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Official Elbe Hills Complaint Thread

the trail will change no matter what size rig goes on it ! we could arange a work party to remove bad trees leave them up a little to have winch points and trail markers !!
The problem is if i have to many work party's the volenteers get burnt out and we are back to square one again. I do have to admit we had more people at the last work party then i have seen in awile. I think the real answer to the man hours is for us the users to make a honest attemp to make it to a work party or 2 a year. You would be amazed how fast the volenteer hours add up. The last work party we logged aprox 1200 man hours in 2 days
Steve we are planning on doing that on the busy this summer there are to many dead tree's on the trail that could be used as a winch point in the dark and pull it onto your rig
You have that all wrong. The horse people do it all themselves with volunteer hours that make the ORV people look like they've never picked up garbage. It has nothing to do with them getting more or less money. However, money is raised by matching fund programs and they give out money partially based on how many volunteer hours there are.

Yes, we share the same budget but they get their share because they are out there working their (horse)tails off :)

I guess the horse folks could match the money I spent on orv tabs for three quads and two wheelers in community service hours on the horse trails then be issued a HORSE PASS. I can only wheel one rig at a time. :eeek:

what kind of registartion does a snowshoe, horse, mountain bike, hiking boots, etc have??

sound OK to me, let me bend over next year and get the red hot poker again.:masturbanana[1]:
If there are more work parties, there is a greater chance for more people to make it to one. With only two a year, your odds of getting everyone together for those two dates are worse than getting a handful of people together for more work parties.
I am having one the 21st of next month at Elbe. We just had one on Apr 24th and 25th. I will probably have one in aug then a final one for the year in late sept-oct time frame. We do have to leave some time to play on the trals we are maintaining. :redneck:
The problem is if i have to many work party's the volenteers get burnt out and we are back to square one again.
That's certainly true when it's the same people at all the work parties. Joe, I like what we started a couple of years ago with clubs hosting a work party. They'd work with you to communicate to the DNR about what's to be done etc but they help give you and other leaders a break in the action but taking on some responsibility.

Our club will be hosting one sometime in the fall again. I could see 4 or 5 good work parties needed out there and that's feasible if we have more people sharing the load. If we could get a couple more clubs (or groups or businesses) to host a work party that would reduce the burn out factor.
remove bad ones leave them up 4 feet

IIRC, we presented that idea but it wasn't met with a positive response but it certainly could be revisited.

Edit: that's what I get again, for having to work through a focus group meeting. Apparently Nancy has had a change of heart and has asked for just that very thing to be done.
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Yep Steve becuase they are starting to become a real safety issue. Just for the record this post is not aproval for people to go out with chainsaws and just start cutting down tree's. I have to follow a process with the Dnr and have one of there timber guys go out and flag the tree's for removal.
That's certainly true when it's the same people at all the work parties. Joe, I like what we started a couple of years ago with clubs hosting a work party. They'd work with you to communicate to the DNR about what's to be done etc but they help give you and other leaders a break in the action but taking on some responsibility.

Our club will be hosting one sometime in the fall again. I could see 4 or 5 good work parties needed out there and that's feasible if we have more people sharing the load. If we could get a couple more clubs (or groups or businesses) to host a work party that would reduce the burn out factor.

This is exactly what I was getting at with the comment. I saw alot of people in the thread about the last work party saying they couldn't make it to this one, but to keep them posted on the next one.
I guess the horse folks could match the money I spent on orv tabs for three quads and two wheelers in community service hours on the horse trails then be issued a HORSE PASS. I can only wheel one rig at a time. :eeek:

what kind of registartion does a snowshoe, horse, mountain bike, hiking boots, etc have??

sound OK to me, let me bend over next year and get the red hot poker again.:masturbanana[1]:

Sno-park permits are all that I know of.

I would bet that the people who are running the horse camps at Elbe would MORE than equal what you spend in tabs, with their volunteer time.

I'm not supporting the horse people, just passing on info because I was involved in focus group meetings with them for several years.
Yep Steve becuase they are starting to become a real safety issue. Just for the record this post is not aproval for people to go out with chainsaws and just start cutting down tree's. I have to follow a process with the Dnr and have one of there timber guys go out and flag the tree's for removal.

don't worry will not cut down any trees with out DNR permission we work for them doing technical removels around their buildings nurserys etc :D
the snowmobilers are the only other group that pays for thier visit to the woods.:D

Not quite true. Dnr gets a piece of the gas tax pot that we all pay into when we buy gas (1%) the reason the hikers and others get a part of that is simple. They have members of clubs and organizations that outnumber us 10 to 1. They belong, they vote they write letters and they get involved. Thats how they got their piece of our pie which by the way isnt working out for them quite as well as they had hoped since the "other user" group that they created turns out to use their vehicle to get to the woods:redneck: We "could" have a huge impact if people would just work together and get over this "I dont wat to belong" attitude :awesomework:
haha...not this weekend you wouldnt. 42's and well running small block, locked up at minimum. with some winching.
Oh where to Start.....

I only have three complaints about my weekend at Elbe.

At first, I did not really like the idea of a gate keeper at the entrance of the busy wild. Yes, the first 300yds or so are extreme and that is great. But when a bunch group of rigs enter the trail and winch all 6 of there rigs through the first 3 obstacles then proceed to winth the 7th vehicle into the trail because he DID NOT HAVE A WINCH on his Cherokee on 33in All Terains. There has got to be way to stop that. The rig was not capable and even at that he asshat freinds pulled his rig into it anyway and imagine there supprise that when they came to a big hole, he was stuck in it for 5 plus hours pluggin up the trial. Finally after the rigs that came in behind my group turned around, we were finally able to get back out of the trail. I will get pics posted up later of this Dumas pluggin up the trail.

My 2nd complaint is about all the dead/dying trees along the Busy Wild. I never gave this much thought until Sunday night. After breaking my steering box before the swap area, I had to do a litle excess rubbing of the trees to get out of the trail. It was dark and I could only see about 10ft of the tree in the lights. I rubbed along on and all hell broke loose. 4 of us in the rig didn't know what all the noise was until a 40 ft top the tree fell ONE ft awawy from my rig luckly way from the trail. I was resting against a tree that was 2ft in diamter at the bottom and the piece that fell was 1ft plus and the base right next to the truck. Pics will come for this too. That was one of the scariest things to experience. If that thing would have fell on the blazer, my cage would only have done so much. It could have killed somebody if it fell on my rig.

I plan on coming to the next work Party on June 21st. I want to be involved with removing these hazards on the trail.

All the freakin idiots camping and littering the trails. I did find Nancy up there and reported a camp at the top of the mainline that had beer cans everywhere. This camp was walking around with shotguns shooting birds and **** everywhere. It was nice to see Nancy up there and get the sheriff on these guys!!!:cheer:

That is all.
you have balls of steel, admitting to taking a blazer on the busy!:cheer:

I would rather run it with an equiped blazer than a bunch of $200 cherokes!:beer:
I admit it and am proud of it too. I made it without power steering through the last half of it too!! :masturbanana[1]: I will admit that my arms were a little sore the next morning though.:cool: