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Hog hunting

Toddy said:
All over wind rock mountain! Plan on blasting a few myself. Wheeling and hogs all in one spot
This. My first time up there we saw a huge one crossing one of the trails.
For us the best time to go is right after the first of the year. Deer season is pretty much over and it is nice and cold. Keep your feeders full and going off and they will keep coming. I will make contact with all of the land owners near and around my property to make sure it is cool with them. Most of the time, if you make sure the gates are closed back and you dont harm their cattle then there are no issues.

We have a lot of bottom land where a few creeks all tie in together and they love it down there.
If you kill a boar and want to eat it your supposed to cut his nutz off pretty shortly after killing him to keep the meat from being to gamey (and the old timers pointed out a certain way to do it as well). I have no idea how much truth there really is to this I just know I`ve seen it done several times and have been told it is a must if you want to eat him. Maybe someone can chime in and say whether this is BS or not but, I can only go off my experience and what the old timers have told us.
Chatted with a game warden about this and supposedly it has something to do with the testosterone flooding the body. No idea if he was full of **** but it seemed like a reasonable explanation based in science that I didnt pay attention to. I never eat the meat. All for eradication.
kmcminn said:
It would be cool to drag a camper down for a weekend and slaughter some pigs. Be eating good for a while.



Re: Re: Hog hunting

truckbroke said:
If you kill a boar and want to eat it your supposed to cut his nutz off pretty shortly after killing him to keep the meat from being to gamey (and the old timers pointed out a certain way to do it as well). I have no idea how much truth there really is to this I just know I`ve seen it done several times and have been told it is a must if you want to eat him. Maybe someone can chime in and say whether this is BS or not but, I can only go off my experience and what the old timers have told us.
Go to a farm and visit a boar. They ****ing stink like the nastiest piss ever. I don't think cutting the nuts off once they're dead will help, probably depends on the age. Boar meat is typically ground up into pepperoni to hide the smell.

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I know it's a haul for most of you guys but we have a place in North East Tx that is over run with hogs. I have four 300 lbs feeders that feed year around at my stand and we could waylay some hogs. Anytime after Nov if anyone wants to come down just let me know.

The secret with a big boar hog is not letting the outside of the hide touch any of the meat when skinning them. They are some stinky bastards but it's in the hide and hair. With that being said we like taking them between 80 and 150 lbs for the best eating.

Damn this makes me wanna go hunting, I'd love to come down and blast some hogs

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onepieceatatime said:
I smell a Hardline Hog Hunt coming on

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Were should have a hardline pig roast for sure!!
I would love to jump in my ol camper and make a very long weekend hunting trip, sounds like good times to me.
I had my trail cam up for 4 days last week and when I checked it Sunday it had 452 pics on it. 449 of them of hogs!!!!! They are keeping the deer from coming into the feeders. If anyone wants to plan a trip after Nov just hit me up.

The last few years I've been taking younger kids that have never hunted for them to take out a few hogs. I've turned some kids that use to play video games all day long into future outdoors men / women.

Both guns had been unloaded before I gave them back to them. The youngest wanted to hold my glock for the photo. LOL

Around here they basically nocturnal. We got management area that is covered up with them. Most times we have to do a push.

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Re: Re: Hog hunting

Monstercrawler said:
I had my trail cam up for 4 days last week and when I checked it Sunday it had 452 pics on it. 449 of them of hogs!!!!! They are keeping the deer from coming into the feeders. If anyone wants to plan a trip after Nov just hit me up.

The last few years I've been taking younger kids that have never hunted for them to take out a few hogs. I've turned some kids that use to play video games all day long into future outdoors men / women.

Both guns had been unloaded before I gave them back to them. The youngest wanted to hold my glock for the photo. LOL
Thats awesome

poolman said:
Were should have a hardline pig roast for sure!!

I can't work on my stuff, or drive good, or really even shoot that well but i guarante without a doubt I will cook a hog that will make you slap somebody for seconds. :****: