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Reiter Run Feb 2

We're meeting at the Jack in the Box @6:30AM in Bellingham, so we can be at the Reiter main parking lot around 8:30 or 9:00 AM.....
SOoo...was surfin' @ lunch,and the more I read about the Torrez family, the more I felt I should do something; What I'm asking is, if you'd like to, please find any of our club members and make a donation toward the Torrez Family Fund. If you can find it in your hearts to help someone that, by the sounds of it, is one awesome dude/father/friend. It doesn't have to be much, a buck or two!(if you can afford it) Any and all donations collected will be deposited on Monday by me personally(Kevin) on behalf of RRR4x4-Thanks again.....Hang in there Joe!!!(HUG YOUR KIDS!!!!:D)
well, we seem to hold our own, except a fair amt of us have never been to Reiter; what are we up against?We've all got lockers,winches,most are caged; have a mix of tire sizes (32's to 36's); anything else?What's the scoop on the trails-lots of snow?
well, we seem to hold our own, except a fair amt of us have never been to Reiter; what are we up against?We've all got lockers,winches,most are caged; have a mix of tire sizes (32's to 36's); anything else?What's the scoop on the trails-lots of snow?

Look at chevota's avatar.
Nice lookin rig chevota; I presume you're wanting to run the most extreme stuff; I'm not sure we'd be able to hang w/ you as alot, if not all of our rigs are full(well,most) bodied...any suggestions which trails to run?What's your Fav trail @ reiter?
last time i was up was a few weeks ago. from about half way up the snow was 1' + at the top was 2'+. my fav spots are the rock garden, bys, trail of doom, and what i call the bonus line. bys is at the top of the trails and is farly difficult. for your group i would suggest the 3 step to the poop shoot then over to sac up back down the main road to doom or up to the rock garden and then to cable. or any mix there of. someone should be able to direct you as long as you know the names.:cool:
the group i got togeather is meeting up there at 9-930ish not sure what trail we are going to run yet but im sure we will see ya up there.:awesomework:
Zukkev...I saw all the Zukes in the main pit and didn't remember 'bout your run....just thought "damn thats alot of zukes and DAMN....that chick with the green zuke with green beadlocks was HOT:masturbanana[1]: :beer:
PICs coming....

Yeah, some of our guys didn't show-would've been an even bigger infiltration of the little bastarrds!!!:haha: :haha: Settle down boys-she's married!!!Here's a few pics!:awesomework: We had alot of fun-Guys/Gals from Best 4x4 were great-Thanks again for showing us around abit! The end of the day was exciting-Richard in the Silver Unlimited ROLLED!!!!(everyone was alright-damage not too bad either-mostly cosmetic)

Bill, up the Rock Face!

Richard, attempted line up Rock Face-near rollover!

Sash,Attempted hard line

Richard,after roll

Richard,ALL SMILES!!!Now looking forward to upgrades!!!

Me, after helping right the Richard's Jeep

Jayson, Mini Rock Garden

Club signing the Carnage!!!
We had a blast!!!:D Lookin forward to another trip down!!!:awesomework:
More pics to follow as I get 'em!!!(It's hard when I'm drivin'!!!)
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