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Dallas Shooting.. Where are we really headed to??


Here's a nice little article about Hillary blaming black deaths on white people and police officers.

I'll be honest, we will see widespread violence before the end of this year. Today, the FBI has issued a violent riot warning for Louisiana, which includes the widespread killing of police officers. Several cities were included in the warning.

I keep saying it and I hope I'm wrong, but we will have Marshal Law before the end of this year.

Most of you know what I do for living, I cannot earge you enough to arm yourself and protect your families. There's not enough of us to deal with everything. If you encounter law enforcement, be OVERLY compliant with them.
be carful my brother let not let this provoke us into saying something in public that should be left in private :dblthumb:

Tupelo is going through all this crap as we speak.. hopefully ours stays peaceful but word has it that it's not going to.

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we are going through some protesting bullshit right now in downtown Atlanta but doesn't seem to be bad yet
Question.. Where the FAWK are these folks at where they are standing 5 ft from a cop calling him every name in the book. Over and over. Man I'm tellin ya roll them monkeys right on over to Douglas county and let Em talk to a cop like that! hA. My ass. Tazer right in the neck. Followed by ass whipping... Well that was years ago they may have gotten soft. Bur anyways, I've seen this so many times on videos .. Blows my mind. So it's leagle for me to walk up to cop and call him every insulating nAme in the book? You Fukin kiddin me? I seriously watch a dude tell a cop he was a "bitch ass ***** nigga" about 58 times.. So many that I was hopin he'd catch one in the arm. I can't believe these morons.. Gotta give it to Em tho. They stick together... Crackers go every which way ... Smh. Well i better get back to practicing shooting my flip, I'm gettin dam good.
kushKrawlin said:
Question.. Where the FAWK are these folks at where they are standing 5 ft from a cop calling him every name in the book. Over and over. Man I'm tellin ya roll them monkeys right on over to Douglas county and let Em talk to a cop like that! hA. My ass. Tazer right in the neck. Followed by ass whipping... Well that was years ago they may have gotten soft. Bur anyways, I've seen this so many times on videos .. Blows my mind. So it's leagle for me to walk up to cop and call him every insulating nAme in the book? You Fukin kiddin me? I seriously watch a dude tell a cop he was a "bitch ass ***** nigga" about 58 times.. So many that I was hopin he'd catch one in the arm. I can't believe these morons.. Gotta give it to Em tho. They stick together... Crackers go every which way ... Smh. Well i better get back to practicing shooting my flip, I'm gettin dam good.

I wish they would send the guard in and roll them monkeys to hell were they fawking belong :flipgotcha:
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Bumpers said:
Tupelo is going through all this crap as we speak.. hopefully ours stays peaceful but word has it that it's not going to.

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Tupelo Mississippi?

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All this being said. One good marksman with 30 good placed rounds out of a decent rifle will put the fear of God to the masses. If you are spraying and praying, you are already dead. Use some of those rounds up getting deadly accurate up to 300 or so yards all the way down to 25 yards. My full combat load was 12 magazines at 30 rounds a piece. Never did I ever blast through all 12. Color doesn't matter in all of this, it's the way it is portrayed. The BLM people are getting money, placing instigators in place and helping get it going. All the while, we are watching the right hand, while the left is placing a dagger gently into our backs.

I am no conspiracy theorist, but the focus today should be on Hilary Clinton backdooring her way into the oval office. I was let go from a company, my clerance revoked over hearsay from a company I worked for in Iraq. All proven false before I came back home, but I refused to work in such conditions where the good guys turned their backs on me. Well, the good guys are gone in Washington. Just corruption and greed left to pick up the pieces these days. Watch the politicians, they are sneaky, sneaky.

Yeah, and learn how to shoot with much more accuracy. Take a course with some pros if you get a chance. Money well spent.

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That is the truth right there, I've been keeping my mouth shut on this, but I have been watching this for a while now, if you look back over the last two years everytime something comes out bad about Obama or hiliary something like this or a shooting happens, and I mean everytime, how could this be. It usually happens within 24 hours, this time within a few hours. And this has been the case since Obama cares passing, or at least that's when I started watching this trend. Once it happens there is no more coverage on them, very convenient for them. I know this sounds very conspiracy theorists but I promise you it's the truth, not sure if its conisidensce or a caused effect?
Check Fox News and Drudgereport.com, there was protest and violence across the entire nation within the last 24 hours. Several more police officers have been ambushed and a black man in Bristol, TN opened fire on white motorists.....killing a lady.

This if from my military and law enforcement experience.........prepare yourself for martial law. I hope I'm wrong, but it's going to happen very soon.
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ROKTOY829 said:
Tupelo Mississippi?

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
Yea .. a couple weeks ago a black man (ronnie shumpert) was killed by the police after running from the law and attacking a officer. The families attorney is a race baiting piece of crap. He's supposedly bringing in black Panthers and blm groups to make the city pay for the way they treat African Americans.

So far they are just having peaceful protest and no violence has come out of it yet. I'm actually pretty proud of the way the citizens have handled it thus far. There's nothing wrong with protest and stuff as long as they don't start causing violence. Seems like the folks from here are the only ones that know how to act so far.

There is evil everywhere now days and the way all this is being handled is just escalating problems. Oh and our wonderful president and other people in power are loving it because they are getting to shove their agenda down everyone's throats.

Stay locked and loaded and ready for the worst and pray for the best

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Well after reading all this I text my dad last night and told him "if the **** hits the fan I need to know your coming to my house with all the guns and ammo!! If not I'll be needing you to leave my R25 outside. I'll be by to grab it". He said he thought there would be some kinda civil war , maybe not In his life time but eventually.
Man all this really sucks. It would suck to have to protect ourselves with our guns. But you can bet the farm that with that AR 10 in my hands ya better be a fast/bad motherfuker to even get close to my family. I'm buying more billets. Y'all got me thinkin tha shits gonna pop off. I'm with buddy tho, here in the south the **** would be different I do believe. There IS still a **** ton of good guys left. I mean a **** ton.
One thing that I think screws us is how dam loyal those dam goons are. They stick together. We don't.
kushKrawlin said:
Well after reading all this I text my dad last night and told him "if the **** hits the fan I need to know your coming to my house with all the guns and ammo!! If not I'll be needing you to leave my R25 outside. I'll be by to grab it". He said he thought there would be some kinda civil war , maybe not In his life time but eventually.
Man all this really sucks. It would suck to have to protect ourselves with our guns. But you can bet the farm that with that AR 10 in my hands ya better be a fast/bad motherfuker to even get close to my family. I'm buying more billets. Y'all got me thinkin tha shits gonna pop off. I'm with buddy tho, here in the south the **** would be different I do believe. There IS still a **** ton of good guys left. I mean a **** ton.
One thing that I think screws us is how dam loyal those dam goons are. They stick together. We don't.

I had an R25 with a Vortex scope on layaway last year, but decided to buy a .300 Blackout instead. Damn, I wish I would have stuck with the R25.........

The way I see it, someone or a group, is organizing all this stuff. A police officer was ambushed and shot in the back a few hours before the Dallas shooting happened. The shooting in Bristol happened within hours of the Dallas shooting. Now, protest in major cities across the country on the same night. Someone is running things. I have a gut feeling that our own government is pushing racial tension with the intent of starting widespread racial violence. Why else would Hillary and Obama say what the said about all of it?

I know, it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but damn.......it is what it is.