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RRR Halloween Run! Walker Valley Oct. 24th-26th.

Should be a hhoot!! I like wheelin with Lynn, Doug, & Jess---They Rock!!!! I'd really like to drive the Buggy again!!!:redneck:
I was looking at buzzing you guys in the morning but never mind. :)

New work schedule starts up this week, so I'm working Saturday now.

She done good this time too....
Well, made it home safe----a few broken parts on some of the rigs, but managed to get them repaired & out... will post pics when I get back from hunting!(leaving early in the AM...); Patches, and crew---was good to see you all-glad you all made it, even though there's not much there to challenge ya!:redneck: been awhile since we've wheeled together, will have to do it again sometime soon!
Pictures of the FUN!















We had a great Halloween Run and THANKS to all the friends that showed! There was lots of breakage and some waiting but over all it was a good day. We got to try out the new Skill Building Are and had fun watching all the rigs try to make it over the obstacles. Thanks to Jim Cahill of DNR for the support!
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]2eDeYe;482009 said:
Did anyone other than the first guy ever make that notch?

Can't wait to play in that area in the springtime :D

I made it... in the spring.

But not on Saturday, I was denied:booo:

Many tried but only a few rigs were successful. It was really slick and a big hole on the left rear made it difficult.
]2eDeYe;482044 said:
Pretty sure I got you on video trying it. :D

Unedited, but here's the link. :haha:


Your jeeps about 2 1/2 minutes in :awesomework:

Unless someone else had a red YJ there :redneck:

Yep that was me:awesomework:

After the end of the vid I tried a different line, then got lined up better and really gave it hell. Pretty sure thats what broke my leaf spring center pin.

Thanks for the video:cool:
Caption this!

Well excuse me! I guess because I'm a girl You assume I don't know how to open my own hood! :redneck:
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Looks like you had fun. :) Any SJ's try and make it up the right side at expressway?


]2eDeYe;482009 said:
Did anyone other than the first guy ever make that notch?

Patches in the big red buggy did.

Well excuse me! I guess because I'm a girl You assume I don't know how to open my own hood! :redneck:

There is one word for that picture......"HUNGOVER!"