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What do you do for a living?.

I have owned a liquor store since 2011. I retired 2 years ago and took a pay cut. It allows me to spend time with my family, wash the dishes and travel to random states during the week to buy **** I probably don't need. I get bored, so I buy and sell random things to make money. Cars, boats, trucks, golf carts, motorcycles. If it's a great deal, I will probably buy and resell it.

I'm a millwright at a papermill in Macon Ga. We make the brown paper that is used for food and beverage packaging. More than likely if you drink beer we made the case it's in.

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LightBnDr said:
It's possible that I have met Aaron. Met a hundred Gregs and I don't ask last names.

I'm definitely not a nomad. I never chase. Thank God truly that it hails at least every other year here.

My business focuses on local damage and we service dealer ships and body shops. As well as many loyal retail customers. I could make 4 times what I make if I chased but I truly would have no family and would turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the loneliness. Then probably blow that pay increase before the year is over.

Like I say I love what I do and the pay is better than excellent. Most of the time. Lol
Both are recovering addicts. Life on the road is tough! They have more expensive tastes so they have to travel a little. Greg stays within a state and comes home every weekend and won't stay out past a month. Aaron DGAF. He is going to earn that next 1K RWHP car or cutting edge sand drag machine or giant RC airplane or whatever he's into that week. He was in Boston of all places last year after Texas played out and Denver was simmering. Crazy to me, I seldom leave my town of 5,000 people, hell I never see the NW half of the town.
I run operations for a silica mine been around heavy equipment all my life and love this type of work everyday is different and you better know how to solve problems on the fly

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I design and prototype heavy duty rotary brush cutters and disk harrows as well as manual machining, CNC programming, and manufacturing plant maintenance
Auto tech. Chief of maintenance ( read first grease monkey) for a limo service in Atlanta. Salary job with benefits; and Monday thru Friday. Beats the hell out of all the dealerships and independent garages I had worked for all my life. No chasing that flat rate, or working every weekend anymore. No customers to deal with; we only service our own vehicles. Plus all our stuff is fairly new. Oldest vehicles are 2014 MKT's. Hell of a gig for an old wrench slinger.
I'm a commercial commodity relocator. Someone's gotta do it

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Service manager for a commercial HVAC company. Get to see the innerds of all sorts of buildings. Had to work on a process fluid chiller yesterday on a brand new $2.5 mil CNC machine in Auburn. It definitely has its perks.

This is an awesome thread except for my smartassery remarks. So here is what I do, I run (not own) a commercial clearing, erosion control, grinding, and grassing company here in Alabaster Alabama. We knock down lots of trees(not in my buggy) for Alabama Power and try to grow them back up. I sit in my air conditioned office and type stuff on my keyboard all day and tell people what to do, up until my daily nap time. molaugh

Now knowing what a majority of you guys do for a living, I would love to know WHERE you guys make your living. Maybe some of you can use each others services, but don't know where they are located. If you feel like it, go back to YOUR post and write in the city to which you work in. If you don't feel like it, no worries.

kmcminn said:
looks like powerpoles to me :dunno:
I was scrolling to the end to put the exact comment. I guess whoever put all that power stuff on those telephone poles wiped their ass with the plans.
Re: Re: What do you do for a living?.

Zjman said:
I'm a commercial commodity relocator. Someone's gotta do it

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That's the best way I have heard it put. Lol

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