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Supporting your local org?

I am a WOW member and PNW4WDA member (well, as soon as I remember to sign up for 2011).

These two orgs are involved in areas that I personally am involved with. They each have their place.

I wish there was less animosity between them and more or a combined effort. It appears that this has improved some over the past year at least as far as efforts at Elbe Hills is concerned. Personally, I think Elbe has been a shining example of what we can do when everyone works together. Hopefully we get to continue to see that.

I just paid my dues so I'm current on both now:cheer:
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I want to like M$'s point about individuality. Its low stress, and as long as you get to do what you like, its an easy way to go. And although they have similar views and anger as I do with regard to how our hobby is being treated, they don't like voicing their opinion outside of one or two people. This is unfortunate, and their voice doesn't get heard by our legislators or DNR.

Why is this? I've seen some groups tend to get tied up in the details instead of the overall goals. Many times we see the overall mission statement get missed. some groups have more vocal individuals that overshadow the rest of the group. Personalities clash and people with different ideas are silenced.

But not all is lost....
I was very happy how the RTW meeting went last night. It was a great example of being open minded, and most importantly asking tough questions instead of outright dismissing the topic. This type of discussion is helpful and should spawn more individual interaction.

One last thing. People need to not take the forum personally. I think NWW should have a MANDATORY :; get together every year, so we can remind each other that we're all friends here... oblig:
I want to like M$'s point about individuality. Its low stress, and as long as you get to do what you like, its an easy way to go. And although they have similar views and anger as I do with regard to how our hobby is being treated, they don't like voicing their opinion outside of one or two people. This is unfortunate, and their voice doesn't get heard by our legislators or DNR.

Why is this? I've seen some groups tend to get tied up in the details instead of the overall goals. Many times we see the overall mission statement get missed. some groups have more vocal individuals that overshadow the rest of the group. Personalities clash and people with different ideas are silenced.

But not all is lost....
I was very happy how the RTW meeting went last night. It was a great example of being open minded, and most importantly asking tough questions instead of outright dismissing the topic. This type of discussion is helpful and should spawn more individual interaction.

One last thing. People need to not take the forum personally. I think NWW should have a MANDATORY :; get together every year, so we can remind each other that we're all friends here... oblig:

I think NWW should have a MANDATORY :; get together every year, so we can remind each other that we're all friends here...

Sounds :gay1: to me.:puke:
black guys won't go to a large gathering of white folk due to the possibility of becoming the evenings entertainment.
Grant, was one of your typing hands busy with your memember? :fawkdancesmiley:

And I think the point is well made. We all have different rigs and different wheeling styles. We all have different character types. As individuals or members of any given group we have different levels of what we find to be acceptable practice or conduct while enjoying what we all do. As a user group we are very diverse.

Our ability to save if not grow our access hinges on our ability to realize we are all wheelers. We have a common goal to continue doing what we all love to do. The different camps will always be what they are. There needs to be times when we all unite to fight for the survival and growth of what we all love to do. To answer the call and fight for our rights. As so many are fond of saying, freedom isn't free.

That is where organizations come into play. Be an individual or find a club you like (and like you) and join it if you want. We all have our favorite wheelin buds. An organization is business. You can join an org or just check out it's forum once in awhile to keep up with what effects you because believe me, it is going to start effecting us greatly. When an individual gives an org his or her voice it makes both voices more powerfull. Enemies of what we do have very powerful voices.

Not my best typing, but you got my piont.:redneck:
Well first off I'd like to thank everyone that has posted in this thread. It was much more well received than I expected. The comments were pertinent and useful. It's not to often we get a fukwad free discussion especially in a opinion charged topic as this.

I may just swing in to a couple of meetings and see what all the hubbub is about:awesomework:
Well first off I'd like to thank everyone that has posted in this thread. It was much more well received than I expected. The comments were pertinent and useful. It's not to often we get a fukwad free discussion especially in a opinion charged topic as this.

I may just swing in to a couple of meetings and see what all the hubbub is about:awesomework:

:awesomework: ... I hear we might have some "in the woods" meetings to coming up in the warmer months...:awesomework:
Well first off I'd like to thank everyone that has posted in this thread. It was much more well received than I expected. The comments were pertinent and useful. It's not to often we get a fukwad free discussion especially in a opinion charged topic as this.

