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PORC Banned on Pirate4x4

It's real hard to find a shop that will shoot straight with you. I've tried just about all of them.

The service you get is only as good as the person on the other end of the phone feels like giving you. FACT in purchasing anything. I deal with folk's I trust, even if it cost's me a little more or takes a little longer. I dont care who's popular or who has a cool sticker. To many people exploit that interweb famous status and to many shop's get away with it for to long. But it always comes around , you cant fake the funk ! thumb.gif
P said:
It's real hard to find a shop that will shoot straight with you. I've tried just about all of them.

The service you get is only as good as the person on the other end of the phone feels like giving you. FACT in purchasing anything. I deal with folk's I trust, even if it cost's me a little more or takes a little longer. I dont care who's popular or who has a cool sticker. To many people exploit that interweb famous status and to many shop's get away with it for to long. But it always comes around , you cant fake the funk ! thumb.gif

VERY TRUE! I can't tell you how many liars, cheats, and thieves I've dealt with in my many years of buying buggy parts. As a result I am FOREVER skeptical of anyone new and I will let almost no one into my trust-zone. In effort to make this thread more positive thuogh, here the TINY list of people and companies I trust and who receive every bit of my business that I can possibly send to them:

John @ Stazworks: Not only are his wheels the best wheels I've ever owned, he has always been EXTREMELY helpful and completely honest with me. Delays in getting custom wheels are standard in the field in my experience. EVERYONE I've ever ordered from has had them and everyone but John has lied to me about them. John was always straight up and honest with me about the delays. I may have waited for my wheels, but I expected to and he was honest with me every time something went wrong. In addition, I've been beating the **** out of his wheels for years now yet he still remembers me every tiem I call him and he still spends exorbitant amouns of time BSing with me on the phone knowing he isn't going to make a sale.

Scott @ Sunfire Offroad: He's just a cool guy to BS with because he wheels hard himself and is also very honest in my experience. Not to mention he will beat the ever loving **** out of any price you get from anyone else. I haven't done a TON of business with him yet, but the little I have done has been a pleasure and I intend to do as much more as possible with him.

Randy Ouverson @ Ouverson Engineering: Also a cool guy to BS with, he's on the cutting edge of a field that no one else will touch. COMPLETELY honest every time in my experience and willing to work fairly with you not to mention makes products that will be the last that you buy ... EVER ... PERIOD! The things he's doing with rockwells and the products he's going to come out with soon are going to revolutionize the industry and make rockwells the next d60. His service alone is enough to make you want to run rocks.

Someone else I've just started workign with is MAD MAC from Pirate. Also an honest guy and willing to do custom one-off **** that no one else will.

In case you didn't notice, one of the recurring themes in all the above descriptions is HONESTY. I'd pay more just to deal with honest people. The irony in it is that, if you're dealing with honest people, often you pay less as the dishonest ones tend to have an over-inflated appreciation for their product and have to cover expenses that honest people don't.

J. J.
I ran into a bunch of problems with Shaeffer's with my wheels. I gave up on them. But I posted on PBB and got immediate calls from Shaeffer. What a tool. I dealt with PORC a lot with my TJ for gears and lockers, never had an issue. But lately I heard too much bad to ever try him again.

This race led me to cross paths with Jimmy at EOR, and he will get my business from now on. Also Scott @ Sunfire is a great guy and I will order from him also. I think between the two of them they can get any part I will ever need.
I would never order from PORC after all the bad press they got.

Mike is a ****ing tool, that should say enough about who he is tight with. I had multiple convesations with him when I waited on on a set of airshocks for over 3months.
I try do deal with people in driving distance as much as possible now, like local vendors and someone less than 8hrs away that I wouldn't mind driving to and get my point across in person.
thats crazy. i ordered quite abit of parts from porc and NEVER had an issue with them. they were all small parts nothing big like an atlas2. but still crazy. i will keep this in mind next time i am ordering parts.
Best motto I've heard "PAY ME TO CARE AND I WILL" I think some of the business out there get beat down on price so bad they almost can't afford to care.
xjcrawler said:
Best motto I've heard "PAY ME TO CARE AND I WILL" I think some of the business out there get beat down on price so bad they almost can't afford to care.

