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Rockwells make your sac swell!

I welded my limit strap tab straight to my chunk, never had a problem with it, steering is more pressure Tho.
Anyone know of a lower triangulated link mount that is flush with the tube it is mounted to???? Only one I have seen is the Barnes 4wd and it only has 40 degrees of separation I called them to get specs and was told it was 8 1/2 inches center to center of joints would that be enough if I was running parallel uppers????
Yea blue torch is a nice setup I like how it is at least 5/16 plate but i don't really like that it hangs down below the bar that you mount it to I would like a flat belly and there setup hangs down maybe a inch and it is all pointed so I fell like it would hang up lot but that might be my only choice
jccarter1 said:
Yea blue torch is a nice setup I like how it is at least 5/16 plate but i don't really like that it hangs down below the bar that you mount it to I would like a flat belly and there setup hangs down maybe a inch and it is all pointed so I fell like it would hang up lot but that might be my only choice
I made my own, that are just like the ones you mention. However, when I drew them I made them flush...not hard to do at all
Anything in the 3/4" - 1" bore range seems to work well. Smaller if you have plenty of pedal travel and like more braking power with less effort, bigger for less pedal travel and softer / less sensitive braking.
I like a dual pedal setup also, where if you bust a line you still have brakes on one end.
So dual master cylinder dual petal?? Both in the 3/4 to 1 not boosted
Also if anyone is looking for some beefy lower link brackets that are flush mount beyond precise(in the vendor section) made these for me cheaper than all the big name places

They are top notch called them up told them what I wanted and they made them exactly how I wanted them
Elliott said:
I like a dual pedal setup also, where if you bust a line you still have brakes on one end.

You can use a regular MC and just plumb one end to each port to achieve the same effect. My old buggy used a MC out of a 2000 Acura. Front port went to front, rear to rear.
Yes I agree that works. But doesn't that make the pedal somewhat soft tho if one line was cut?
I used two 3/4 mc with one pedal. I am extremely happy with pedal feel and the brakes. by far the best brakes I've ever had.
I plan on going to two seperate pedals, just to have rear only braking, when I twin stick the t case.

If you are going to run your steering on the rear of the front axle. (Stock placement) that extra inch and a half that the drop down tab gives you is necessary to clear the tie rod.
Elliott said:
Yes I agree that works. But doesn't that make the pedal somewhat soft tho if one line was cut?

I don't know to be honest. Probably?

A stock-style MC is one bore with two pistons in it on one pedal.
A Willwood-style setup is two bores, one piston each, on one pedal.
So I would think if you loose resistance in front of either piston in either setup the pedal will be easier to push since there is now half the resistance on the same pedal in both setups?

I busted a caliper off one time a long, long time ago using a Wilwood setup. I honestly don't recall how the pedal felt afterwards. But so long as one piston is still applying pressure you should be able to apply as much, if not more, pressure to the remaining caliper. I say more because now the force your leg could apply is applied to a single piston instead of two. So maybe that's why the pedal might feel "spongy," since now it takes half the force to do the same amount of work that your leg is used to?

Haha, the answer to your question is I don't know. :)
I can't seem to find a wilwood dual pedal with dual master cylinder setup all I can find is one that has two master cylinders on one pedal and then a third master cylinder for clutch anyone have a part number for dual pedal dual master cylinder
You can use the two pedal with three cylinders set up and simply delete the third mc. I use this set up in my buggy so I hqve one brake for front and one for rear.i have been using for going on 4 year and it works like a charm...even better get the southwest speed version and sve yourself about a 100 bucks..let me know if you need more info or a picture.
jccarter1 said:
Yea any info or pics of your setup would be great do you know what pedal ratio you used 5.1:1??

pm me your phone number. I will text pictures to you.. But, I did use southwest speed part number 301-266