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Weapons of war

Today was my first day back working for a firearms distributor and holy **** it was like it was 2 years ago. Buds, palmetto and all the big dogs are out of cheap ar's and now going to the local gun shops to get them. It's ****ing crazy.
Raising the age to 21, is stupid. Almost all of the highschool shooters haven't bought the guns they've used, they stole them or took them from family members. So moving the age up won't stop anyone. The only thing to do is to guard the schools, have all doors locked for on the outside and only let visitor come in at the front office where they can be seen by staff and guards.

But don't let all the gun band talk fool you. Democratic have a bill going In front of congress trying to pass assault weapons band agin. Read a like on FB form the NRA. And this time is not just "military style" (which is a stupid term) it's any sim-auto with detachable mag or any with build in mag that holds more then 10 rounds. It includes rilfes, shotguns, and pistols.
Yep, thats what every liberal dumbass is promoting on facebook.

I reply sometimes with pics of big caliber revolvers, pump action tactical shotguns, bolt action rifles, and lever action rifles, and state "I don't know about you but I could still do plenty of murdering with these things that would be left if semi autos were indeed banned and I felt the need to be a psychopath on a mission." But yeah regulation will fix it....****ing dumbasses.

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I read some history somewhere that bat masterson killed three hundred plus indians in a fight somewhere with the first henry rifle. Now that's a 56 caliber, rim fire lever gun with black powder loads.......now.......let's outlaw them too?
Re: Re: Weapons of war

halcat said:
I read some history somewhere that bat masterson killed three hundred plus indians in a fight somewhere with the first henry rifle. Now that's a 56 caliber, rim fire lever gun with black powder loads.......now.......let's outlaw them too?
30-06 bolt gun and some cover, one would be able to take out plenty too. Endless scenarios. Getting rid of semi autos wouldn't stop crazy people from doing crazy things.

On a better note, I dropped by Larry's again and snagged a mint baby Glock 27. Really wanted a 43, but I didnt see a used one and didn't want to pay full price for a new one. This one was priced at $399.99 but he knocked it down to $375 plus tax. Not too bad. Completes my line of .40 Glocks, minus the long slides, of which I don't really care for anyways. G22, G23, G27, all .40 caliber.

Looks at the damn serial number....noticed that on the way home. It says FAG on it....great. lol





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Damn that's crazy! He must've been awfully pissed about something. Maybe his wife was banging the neighboring farmer who blew his grass clippings in the road. :rolf: :rolf:
Re: Re: Weapons of war

TacomaJD said:
30-06 bolt gun and some cover, one would be able to take out plenty too. Endless scenarios. Getting rid of semi autos wouldn't stop crazy people from doing crazy things.

On a better note, I dropped by Larry's again and snagged a mint baby Glock 27. Really wanted a 43, but I didnt see a used one and didn't want to pay full price for a new one. This one was priced at $399.99 but he knocked it down to $375 plus tax. Not too bad. Completes my line of .40 Glocks, minus the long slides, of which I don't really care for anyways. G22, G23, G27, all .40 caliber.

Looks at the damn serial number....noticed that on the way home. It says FAG on it....great. lol





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All the :JRich: Love fotys.....
Just picked up a Bergara B14 bmp in the 6.5 flavor. Now if it would quit raining I'd get to try it out
kmcminn said:
Need to be buying at lowers...

Typing is hard! :flipoff1: Stared at that for at least 10-15 seconds trying to figure out wtf you were talking about. :****:

Meh, never been into the whole rifle building thing. I'd rather hoard handguns. I've got 1 AR and 1 tactical 12 ga shotgun, plenty for me. I've just always been a handgun fan. I don't know much about what lowers are better than the other, and all the parts and **** of AR's. The one I have now is only my 2nd AR, but I've had several shotguns and a ton of handguns over the years. Those interest me more for some reason.

I know what you are saying though, since they may enact another ban....but long as I have one for me, I don't really care about being a scalper for AR parts lol.

Just ordered me a ar 10. Going to get some extra mags for it.
Also getting ready to start reloading.

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Guy posted one of these for sale on facebook gun page over the weekend. That's a bad mf'r! He was asking $850. Not bad for a Sig 1911. It's called a Sig 1911 Nightmare. The Scorpions are badass but a little more expensive, I like this one just as much! May pick one up one day.


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TacomaJD said:
Guy posted one of these for sale on facebook gun page over the weekend. That's a bad mf'r! He was asking $850. Not bad for a Sig 1911. It's called a Sig 1911 Nightmare. The Scorpions are badass but a little more expensive, I like this one just as much! May pick one up one day.


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That is a very good deal for a bobtail 1911 :****:
TacomaJD said:
Guy posted one of these for sale on facebook gun page over the weekend. That's a bad mf'r! He was asking $850. Not bad for a Sig 1911. It's called a Sig 1911 Nightmare. The Scorpions are badass but a little more expensive, I like this one just as much! May pick one up one day.


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We have not had good luck out of SIG 1911's. The 220's, 229's etc run flawlessly but the majority of the 1911's have been modiocre at best with failure to feeds, failure to fires, stovepipes etc. Theyre incredibly accurate, and if you get one that works it works well, but that seems to be the exception with these guns.
d_daffron said:
We have not had good luck out of SIG 1911's. The 220's, 229's etc run flawlessly but the majority of the 1911's have been modiocre at best with failure to feeds, failure to fires, stovepipes etc. Theyre incredibly accurate, and if you get one that works it works well, but that seems to be the exception with these guns.
Im sure he has already googled all that info.

1911 is for whopper hands. 21 glock or :gtfo:
BUG-E J said:
Im sure he has already googled all that info.

1911 is for whopper hands. 21 glock or :gtfo:

If I ever got a 1911, it would be mainly a cosmetic piece to shoot every now and then, never carry. Similar to an old hotrod. Lol.

But how you figure a 1911 is for whopper hands and a G21 ain't? The vertical length of the grips should be similar, but the Glock will be even wider, due to its double stack magazine, whereas the 1911 is a single stack mag. So, really the Glock 21 grip is bigger than that of the 1911 :dunno: