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Reiter Saturday 04/05

What's equally or even more frustrating is that the people that went with you, didn't stop you. They all KNOW BETTER! Now you're saying we, does that mean others in your group went around as well?

Just because there are tracks does NOT mean it's part of a trail. This is EXACTLY how illegal bypasses get started and then the hard working people that maintain the trails have to waste their valuable time blocking off these bypasses. It only takes ONE person to go the wrong way and then other people say, "Hey this is a part of the trail, let's go this way.." and off we go to another illegal bypass.

You've obviously been wheeling long enough that you should know better and so should every single person that went with you. You don't build a rig and develop the skills that you have overnight, so you DO know better. Maybe you should spend a little more time working with guys like Crash, or Pokey that have to go deal with the crap that stuff like this causes and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a little more respect for the rules of the trail. That goes for EVERYONE that was on that run. There's no excuse for letting someone in your group drive around a gatekeeper because he didn't fit, or for allowing someone to take a harder line that's OFF the trail, just because someone did it before you.

You're correct, I don't know that particular trail, but that DOESN'T matter. The same rules apply to EVERY trail.

We as in the guy driving my rig
Hey, Gibby the so called gate keeper is called the goal post (not the gate keeper) and the way around is just a more difficult line that has been there for years, atleast 5 that I can remember and dose not get used much because of the difficulty. It by no meens is an easy go around. And will never be a paved road. If you think bashing trees is better for the trails you are an idiot. I seen three jeeps and two toys beating the crap out of trees with the bodys yet they can drive through that spot. Dose that make it better. They can kill the trees and take chunks out so they fall down or the trails get closed.
BYS is :rb: who cares.....:rolleyes: Nate and I did it today in 7 minutes. We each took 3 tries to make the small rock climb and spanked it like I spanked your mom last night. :kissmyass:

We went to the Outlet Mall BITCHES! The first real obstacle.....No problem.



Second obstacle. This is where I turned around.....for the life of me, I could not make this fawking ledge.:rolleyes:

Nate made it though......azzhole!:flipoff: AND past the next set of obstacles as well, not an easy task. So, with discretion being the better part of valor, we turned around after watching the other group for awhile. What?!? It was getting late damnit! And they were almost through anyways.....:fawkdancesmiley:

This is a great trail and I recommend everybody give it a try. What's the worst that could happen, right?:;

Few more pics just cause I have 'em.

Mr. Man Himself......

Nates 2.2 on my portable RC crawler course.



The new buggy worked great with all issues quickly and easily resolved. (burnt spark plug wire boot, burped inner bead, and some loose steering bolts) Not bad for her first trip out. :cheer:

And I have some video.....:cool:

where is said video:stirpot:
Hey, Gibby the so called gate keeper is called the goal post (not the gate keeper) and the way around is just a more difficult line that has been there for years, atleast 5 that I can remember and dose not get used much because of the difficulty. It by no meens is an easy go around. And will never be a paved road. If you think bashing trees is better for the trails you are an idiot. I seen three jeeps and two toys beating the crap out of trees with the bodys yet they can drive through that spot. Dose that make it better. They can kill the trees and take chunks out so they fall down or the trails get closed.

Where did I say ANYTHING about bashing trees is better for the trails. It's absolutely NOT better. I also didn't say that the bypass would ever get paved. I understand that these are the goalposts and they are "A" gatekeeper to the trail, not "THE" gatekeeper.

The point being that go arounds or bypasses regardless of how long they've been done, doesn't make it any better. I've had a LOT of dealings with the DNR over the past few years and I have a far better understanding of how they work, what their rules are, what they like and don't like, than I probably ever cared to. Point of fact, going off the trail corridor PERIOD is a big negative. We spent an entire day at Elbe last fall blocking off the bypasses, go-arounds and alternate routes created around the mudholes on the busywild. Everyone of these was created by ONE guy (or girl) who either went around to find something easier, or harder. Then the next guy says HEY, we can go this way, and you soon have a labrynth of trail bypasses. After we worked with the DNR to block them all off, some idiots come by and winch stumps and logs out of the blockages and undue all the work we just did.

YOU MUST STAY ON THE TRAIL!!!!!!!! If you don't fit through a gatekeeper obstacle like the goal posts they STAY OFF THAT TRAIL! It's there for a reason.

If the goal posts prevent vehicles from accessing the OM, then work with the DNR to find alternate access that the oversized vehicles DO fit through. I fully undertand that the vehicle in question can probably navigate the trail with less damage to the trail than some of the vehicles that fit through. But what does this tell the people that watch you go AROUND and off the trail. If they can do it, then I guess it's OK for me to do it. They obviously know what they're doing, what we are and are not allowed to do.

