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"The mistress"

The engine compartment is wired

I pulled all the wires through the new firewall hole,cut to length and pulled it back out to loom it and shoved it back through and hooked it all up.



Look ma no wires showing.:cool:



Also fabbed up a cover to finish off the dog house.

It covers this hole

If ya get down on your knees you can find some loom down in there,of coarse when the inner fenders are back in you wont evan see these.Nice!

The flex a lite fan control box im going to try out...cause it goes down to 160* most thermostat controls only go down to 180* and that aint cool enough for this pane powered engine.

Thanks guys,just gotta clean up the back half now and get the dash wired and...more stuff.
Zuk Build

HELLOOOOOO!! We need some updates!! And don't use the "I've been busy with Holiday stuff" excuse. Just kidding.

The thread was in danger of leaving the first page, so I am bumpin it.:awesomework:

Now get back to work!!:flipoff:
lol ya its been a while.This wiring deal has been kicking my ass:mad:

But I took advantage of the long weekend this weekend.And went out there and worked on it some.

Orangecrush had been giving me a real bad time about **** like this,I think he thinks im wasting far to much time with all this lil ****.BUt fawk it im a newb machiner and I enjoy it so I look for **** to machine...ITS FUN!! lol

The part im talking about.

I built this cause I needed somthing with a larger diam. to mount my turn signal switch to.

It was fun to build and it looks coool so what the hell right?

The gauge panel is all finished,had to add a few more wires in there i forgot about hehe.
Just hook power to it,ground,illumination wire. and of coarse the sensor wires.

All these wires where headed to the ignition switch for power.

Instead they get directed here and tie into the 8 circuit panel powerd from the ignition switch.

Didnt take many pics this weekend,I had my head down and was on a mission....finish this wiring ****!

I did just that....SHES WIRED :cheer: I got to fall back now and clean some of the under dash stuff up,get it a lil more orginized.STill need to get the rock lights mounted,but to do that I have to build the boat side skids since the rock light led strips will be reccesed into them.

Time to sit down and make a finish her up before I crank it up list:awesomework:

Im so glad to be done with all the figureing out stage of this wiring,im not to good at that, I really struggled with it.I shouldnt be to hard on myself this is only the second time ive tried to wire a rig from scratch....the first time didnt turn out to good lol.

Thanks guys...ya know this is the first time in months I could actually say im excited about the zuk again...this is a wonderful thing lol
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I hate wiring too!! Glad to see you got it done though.

Now it's ralley time! Make your list and get that **** done!
Your one big finishing push away from getting to here it run and DRIVE it!!

Then it will all have been worth it.:beer::masturbanana[1]:
another major milestone...done!!

I hooked up the battery last night.....no magic smoke!:cheer:

Everything actually works! except for the turnsignals,they come on but no flashy.hmmm I think its because im using led lights and have the standard flashers in the system that came with the kit,I think if I swap them out for elctronioc flashers they should blink...right? no enough amp load from them led's to make the flasher flash?

Still dont have the speakers mounted or hooked up and im still need ing the rock lights on the rocker guards.

Front Turn signals


Those lil slots I oput on the side of the rear tail light buckets work great,you can see the tails lights from the side!

tail lights and brake lights work

Back up lights

dome light

yup even the headights work hehe

put some of these under the hood


the pile of wires left over


cleaned up that rat nest down by the fuse panel,still kinda of a mess behing the dash but its an organized mess lol It stays.My back is so f-d up from all this bending over and stretching out to pull wires...damn good thing I got this done...cause my body is pissed! lol
Awesome Mike! :beer: And I don't care what Dennis says, I like your steering colum bling. You can give him a bad time about his shiny new paint job on his Crusier buggy......yes I said paint job,he sent me a pic last night and it's shiny Blue.

So when do you think you'll take it on a shake down run,I'd like to go with if it works out.
Awesome Mike! :beer: And I don't care what Dennis says, I like your steering colum bling. You can give him a bad time about his shiny new paint job on his Crusier buggy......yes I said paint job,he sent me a pic last night and it's shiny Blue.

So when do you think you'll take it on a shake down run,I'd like to go with if it works out.

