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MUD BOG"S IN ETHEL JUNE 8, and Tuff Trucks June 7, 2008

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I think their just wondering as I am if the track we spent several years getting perfected will be repaired to as it was:booo:
Steve, I would like to thank you for putting on a great event! That was the best spectator/competitor turnout I have ever seen at Happs property. It was great to see all the families, kids, new faces and racers enjoying the sunshine and 4x4s. You and your volunteers put on the best offroad events in the state!, I cant wait until August!
Steve, I would like to thank you for putting on a great event! That was the best spectator/competitor turnout I have ever seen at Happs property. It was great to see all the families, kids, new faces and racers enjoying the sunshine and 4x4s. You and your volunteers put on the best offroad events in the state!, I cant wait until August!

Dont get me wrong Cory I think its great thats he doing this for this aspect of the sport:awesomework: But in order for us all to have our fun we should be watching out for each other and making sure our fun dosent ruin someone elses:cheer:
Thanks To everyone Who came out to put on a great show or to watch the great show. It was the best time we have had yet. We are getting a realy great group. Corey Thanks for the roll over, nothing like keeping up tradition. So far we have never had a tuff truck event that did not have a roll over. I loved seeing the kids and everyone having a great time THANKYOU !
yes, I know that you seen it but this is the issue. pics


The ruts are going to be a problem to fix.

:haha: just realized those are your pics:; :haha:

Jim I would like to say that I left the track like you left it for me. But everyone knows that I am a better guy than that. I did my best to do some mud pushing and back blading and some hole filling and with a little sunshine you should be good to go. Everything I did was to the Land owners specs.

I dont see why your so worried, You guys have no problem pushing dirt.
Why don't you tell everyone why the PNW Racers felt it was ok to destroy and level the Tuff truck course that we built last year, leaving us with nothing but flat ground.

And you did it with out the land owners permision who by the way pays for 1/2 of all the improvements we make out there and he didn't really appreciate the fact that we were going to half to pay to do it again. It is obviouse to me that you have no regard for us and have no problem pushing dirt so if your not happy with it, then fix it just like I had to.

When I got to the site I found all the fencing posts tore down, our 4x4 posts we planted to provide shade pulled up fence posts throwed in the mud pits, Honey buckets tore up and The tuff truck course demolished.

Now you talk about showing a little respect how about showing some your selves.

I'm trying to make it a better place for all of us to use. Our next thing is to finish the water line and to biuld the sand drag course. It would be nice to see the PNW racers try to help out instead of trying to push us out. We are there to stay and we will do it with or without you.
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I will let those with better first hand knowledge of those events comment on them Steve. Its the first I have heard of it. This yours or mine attitude is not going to help any of us at all.
Jim I would like to say that I left the track like you left it for me. But everyone knows that I am a better guy than that. I did my best to do some mud pushing and back blading and some hole filling and with a little sunshine you should be good to go. Everything I did was to the Land owners specs.

I dont see why your so worried, You guys have no problem pushing dirt.
Why don't you tell everyone why the PNW Racers felt it was ok to destroy and level the Tuff truck course that we built last year, leaving us with nothing but flat ground.

And you did it with out the land owners permision who by the way pays for 1/2 of all the improvements we make out there and he didn't really appreciate the fact that we were going to half to pay to do it again. It is obviouse to me that you have no regard for us and have no problem pushing dirt so if your not happy with it, then fix it just like I had to.

When I got to the site I found all the fencing posts tore down, our 4x4 posts we planted to provide shade pulled up fence posts throwed in the mud pits, Honey buckets tore up and The tuff truck course demolished.

Now you talk about showing a little respect how about showing some your selves.

I'm trying to make it a better place for all of us to use. Our next thing is to finish the water line and to biuld the sand drag course. It would be nice to see the PNW racers try to help out instead of trying to push us out. We are there to stay and we will do it with or without you.

Somewhere along the line OUR sport became all about you. Somewhere along the line you forgot that we are all wheelers. Somewhere along the line it became ok for you to dictate the use and enjoyment of a PRIVATE property we all use.
Somewhere along the line you forgot that there were people lives and the lives of our children that you were effecting for you. Because you got rocks in your jaw and didn't want to work thru channels to get things done.
Somewhere along the line you decided to split the four wheel drive community in two for your own selfish reasons.
You are exactly what every politician in this state wants. Someone to separate us so they can divide and conquer us.
How in the world do you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning knowing you are risking a sport we all love and have for generations?
For what?
For Steve Russell,
You should be ashamed of yourself. PNW races build community and family.
Children sitting on parents laps help save our childrens lives when they begin to drive on the streets.
What you did last weekend was vindictive, as your post reveals.
I can only hope that God in heaven forgives you for your hatred.
Because from the outside looking in, it is not a pretty sight.
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I would not read anything into my :corn: , I was just giving jeep a hard time about just posting :corn: and no words......
I like the races that PNW puts on, the races Steve puts on, I like corr and score races, indy and champ, nascar races as well as formula 1......
As far as somebody tearing up what does not need to be tore up, thats not good, but if things need to be changed for different events then fine.
I worked this last weekend and so I cannot say anything bad or good was done, I had to make a choice between working during this race, or working during the barrel racing this weekend.

So now I will just go back to:corn: and not get dragged into a fight about somebody elses land, and what they decied to do with it, as he does have the final say....:cool:
Maybe you should go look at the track and how I left it for everyone to enjoy before you throw your insults my way.
Maybe you should go look at the track and how I left it for everyone to enjoy before you throw your insults my way.

Tell us my friend, How did you leave the gazebo?

That everyone uses and enjoys? That everyone dances and does trophys at?

Was it respected?

Tell us. Please.

Hertz came in and took my equipment before I could finish cleaning it. I plan on taking down my steam cleaner/ Pressure washer when I pay for the land owner and cleaning that up. And the Land owner is fully aware of it.
Also I want to add that we always discuss everything we do before we do it with the land owner. Including track layout. My proper channel is the land owner.
Also I want to add that we always discuss everything we do before we do it with the land owner. Including track layout. My proper channel is the land owner.

Did you consider the other folk, Your fellow 4 wheelers and their familys when you made these decisions between you and the land owner?
Did you consider the safety and use and enjoyment of the families that work on their rigs all winter to have a few weekends of doing what they love in the summer?
This is not personal with me Steve. This is about all of us, together as a family.
Your initial response to Jim seemed like you were paying the PNW back for issues you feel wronged about. But what you may not realize is in doing that you were hurting all of us. Our entire community.
Don't you think it's time for some healing. If you keep this rift up it will only hurt us all.
I'm not paying PNW back for anything. I did my best to put that course back so eveyone could enjoy it. I just got off the phone with Rob your pnw comp chair and he said its not that bad and that he feels that we could all work togeher on this. I'm willing to do that and would love to see us all have a place to enjoy with our families and children.
I have no problems working together with anybody. I come out and support everyone's events and spend a lot of time and money in the process. I think we need to see some co-mingling of the minds at work parties and more phone calls made between all groups so that we can communicate and coexist together. I have trucks built for each type of 4x4 sport and I want to use them at all. If we can't solve these problems and lose the opportunity to use the ethel track we are all going to be in a world of hurt. I would love to have kids someday and see them grow up in the sport but the way it is going there isn't going to be any sport for them to grow up in. Think about that for awhile and let's all see if we can get along. My 2 cents...... and screw popcorn, I don't mind talking.....
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