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I'd like to clarify something...WARNING RANT

Metal Head

Metal Head Graphix
Sep 12, 2013
Jefferson City, MO.
There seems to be some animosity directed towards me over some decals being made in a joint venture with me and SRRS. I came up with an idea to use some phrases that are used around the rock racing fans/racers etc. that I thought would mesh well when combined with the SRRS logo, Gas On Brain Off, Mash Yer Motor, Bring The Woopow etc. and began doing some designs. Another one I wanted to use was of course "Bounce Em If Ya Got Em" and SRRS directed me to contact Eric Hagen about it since he was using that phrase on some signs he brings to the events. Now technically as a decal business I don't have to do this. I did so because SRRS asked me to, if something is not a trademarked logo or phrase etc. I'm not violating anything, text is pretty much fair game in this business. That phrase in particular has been used for many things not just rock bouncing. Basically I talked to him about it, he didn't like the idea, claimed he created that phrase etc and of course being a business I pressed a bit to get my way, but in the end I changed the phrase and used something different. He unfriended me on Facebook and I moved on.

Now apparently there are still some hurt feelings about it lingering around, Eric had enough influence apparently to get the venture between SRRS and I shut down. They paid me for a decal design they wanted to use but I was no longer allowed to do anything with the SRRS logo. Whoever I spoke to said his "business partners" were upset. They allowed me to post my revised designs on their page which was great and I had hoped it would end there, but now my designs have been removed from the SRRS Facebook page citing "it was so far down the news feed I just removed it". Yet older posts than mine are still there, including the designs they got from me which were posted before mine. It seems like I am being effectively boycotted, and told I have a bad attitude when I tell people they don't own the rights to a phrase etc. That's just business. I don't know Eric, and I know he has a lot of friends and supporters and that is great, but I don't understand the backlash continuing after I agreed not to use that idea. All I keep hearing is that people are pissed off or upset with me. Why, because I had an idea for a decal and someone didn't like it? Then I didn't use it, and people are still pissed? I just don't get it.

I try and make decals that people like and will enjoy and that will sell, that is what business is. I don't allow friendships, rivalries, and BS to dictate whether or not I do or do not go through with an idea. I am not in business to make enemies, enemies don't buy decals. I'm a fan of rock racing/bouncing/crawling and I don't sit around thinking up ideas that will piss off the people I sell a product to. I cannot please everyone, and not everyone will like the designs I offer. I'm sorry if someone didn't like one of my ideas, or they thought I was stealing someone elses, but I DID ASK and was refused, and I dropped it and went with another phrase. If an agreement cannot be made on a joint venture and it has to be dropped, I'm not going to cry over it, it happens, sometimes things just don't work out. I have no issues essentially dropping it and staying professional in hopes maybe in the future something WILL come to fruition. Personal attacks and lingering anger about something like this is ridiculous. I'm getting really sick and tired of defending myself over it. I'd like to move on and continue to sell decals. It didn't work out with SRRS or Eric Hagen and that is fine. I have no problem with either of them. Painting me in a negative light however is unfair and childish, I've always been willing to listen and hash out any issue with anyone.
This is the way it is: Eric can be a **** to everyone and it's ok. You can barely poke fun of him and then he can post up something for the world to see about your momma's vagina and you just have to deal with it... because he is lucky to be alive and could die anyday now... Last time I checked we could all day tomorrow, but that's no excuse to be a **** wad...

Sure, legally you could have made the decals and that would have been that, but he asked you not to use it, and you pressed the matter AFTER he asked you not to. If you go against a man's wishes you have to expect repercussions.
I know Eric's a big boy and can handle himself, but if you all aren't aware of his current situation being in Intensive Care in B'ham hospital from a severe Shunt infection and as of now is likely to be in there on the upwards of 3 weeks. This really isn't a great time to bring this subject up for debate, especially when mildly calling an individual out by name.

I know threads don't get deleted on HL, but I vote to at least lock this until after he recovers, then if you and Eric have issues, you can handle them then.

I'm not sure who all you are continuously having to "defend yourself from", but this is the first I'm hearing of this.....and I frequent this forum more than most. Since this is the first I'm hearing of it, I'm sure that's the story with most other Hardliners also. Thus making me question why such a topic is brought up here instead of addressing the issue more directly to those who are causing you to defend yourself.

