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Ready to secede?

Would you support your state if they tried to seceded from the Union?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
After the Healthcare bill passed without the consent of the governed, here are a couple headlines from today's news:

"Healthcare passes...coverage for everyone"

"Pay Czar to take a look at individual's making over $500,000 "

"10 states suing federal govt as to the constitutionality of healthcare"

"States say they will not be able to provide basic services when forced to comply with healthcare"

Reminds of a famous Beatles song, "Back in the USSR!"

Would you support your state's rights?

J. J.
im wholely against the new health care reform, But succeed from the Union... prolly not...

My father is a disabled retired firefighter, recieving his state as well as federal pensions... No government, no paycheck...
I'm using a good chunk of FAFSA, federal student grants, to supplement my education cost at University of Alabama...

Succeeding from the union would leave my family in a bad way. We are a hard working family with a father that put in his time and hard work and is justly reaping the benefits he EARNED.

That State hasn't done any more for us than the fed. government. Sure they all voted No on the bill, but what about all of the state cuts in the Education budget, state cuts in this and that...

There's no right answer to the current situation at hand aside from ride it out and hope all the Dems get the boot in the coming election. Regardless of the state of the Union, I'm an American. What kind of message would that sent to the rest of the world if the US were to split up? Rember when France tried to exploit the south during the civil war, showing false support in effort to eventually regain territory in N.A.
So goes the ol cliche, If we don't all stand together, we'll surely fall apart...

Rant off... Who knows what the right answer is to fix this crap, but really we're just all along for the ride...
So what you're saying is that the Fed has purchased your freedom.

What about when the private companies go bankrupt as a result of this bill and the fed has to step in with a single-payer system. They'll say, "See, the private system failed you!"

Or after that when they say, "Look, we've run out of money to keep you alive via healthcare. If we don't confiscate your property you will die."

Or, "We've run out of money to pay your pension. We need to confiscate the property of the rich so that you can buy food."

Or even, "Food has become too expensive, the greedy food companies are taking advantage of you. We need to fix the system by nationalizing food production." Who hasn't been to the grocery store and seen the rising cost of food???

After that, "We've run out of money to produce your food. If we don't take everyting everyone owns no one will be able to eat."

Secession doesn't have to be going it on your own. If many states secede to form a more perfect union all it is is leaving the corrupt politicians behind.

J. J.
I'm sorry, I just thought about what I wrote. I didn't mean to imply that you had sold your soul. You have a valid reason to say no to secession. My point was just when the government does all of the above are you still going to be saying, "I can't do anything because the government pays me?" At what point is enough enough?

J. J.
Yea, I mean I understand that succeeding would leave the corrupt politicians behind, but why should we have to start over and Give up our coutry to them... Seems like booting them out of office, rather than creating our own offices would be a better solution...

The south would have faired much better if they would have used their business and trade influence/ cotton production leverage to force the north into changing policy, Rather than succeding...
I'll just post this.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.

and say that I fear for the future of my country if we continue on the course we currently find ourselves.
There needs to be a whole different party started to get rid of all the jack offs in office now. Untill that happens nothing will change, the whole democrat and republican thing has lost their bearings and they just do whats in their best interest for re elections, and their pocket books.And why is it that a president can only be in office for two terms but congress and senates can make a career of it, in my opinion give them the same 2 term option it would gibe them less time to get corrupted.
considering I am paid by the state and federal side, I had to say no. I understand what you are trying to say. our politicians are corrupt and something needs to be done to fix it. why even have seperate parties when all they do is bitch about the other side and only vote for what is good for themselves.
i really hope this bill doesnt fawk with my current health care benefits.....
CheapJ7 said:
Yea, I mean I understand that succeeding would leave the corrupt politicians behind, but why should we have to start over and Give up our coutry to them... Seems like booting them out of office, rather than creating our own offices would be a better solution...

The south would have faired much better if they would have used their business and trade influence/ cotton production leverage to force the north into changing policy, Rather than succeding...

I agree and I think that we could also use our Produce and Cotton to control other countries wanting to jack up the oil trade.... It is our market like the oil is to them. Why not charge them more? Or just cut it off until they lower the prices... I know this would never work... But it is already stupid how things work in today's times.
CheapJ7 said:
Yea, I mean I understand that succeeding would leave the corrupt politicians behind, but why should we have to start over and Give up our coutry to them...