I may just swing in to a couple of meetings and see what all the hubbub is about:awesomework:

In my experience, I learned that there is way more going on behind the scenes to get stuff done than I had ever realized. When I took on the position as the PNW4WDA land manager for Elbe for a couple year, I got a completely new respect for the people that take on these roles. I also got a completely different perspective on how we have to work with people like the DNR and USFS.

If you take the time to get involved long enough and deep enough, you'll probably come up with a new opinion on how important our orgs are. No, they're not perfect but they're darn good!
In my experience, I learned that there is way more going on behind the scenes to get stuff done than I had ever realized. When I took on the position as the PNW4WDA land manager for Elbe for a couple year, I got a completely new respect for the people that take on these roles. I also got a completely different perspective on how we have to work with people like the DNR and USFS.

If you take the time to get involved long enough and deep enough, you'll probably come up with a new opinion on how important our orgs are. No, they're not perfect but they're darn good!

:awesomework: Hell it is a walk in the wood dealing with the gov :haha:

Ty is an individual. An individual is often frowned upon by "members". I feel for Ty; as I'm an individual too. Individuals are at their best when allowed to be individuals. There's a place for us all, and that place may not be in an Org.

If you're an individual, try a club, org, whatever. Just don't be surprised when your individuality prevents you from being a member.

I support both individuals and members.......I'm the exception though, I know.

My point was (and we all know its true) is that there is strength in numbers. Large groups get attention and get things done. While individuals can make a differance the real power to make changes and get things done relys on numbers. The larger(and more organized) the group the more attention it gets.
im glad some started this thread as ive been feeling the same thing, but i dont know anybody that is involved or goes to these meetings. i work alot certain times of the year(and i mean alot) and couldn't do anything when im busy and other times i have alot of time on my hands so didn't know if getting involved and completely stoping at some points would help or just piss people off. dont know.
im glad some started this thread as ive been feeling the same thing, but i dont know anybody that is involved or goes to these meetings. i work alot certain times of the year(and i mean alot) and couldn't do anything when im busy and other times i have alot of time on my hands so didn't know if getting involved and completely stoping at some points would help or just piss people off. dont know.

The next Region 2 PNW4WDA meeting is this thursday (17th) at the 4 wheel parts store on south tacoma way in tacoma. Meeting starts at 7:30 but gathering starts at 7:00 all are welcome to attend so please do. :awesomework:
im glad some started this thread as ive been feeling the same thing, but i dont know anybody that is involved or goes to these meetings. i work alot certain times of the year(and i mean alot) and couldn't do anything when im busy and other times i have alot of time on my hands so didn't know if getting involved and completely stoping at some points would help or just piss people off. dont know.

It's fine with helping out where you can. If everyone did a little it does make a difference. Just communicate with the people that you choose to work with. :awesomework:
im glad some started this thread as ive been feeling the same thing, but i dont know anybody that is involved or goes to these meetings. i work alot certain times of the year(and i mean alot) and couldn't do anything when im busy and other times i have alot of time on my hands so didn't know if getting involved and completely stoping at some points would help or just piss people off. dont know.

We all have lives that can get in the way at times... Some more than others, but that doesn't mean you can't help when you have time or even just feel like it...

Nothing wrong with showing up to get a feel for what is going on... If you choose to help when you can, great... You don't have to commit to being there for everything or anything for that matter...

I would like to see more people take a part time approach if that suits their life style, than not getting involved at all...
im glad some started this thread as ive been feeling the same thing, but i dont know anybody that is involved or goes to these meetings. i work alot certain times of the year(and i mean alot) and couldn't do anything when im busy and other times i have alot of time on my hands so didn't know if getting involved and completely stoping at some points would help or just piss people off. dont know.

Help when you can, stay informed when you can't. I am only on the wet side 4 months out of the year, but I stay informed. I also help as much as I can when I am back.
i might come tomarrow, not sure. i have to work down south and dont know if ill be off in time.
i might come tomarrow, not sure. i have to work down south and dont know if ill be off in time.

If you do be sure to introduce yourself to me so I know who you are. I usally sit in the back corner close to the door red hombres jacket names Jim Putman.