Just my $0.02
Business is business, you should make decisions for your business that you think will be viable to its growth and success.

Pissing people off in business just goes with the territory. If you think you can still do what you wanna do, piss him off and still accomplish your goals. Go for it.
If you think pissing him off may be detrimental then temper your actions with that wisdom and move on down the road.

The flat of it is, people hate other people making money. I don't get it, but they do. They especially hate it if they think they had even .0001% in the input to something that could make $0.01 and they don't get a cut.
Re: Re: I'd like to clarify something...WARNING RANT

Do I need to ask Nolan permission to print rockbouncer stickers or JohnG so use Solo or Hardline? :dunno:

I'd say print that **** and rockout. I'd be honored if my catch phrase was plastered everywhere :****:
Re: Re: I'd like to clarify something...WARNING RANT

Rokcrler said:
Do I need to ask Nolan permission to print rockbouncer stickers or JohnG so use Solo or Hardline? :dunno:

I'd say print that **** and rockout. I'd be honored if my catch phrase was plastered everywhere :****:

Actually, the Hardline logo is copyrighted. molaugh
TacomaJD said:
I know Eric's a big boy and can handle himself, but if you all aren't aware of his current situation being in Intensive Care in B'ham hospital from a severe Shunt infection and as of now is likely to be in there on the upwards of 3 weeks. This really isn't a great time to bring this subject up for debate, especially when mildly calling an individual out by name.

This is also true. The timing is a little odd. Why today to bring this up?
I only pressed it during the original 20 minute conversation I had with him on Facebook, when he claimed he "created" that phrase. I basically said I'd heard that phrase in rap videos about speakers, girls bouncing their flashemifyougotem, and hydraulic car competitions, and that phrase was around long before rock bouncing. He basically said I was using it in conjunction with rock bouncing so it was his. I told him I wasn't looking for a pissing match and used "Bounce Til It Breaks" instead.

This post isn't calling out Eric or SRRS at all, I know Eric is having it rough right now. I even voted for his quote so he could win that contest I saw on Facebook. I'm not a bad guy. I just wanted to clarify my side to show I am not trying to anger anyone by trying to come up with a decal design.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I'd like to clarify something...WARNING RANT

TacomaJD said:
Actually, the Hardline logo is copyrighted. molaugh
I never said the logo :flipoff1: nor hardline crawlers...:dblthumb:
I knew Eric was in a bit of a spot from Justin Tune on FB, he said Eric was having it rough right now but I do not follow him or know the details. I apologize for the timing of the post it's not my intent to try and highlight a situation when someone else is hospitalized. I wholeheartedly hope Eric pulls through, I have no ill will towards him at all.
Re: Re: I'd like to clarify something...WARNING RANT

Rokcrler said:
I agree with this, it was more or less a courteous call to let him know you was wanting use "his" phrase. Just my two cents, but who really cares that much about something like this :dunno: But I hope everything turns out great for both parties.
To be honest I would feel that way about it too. I'm a huge fan of rock racing and and if I thought up something witty and it was all over the place on posters or decals or whatever I'd be like "yep, I made that up" lol
My 2 cents. May sound derogatory to both parties but here I go.
I was kinda on me metal heads side until ....this statement was made.
Our original 20 min conversation on Facebook. Who really has a 20 min
Conversation on Facebook? My 13 yr old does. I'm n business for myself if you felt
The need to talk about business then just call at least. IMO these social media sites
Are not places to do business,settle petty arguments or rant for that matter. It never
Ends well for said ranter. Now the phrase issue. Have you ever repeated something you
Heard. Sure you have. So you wanted to make stickers and make money. Go for it. Take
An hr or so and walk around some Podunk fall festival you'll c hundreds of signs ppl
R selling with things or sayings that they didn't come up with. Were all not that clever.
Further more. Why can't adults b adults. Instead of acting like silly ass teenagers.
Who gives a ****..too many people get butt hurt over the smallest of things these days anyway. (john..can we get a butt hurt smiley)
Re: Re: I'd like to clarify something...WARNING RANT

InDaShop said:
The flat of it is, people hate other people making money.

When you inject money into a "sport" or a "situation" the fun is the first part that dies. I love wheeling and the friends it brings, but I just don't feel the camaraderie is what it used to be. When you commercialize a hobby it isn't nearly as fun in my opinion.

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