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How did you get HARD(line)?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
How did you come to find hardline?
Fellow wheeler tell you?
Been here from the beginnings?
Seen it in a dream?
Looking up porn and ended up here by mistake?
I was reading on pirate, (I didn't post there unless I was buying something) someone posted a link to hardline and I never went back. That's was a few years ago. I can't remember my password there and don't plan on needing it! Hardline is awesome, it's my Facebook I guess because it's about all I read. :dblthumb:
I was high on peyote and in my vision walk Kush walked up to me and said "Dude, the baddest mofuggin place on the interwebz is Hardline"....

Nah - Was referred here by a long time friend and the bastard that got me into wheeling.
Nah - Was referred here by a long time friend and the bastard that got me into wheeling.

Bastard huh :flipper:

I overheard some guys at boggs and boulders of all places talking about it years ago.....been on here every day since lol.
I was swinging on timmies nuts :tc :tc :tc and came across hardline searching for more info bout his ****. :****:
I took my jeep to Morris mountain when I moved to alabama. The guy who owned the red rocket was there on his new RZR. Told me get on here.
Alan Clark I believe. thumb.gif
Well Indashop atleast they didn't cut donuts and set your house on fire!!! But I do miss the pics of the rivera and old Chevy pickup .

Kept hearing a wheeling buddy talk about it. Finally checked it out and ain't left.

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