. After a while, my attitude changed. I have a lot of fun wheeling my beat up Samurai that I've spent about $5k on over the years.
I do what I want when I want. So does she. She has a business that she's married to 80ish hours a week, does weddings and catering and is there non stop from Wed mid day to Sunday afternoon late 50+ hours, then sun night - tuesday night lots of book work, cleaning, fixing etc.
I have a shop I live in. Our kids are stuck with me or her. It sucks that we are like roomates that see each other on occasion. I race when I want, I ride when I want, I'm trying to take the boy more and more. Our money never sees each other, she pays her half of the bills, I pay mine. I wish we could understand each others' passions, but it seems we never will, so if the kids get out of the house, we can either part ways or try to figure each other out. I'm not the master of my house, but I'm the master of me. She's the master of her and neither of us will ever blink. At least my credit score is 200 point higher than hers still. She ****s up all the time and I bail it out before it hits my credit. I've told her if she run a cc up again (once since we married) I'm divorcing her. I'm quite serious on that one.
....speaking of guys buying something without thinking it through, whats up with all the brand new,1 or 2 rides bouncers that are always popping up for sale? Is there really that many people out there with the money to have them built but lack the ability to look ahead and see they are purpose built,impractical for normal trail riding and will spend most of their time in the garage?
AdamF said:
....speaking of guys buying something without thinking it through, whats up with all the brand new,1 or 2 rides bouncers that are always popping up for sale? Is there really that many people out there with the money to have them built but lack the ability to look ahead and see they are purpose built,impractical for normal trail riding and will spend most of their time in the garage?

I notice that too. "Just built, 4 rides, price tag $45,000" :wtflol:

That or they think since they built a "famous" bouncer and it's been in a couple Youtube vids, that they can try selling it for more than what they are into it for, for quick turn around profit.
blacksheep10 said:
I do what I want when I want. So does she. She has a business that she's married to 80ish hours a week, does weddings and catering and is there non stop from Wed mid day to Sunday afternoon late 50+ hours, then sun night - tuesday night lots of book work, cleaning, fixing etc.
I have a shop I live in. Our kids are stuck with me or her. It sucks that we are like roomates that see each other on occasion. I race when I want, I ride when I want, I'm trying to take the boy more and more. Our money never sees each other, she pays her half of the bills, I pay mine. I wish we could understand each others' passions, but it seems we never will, so if the kids get out of the house, we can either part ways or try to figure each other out. I'm not the master of my house, but I'm the master of me. She's the master of her and neither of us will ever blink. At least my credit score is 200 point higher than hers still. She ****s up all the time and I bail it out before it hits my credit. I've told her if she run a cc up again (once since we married) I'm divorcing her. I'm quite serious on that one.
It's been a good read up to this point and was tempted to add my 2 cents a few times until I read this one.

I grew up the same way as your children. I don't know how old they are so no tellin if it's too late.

I killed a lot of animals for no reason including torturing pets when I was a kid, was put on Ritalin in middle school and was arrested multiple times before I was 21. I guess my parents just couldn't figure me out?

Just some food for thought brother. I hope you can turn it around