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MUDBOG!!! March 22nd

I wanna come play!!! or atleast come watch!!!:awesomework:

Becareful of the E.P.A(ssholes) they are :rb: and HATE ALL OF US!!!
Those who think Mud is gay..must not have grown up here in the NorthWest!!!

Maybe they should be on some board down south near the moab!!

Or pay attention to a posting about Rocks that you dont have to cross mud to get to:fawkdancesmiley:

But most importantly they should agree on the same fact that all these kick ass locations and events get shut down by some :rb: ass EPA FAGG that has it out for the wheelers of washington that want to have a good fricken time on property that were invited on!!!:fawkdancesmiley:

So if mud is so ****in :rb: then go get in your $70,000.00 pavement pounder FERD or Chevy or hell even a Dodge for that matter and waste your tires on the hwy's!! :kissmybutt:

Damn dude....I think you have a bad case of very tightly twisted and wedged panties in your butt crack.Im thinking you should seek some help with that.Or it is possible that someone pounded a mud in your azzhole and thats why you are so defensive about mud being :rb: .
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Damn dude....I think you have a bad case of very tightly twisted and wedged panties in your butt crack.Im thinking you should seek some help with that.Or it is possible that someone pounded a mud in your azzhole and thats why you are so defensive about mud being :rb: .

Brian H is a:rb: :cheer: :fawkdancesmiley:
Damn dude....I think you have a bad case of very tightly twisted and wedged panties in your butt crack.Im thinking you should seek some help with that.Or it is possible that someone pounded a mud in your azzhole and thats why you are so defensive about mud being :rb: .

I think I was miss quoted......Spanaways GHAY!!!! And so is the mud there.....:fawkdancesmiley: :rb: :puke:
I think I was miss quoted......Spanaways GHAY!!!! And so is the mud there.....:fawkdancesmiley: :rb: :puke:

Comeing from MR.WEBWHEELER HIMSELF!!:fawkdancesmiley:

So..back on topic since I screwed it up and started a bashing..

Whats up with this bogg?!!!!
Hi all,
I'm the poor fool that volunteered to host this shin-dig. Word is spreading all over the area (not just the web) and I think we're going to have a monster turn-out. With all the rain we're having, I think the bog will be 33" tires & up. It's really nasty out there.
Anyway, I think we should PM the directions rather than post them. I need to get some idea of how many will show up. I'm trying to get some off-duty cops to come play (I also know many of the Iron Pigs MC club). If they show, we'll have much less trouble.
Both of my pressure washers are running like crap. If anyone wants to bring one, that would help a ton. We can set up a wash area where it won't screw up my wife's yard:kiss:
I'm planning on this being a family event. There's many who said they're bring their kids are afraid of us. So, anyone who attends, please keep it "clean" (I know that sounds :rb: , just try at least).
This weekend, I'm going to try to make a mud-drag course if anyone is interested. I don't know if I can. It's REALLY muddy & the tractor won't drag much. I'm trying to recruit a bigger tractor for the 22nd.
Here's the bog a few months ago