Righton Dave,thanks man.

ya he was just ribbin me saying if i wasnt spending so much time on all the lil billet pieces and fancy tabs and such it would have been done months ago...and he thought it was a bunch of unneccesary **** lol hes right lol but as you know I enjoy building **** and you helping me get started out on machining hobby well is just very appreciated and the rig wouldnt be nearly as cool with out all the lil billet pieces.Btw wth done in october or done in Feb. I dont fawking care...I wanna wheel but I also want my rig finished the way i want it finished...at least that way if dont work worth a **** it will at least look cool rofl :redneck: I think it will wheel very good :;

I got all the stereo speakers hooked up and installed last night:awesomework:

I also swapped out the flashers with no load flashers and now the led turn bulbs flash perfectly:cool:

Tonight Ill finish up wiring the arb pump,still waiting on a part to hook up the air line to the diff.

Might start cutting up some uhmw soon and build the skids or maybe go ahead and pressure test the cooling system so I cant get some coolant in it and fire up the engine.I dunno ima going to somthing tho lol I can see a light at the end of this looooong ass tunnel now and man that feels great!:awesomework:
So I decided to work with uhmw.never used it before...this stuff is cool! I cut it with wood cutting tools but yet fab with like metal! Flap wheels work great on it..amazing stuff!

First I went off some templates I had made along time ago out of some plywood.Then had to do up templates out of cardboard for the other ones.

This is the first boat side skid,I cut a groove in it with a router to acept some led rope lights for rock lights.

I used those zip ties laid them in there in such a way that the lights will be recessed in there about 1/16" just flipped it arouind clamped it and glued them in there with some silicone.


That was my only template so now on to cardboard.

set up for the router thing.

Then another for the back piece of the boat sides.

I just ran a 1/4" router bit down the backside of the panel and bend it by hand and walla I got a break in it!

This stuff is so cool to work with I make the cardboard 2 piece (where the break begins) then just transfer it over to the uhmw and scribe the line where the break needs to be.
Use the router and a flap wheel to clearnce out the back side untill I get a nice snug fit.

led rope glued in there.

Now the hard part,this **** is heavy and slippery! It was a bitch holding up there to mark holes,then its drill them out,and tapp the threads...my arms are toast lol

man these skids are going to be worth the effort,some cool factor and slide over things easy I would amagine.

I took some more pics.


the back piece

All them damn screws,I used 3/8" with a 3/4" counter sink tool.


close up

Now the test! damn these things are pretty bright,im surprised they put out this much light (these are 28.5" long)



back when I was trying to make this a roller,I looked at doing skids on the front piece also but I just figured no way the body mount is in the way and I wouldnt be able to get somthing in there that would fit right and look good,so I didnt leave any provisions in there to mount to.

But after looking at the big fugly hole and looking at those battery cables coming through there...I need protection here also!


With my new found confidence in my ability to work with this stuff i went for it lol man i got lucky cause this panel fits so perfect in there crazy! had to do a double break on this one to get that nice fit.I wanted to give ya guys a pic of it mounted but my shoulder was just to toast to hold up there and get a pic lol

Got a cool idea to cover the bottom of the engine and the trans,This whole thing is going to be uhmw clad on the bottom:cool:
Dam mike that's pretty fancy.we will have to pitch in and give the shitter a paint job so he can still wheel with us hahaha. So let's make a wager the closest one to guess the weight of the Sammy gets a ride in the shitter .guess 4530# lol.:fawkdancesmiley:
Well the weight is going to depend how many spare thirds I load up in for the trails...:fawkdancesmiley: cause ya know I have these weeny lil toy thirds in it.


I fear the shitter,never get to close to the shitter.I been waiting for that speaker to fall out of the door and smack somone upside the head lol hell the whole door for that matter:haha:

Must not to talk to much smack about the shitter though...it will out wheel most comp buggys and its bad Karma:;
Got a lil update,havnt worked on it much...

But I did finally get a good regulator for my n2 tank:awesomework:

So I pumped up the shocks and through on the 40's this is the first time its sat at ride heighth with the 40's on it...That was pretty exciting to see it ride heighth for the first time:D


Looks damn good!:cool: A tad case of the tapeworms :redneck:, but still, damn good!!!!
Oh, and I vote 3950 lbs...:D