It OUR country, not theirs. We wouldn't be leaving it to them. We would just be taking it back.

J. J.
Last I heard, that secession thing didn't work out so well. As long as only 50% vote, that puts the diehard ideologues on the far left and right in charge. Quit bitchin', start working to get the bastards out. If it's not done in 2010 and 2012, we can all start calling each other "comrade"
Yeah, that secession from Brittain sucked ... it should never have happened. Remember why that happened? Overtaxation without representation? Corruption within the governing body? Sound familiar?

If our representatives just ignore us, are they really representatives? "They can't do any harm, we'll just vote them out." Heard that before, too. No harm was done with this bill then? Voting them out is going to undo everything they've done? Don't think so. This has proved that 1 year is plenty of time to do drastic damage. "Oh well, our country is corrupt, bankrupt, and we've given our freedom away but at least we can vote another group of crooks into office in 2 years."

Why do you think the republicans are so much better? This all started under Bush, welfare spending increased drastically under Bush. I agree, they seem to be the lesser of 2 evils at the moment but why are we forced to choose between two evils in the first place? Is it to our advantage to stack the rules against a third party so bad that they can't even get off the ground? Or is it to the politicians' advantage?

If your pay comes from the government, isn't it a conflict of interest to have any vote all all on matters of government? If my employees got to vote on giving themselves raises whenever they wanted they would have spent the company into oblivion long ago just like our "representatives" are doing to the country now.

Its now the law that you have to buy health insurance. If they can tell you what to do with your body, why can't they say that you have to buy GM??? What a great country this would be if there was a GM in every driveway!

J. J.
I would most likely move to a state that seceded if my state did not! We pay taxes so that our country protects us and our economy. They have not done that in several years, and yet they send large sums of money to other countries because they have tragedy.Yet we have tragedy here. Haitie sent no money during Catrina. Hell that was a disaster that our Government has not cleaned up yet. It is our money and our country that these politicians are spending unwisely. If you don't do your job at work, You don't keep your job very long. I will use a lying politicians phrase " It's time for change America"
J.J. I think ya'll are talking about two different things here...Brittain vs. The Civil War.

I don't think we'll ever see any state secede. As soon as they say you can't have any gov. funding (roads, schools, ect.) that'll be the end of it.

Voting them out...won't work either. ALL polititians have seen they can vote themselves raises, when that happened, it was the beginning of the end, IMO. Look at this Health Care Bill, look at how many people didn't want it....Tea parties, bitching about it....happened anyway "For the greater good".

The people who represent you and me know they can do whatever they want, and though we may bitch a little, they can do it anyway. We may vote these out....more will take their place.
Draco said:
J.J. I think ya'll are talking about two different things here...Brittain vs. The Civil War.

I knew what he was talking about and my point was just that secession is a part of America's history and that it's not all negative or unprecedented. People think that secession is just a bunch of rebels who want slavery back. Its not. Without Secession we would still be colonies under Brittish rule.

besides, what didn't work out so well? It brought about the end of slavery amongst other things ...

And whyd ow e need Federal money to build roads, etc? Take the same money they are taking from us now, use it all at the state level and don't waste it like they do now and I bet you could have everything we currently have and more.

J. J.
Hey brother, I'm with you. I'm tired of MY money being pissed away too. I can't answer your question other than to say its all about the $$. Big gooberment has got a grip on states and even auto makers now. Even though theres a lot of pissed off people right now...theres prolly more that are depending on the gooberment to keep them up. Its just my opinion that people had rather have a "free check" than be without gooberment in their lives. Unfortunatly, they can vote...and did last election. Thats why I say we're screwed.
patooyee said:
And whyd ow e need Federal money to build roads, etc? Take the same money they are taking from us now, use it all at the state level and don't waste it like they do now and I bet you could have everything we currently have and more.

J. J.

Thats a good point. Then the State will just find ways to piss it away all the same. Sometimes I wonder if it is the politicians that corrupt the government or the government that corrupts the politicians.
Only real Men can handle power the rest just try to use it to cover up inadequacies.
No doubt, but at least then the politicians would have to face their neighbors to explain where the money went instead of just some people in a far away land that they can easily ignore.

J. J.
I vote for JJ for President of the New and Improved United States Of America. You're dead on.

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