Newbie's look to the experience for guideance and they are watching everything the buggy/truggy and other highly built rigs do. These guys in particular need to lead by example to demonstrate responsibile trail use. Driving around a gatekeeper obstacle, either because you don't fit or because you want to try the harder line, is WRONG anyway you look at it.

How many people watched these guys go through that. It was probably a blast to watch and I'll bet a lot of people stood around to see this happen. That's not a good example to show them. And shame on everyone else in the group that allowed it to happen. Just because you can, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

You should see the crap I got for moving a rock many, many years ago on the High Rider trail. (I can see Crash laughing right now as he remembers that...):D
Go whore up another thread people. If you want to fight about not bashing trees or staying on the trail do it in your own thread.

Cool video mark. It looks much harder than the last run as it is much more muddy.
Johnathan spending some quality time practicing his ass puckering skills


Jobless parked in the first bowl while up helping Jonathan stick his 50-50 grind down the razorback in the previous picture.


JeepMauler dropping into the first bowl.


Binder about to spend some time working off of a belly hanger.


About the half way point of the trail


The 1/2 way point climb


EBP pulling out of the first bowl.


Jeepmauler's junk parked, waiting for the rest of the group to catch up.


The muscle men moving a large rock out of the way.


EBP trying every possible route around the knob onto the slab.


EBP finishing up a temporary fix to continue on (he ran the last 2/3 or the trail without rear brakes)


The slab that to date only krawler's will stick to, it's about 12ish feet high, fairly steep, greasy slick and a 2-3 ft. lip all the way around the bottom.


EBP navigating around an undercut (don't **** up the lesbians)


Binder pulling through the last obstacle of the last bowl.

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Jobless dropping into the last bowl.


and burning around the stump


Jeepmauler carving around a large undercut (note Porter's Canyon in the lower right of the pic:flipoff: )


Jeepmauler climbing the last bit out of the last bowl.


EBP dropping into the last bowl


And Mr. Cascade Crawler dropping into the last bowl.


EBP on the first part of the climb out of the bowl.


And Cascade Crawler practicing more anal clinching :fawkdancesmiley:

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Nice pics, nice descriptions. The trail is way harder than I thought. Anybody that won't drive up the Rock Face, do BYS and SOL, etc. should stay the hell off of this trail.

This trail scares me a little........can't wait to go back.:;
Johnathan spending some quality time practicing his ass puckering skills


Chevota did that on the way out :eeek:

That would be a bad spot to roll, especially with all the snags and limbs and stumps to poke you on the way down :haha:

That trail is the most ****ed thing I've ever seen.
Its dangerous on so many levels.
Normal people would not think that was fun.
I can't wait to run it! :awesomework:

The OM will be the benchmark I build my next rig to.
Nice pics, nice descriptions. The trail is way harder than I thought. Anybody that won't drive up the Rock Face, do BYS and SOL, etc. should stay the hell off of this trail.

This trail scares me a little........can't wait to go back.:;

I rarely drive up the wall, but absolutely am in love with that trail:awesomework:
Johnathan hung tough on his 50/50 down the fin! He was lookin at a mighty tumble a number of times and just stayed calm and drove:awesomework: :redneck:
porters maxxis tires stuck to that rock ledge damn good darius next time you guys run that trail i would like to go in with you.
i need an earlier start than 4pm just in case:booo:
I was fortunate enough to run trails with Toybug, Chevota, and Pat on Saturday. Toward the end of the day, we meandered up to OM to see what all the hype was about... For their gracious accomodation, I offer these pics as a token of my appreciation :;



















All I can say is that daaayyyummm, OM is off the charts when it comes to technical difficulty. Makes me want to sell my Jeep and start putting a buggy together just so I can run it one day. I'm very impressed with the effort that went into cutting this trail through very inhospitable terrain. And those that have made it through...:awesomework:
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You're always welcome Terry. :awesomework: Thanks for the pics.

Damn my **** looks good off-camber!.......:redneck:
Yes indeed. Off-camber, rear steer in action and a full view of your rig...makes for a good picture. Makes ya look like you know what you're doin :haha:
porters maxxis tires stuck to that rock ledge damn good darius next time you guys run that trail i would like to go in with you.

Nobody on Maxxis tires has attempted that ledge yet unless it happened today. I'm sure they will work fine once it happens.:awesomework: