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Toyota Starter

Alright, who the hell said it was easy pulling that damn starter? After 2 hours, I still don't have it out. I have it unbolted but there are so many damn things in the way that I can't get it out. I'm hoping I'm not trying the right way. The tranny dipstick, sway bar, rack and pinion and the tranny cooler lines are all in the way. I'm realling hoping it comes out a different way then I'm trying. I really think I need to disconnect the rack and pinion and sway bar and then I MIGHT be able to get it out. A lot of friggin work!

Anybody have some suggestions? This a 96 4Runner Limited that is bone stock.
There is an access flap but there are brake lines in the way. It will not come out backwards without removing the entire rack and pinion steering arm. It is possible to pull all this stuff, but if I don't have I would be thrilled! I'm even fighting the tranny dipstick tube which does not dissconnect from the pan.
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Found this!

1. jack up right side of truck and remove tire.
2. remove the back rubber mud shield (flap) on inside of fender
well so you can access the area.
3. remove the upper portion of the transmission dipstick (1 bolt)
and pull out. I put tape over hole to keep dirt out.
4. remove bolts (2) that secure the brake line to the frame.
Most critical as this is what allows you the room to remove
5. disconnect battery
6. unbolt the wire on starter as well as unplug the connection.
7. unbolt the starter and slide back.
8. push brake line towards the back of the vehicle, you will have
to pull the brake line off the clip that is mounted on the top of
fender well, access from under the hood. Once you push the
brake line out of the way the starter comes out that opening.

This should be much easier than pulling the steering. Damn Yotas!