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Wheeling and significant others

i had build wife her own single seater rock buggy from Bent Fabrications :****: she got tired riding shotty, she wanted drive! :driving:
My wife is game too. I take my son mostly. She's rode all over gray rock.
Choccolocco and wind rock. Got super pissed when I turned over and she missed
The video. Had to winch on elevator at choccolocco called me a vag. You
Might b better off if she don't go.
My wife is hit or mis, she likes trail riding when the weather is nice, hates hardcore trails....I try to make it a family event cuz if she's happy then I'm happy and everything is easier...but that don't always happen! I don't know how many times I've seen her seat belts fly and out the side of the rig she's gos walking up the trail
Gerald, I've wondered where you've been lately... You've gotta get her out on the trails and get her to make friends with some of the other ladies. If nothing else they could all team up and complain about us. Isn't that what makes women happy anyways? :dunno: molaugh
Mine got upset when I stripped my full size Bronco that seated 5 to build a 2 seat Ranger. But the way I see it, she works every other weekend. So wife, son #1, wife, son #2, wife..... I can wheel EVERY weekend!
Finding the right woman to spend the rest of your life with is WAY more important than wheeling. But the right woman should also see that you enjoy wheeling and not have big issues with that. I agree with others and say bring her on a trail ride with good weather. Take the easy trails and try to make things the best you can, Hopefully after that she might see things different. She can hang out with the wife and all the other ladies and they can make her feel welcome.

I am a very lucky guy, if the Jeep is on the trailer then the wife and both boys go too. We are able to spend a lot of quality time together in the woods.

Selling the Toyota is not an option...if you do the rest of us will gather together and drag a dang ole JEEP up in your yard.
Re: Re: Wheeling and significant others

Mine got tired of me breaking, she bought me a 60 front to replace my 44. She don't like mud at all, but enjoys the rock rush, like Jerm's wife, she is ready to get to Harlan in a few days

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Re: Re: Wheeling and significant others

Mine loves it. Hell, we even left our wedding in the jeep. But, She gets worried that'll we break stuff, only because of lack of tow pig and being a one income family right now. But I've already gotten the go ahead that when she gets a big girl job, its game on!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Wheeling and significant others

The Luke said:
Mine loves it. Hell, we even left our wedding in the jeep. But, She gets worried that'll we break stuff, only because of lack of tow pig and being a one income family right now. But I've already gotten the go ahead that when she gets a big girl job, its game on!

Same here. The drive away vehicle from our wedding was the LJ. My wife told me lastnight she wants me to keep the LJ as is for cruising and non tow pig trips and buy a beater rig that never gets on the road. She makes more money so she is the boss!

sent from my dumb phone
The Luke said:
Mine loves it. Hell, we even left our wedding in the jeep. But, She gets worried that'll we break stuff, only because of lack of tow pig and being a one income family right now. But I've already gotten the go ahead that when she gets a big girl job, its game on!

Back when mine was still clean. I spend hours upon hours waxing and repainting before the wedding day. Drove it 60 miles to the wedding rocking my tux, then 60 miles back home after the wedding. On the way there, we were running late so we were pushing 90mph+ on I85. Phillip asked me how we were going to explain 2 dudes wearing tuxedos in a rock crawler to the state trooper. Good times. thumb.gif

My wife likes riding easy trails. I stood this new buggy up last weekend and that scared her away from any hardcore trails. But she don't mind me riding and we've been going all over. She even give me the green light to compete in the SRRS this year.
Mine is fine with me going. she loves riding as long as I have the top and doors off. Her big thing is me breaking because it's my ride to work right now. In fact I was considering selling it to buy a Diesal and she told me not to. She'll buy me parts for Christmas, birthdays and anniversaries. Yea I got it pretty good
Just use the argument "Well you COULD be married to some crazy idiot like that TacomaJD guy, least I ain't out raisin' hell on motorcycles, losin' legs, and whatnot." Cage + harnesses + caution = almost as safe as a game of golf.
My ol lady has flipped over in a buggy more times than I have. Us goin riding together is our vacations and its awesome. Only grief I get from ridin is if I go and she can't. :****:
Re: Re: Wheeling and significant others

Rokcrler said:
My name is Mo, and my wife hates my hobby...:****:
Wow! I don't feel so bad anymore!
My wife hates the sport, says I spend way to much $ and time away from the family.

And for those that have S.O.'s that love to atleast ride, let alone drive... Y'all are some lucky Bastard!

Omg! I am not alone.....mine hates every aspect of the sport, the time spent wrenching/fabbing, the money, and time spent riding/racing.....it sux
My wives blood boils every time I even look at my buggy let alone go on rides. She HATES my buggy so much as to sabotage it from time to time. :****:
Mine loves riding in the Jeep with the doors and top off on the street but doesn't want to go on the trails. I took her to Stony once and she was "ok" with it but hasn't been again. She doesn't mind me and Baylin going, just doesn't care for it herself. I've tried numerous times to get her out there again.

I know from experience that if they don't like it AND don't want you to do it then it causes major problems. My ex never wanted me to be out working on my Mustang or going to car shows and made a big deal about it all the time. It caused a lot of resentment toward her because of it. This is something you like to do. You could roll your DD over driving to work. You have harnesses and a cage in the Yota, I'd say it's safer.

My advice is to work this out before you get married.
Re: Re: Wheeling and significant others

This is her truck

I'm pretty lucky too, my wife actually loves to ride. She loves to drive and wasn't happy when I sold my Wasp buggy because it "actually fit her good and she could see out of it". She likes the rzr more so than the buggy because it goes faster and she is in control. And she doesn't have to wait around on everyone else. As long as we are riding she is fine. The only time she actually gets aggravated and doesn't understand why is when " we ride for 5 minutes then get out and stand around and talk for 15". I think she really only likes it is because she knows I enjoy it. I couldn't ask for a better woman though. She might not talk to me for 1/2 a day when i go ride with out her but she doesnt bitch and gripe at me. She would much rather be on the lake on a pontoon boat or at the beach.

Now the garage situation is a whole different story. I used to try and wait until the family falls asleep before I go to the garage because my "it'll only take 30 mins and I'll be done" turns into 3 hrs. But it has got a little better now that my boy is big enough to go out and hand me stuff and have a newborn at home. So my wife is usually ready for him to go outside by the time I get home from work anyways. Now I can spend as much time outside as I want as long as lil man is with me.
jpony645 said:
Mine loves riding in the Jeep with the doors and top off on the street but doesn't want to go on the trails. I took her to Stony once and she was "ok" with it but hasn't been again. She doesn't mind me and Baylin going, just doesn't care for it herself. I've tried numerous times to get her out there again.

I know from experience that if they don't like it AND don't want you to do it then it causes major problems. My ex never wanted me to be out working on my Mustang or going to car shows and made a big deal about it all the time. It caused a lot of resentment toward her because of it. This is something you like to do. You could roll your DD over driving to work. You have harnesses and a cage in the Yota, I'd say it's safer.

My advice is to work this out before you get married.