There's some truth to that too I think... selling parts in the 4x community is cut throat as ****. There are alot of educated wheeler's and while its simple to shop everything in the world online, i think that also makes it real hard for shop's to have "the best pricing" across the board.

That said, I dont mind spending a little extra here and there on item's from shop's that have treated me well. Its a tough balance I guess. .. :dunno:
Tom and Ross at Spidertrax, hands down the best customer service I have ever received from a mail order 4x4 business. I will recommend them anytime.
P said:
There's some truth to that too I think... selling parts in the 4x community is cut throat as ****. There are alot of educated wheeler's and while its simple to shop everything in the world online, i think that also makes it real hard for shop's to have "the best pricing" across the board.

That said, I dont mind spending a little extra here and there on item's from shop's that have treated me well. Its a tough balance I guess. .. :dunno:

Yes, this is a cheap ass sport. Most people only want the lowest price. That's why I have no desire to sell parts. People see a 20-30k buggy and think that's alot of money. Go to the local drag strip and the mid level guys have that in their motor alone.
Honesty. JJ hit it.
I am vending the ORI's. the lead times are out of control right now. Reason is Mark bought a new huge ass lathe with an auto feed and loader and all the bells and whistles and ****. took their whole machine shop apart, cut the power, had company come in and train. I was telling people 6 weeks lead time before that. Man, he shut down production and lead times were in limbo. I had a couple customers that were calling every day and saying wtf, 8 weeks on a 6 week lead time. I was passing along what I was told. Each time I answered the phone and was completely honest. Mark is just now getting going again, and it was hard to answer the phone and say sorry, I don't have your **** like I hoped, and I don't know what else to tell you.
To his credit, if I call him at 10 at night, he is still at the shop turning out parts and is 100% candid with me every time on whatever I want to know. I try to pass that on. One of the other vendors is telling people 4 weeks when I'm saying 9 right now. I'm realistic and he wants to say he has them on the shelf (not physically possible after Nov.). I've lost a lot of business because of telling people the truth. Its worth it. I don't have to lie up front and lie when it doesn't happen like I said.
Jim, selling parts would suck
Yes, this is a cheap ass sport. Most people only want the lowest price. That's why I have no desire to sell parts. People see a 20-30k buggy and think that's alot of money. Go to the local drag strip and the mid level guys have that in their motor alone.

No dought, I been trying to get one of my lumber vendors into Rock Racing for a while. He races BMW's as of now. I was talking to him the other day and said "you could get into a nice racer for around 80k". His reponse "that's cheap for racing".
A capable buggy with a good parts list 20-30 used is starting to be the norm. Technology is starting to pick up pace in this sport and demand is still there. Buggies arent "just a comp" rockcrawler that isnt good for **** else anymore like they used to be when professional rock crawling started booming. Hell, my buggy drives better down the road than my previous 2 rigs derived from street trucks. Everyone in the sport is evolving, even down to the home built buggy builders. Its a good thing for everyone.
It is hard to keep faith in people. Many people are simply making claims that they do not uphold.

I have been ripped off big time from a guy that works at the Lexus joint there in Birmingham.
After those dollars, it makes me reconsider a lot of things. I was just trying to help the guy out, but instead he was a bastard coated bastard.
P said:
Geee , I wonder who "that guy" is. laughing1

I know I'm not telling you anything new. In fact, my project would be a lot farther down if dollars weren't spent with him.

The money is one thing, but he works slow as hell. So not only did I have to spend, but I had to wait forever to find out that he can barely change a tire.
He's "capable" of alot of things.

He does not apply himself is the problem. I cant even count the number of people that have had problems with work done or parts supplied, rebuilt or setup. You get what you pay for.
P said:
That said, I dont mind spending a little extra here and there on item's from shop's that have treated me well. Its a tough balance I guess. .. :dunno:

This is true - I always go to the folks I like regardless of price. Unless of course it is a huge difference
Well I am not the type to run a company in the ground unless they really fawk up. But one of the local 4x4 shops here always tells me to support the local 4x4 shop but the owners attitude does not reflect him wanting my business. I simply drive 50 min. out of the way due to this. I can't understand why people start a business or have one handed to them to simply let it go like that. Being customer friendly is only going to help you and if you can't do that hire someone that can.