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Goodbye Logging roads, dispersed wheeling, WALKER VALLEY

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Here is an example of a letter that I wrote reguarding this issue. If you are no good at writing or something along those lines, feel free to use this example, just fill in the [----] areas. But, remember, this is from my interpritation of this bill, and my own personal opinions. Here is how to find out who your reps are, there is also an email form on thier pages.

Dear [Insert Reps Names Here]
I, [Insert your name here] as a tax-paying citizen of Washington State do not support amendment 5366 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/CMD/showdoc....npkJNRwh3hJC37yHk2UZOQeyY10ZfZa+hTPA==&y=2011), Section 3, Part 3. I feel it infringes upon my rights to use public lands as a tax-paying citizen.

What this amendment would change is I would no longer be allowed to [ride/drive] my ORV upon the thousands of miles of Department of Washington state trust roads. I spend [average days per year on DNR roads here] traveling these roads on my [ORV choice here]. I spend [estimated yearly monies spend on traveling on DNR lands roads, including upgrades to your ORV, fuel, food, etc.] that I spend through my local retailers when recreating with my ORV.

The new section 3 counteracts many of the positives that sections 1 and 2 allow. They are counterproductive of each other, leading to more unneeded bureaucracy. Section 3 would supersede sections 1 and 2 in many situations around the state, where certain DNR roads could be accessed via the rules in sections 1 and 2, but would not be able to be accessed because of section 3. Also, these roads that would be shut down have already gone over impact studies done for these forest roads. Many of the regulations for forest roads are greater than the permitting and studies that would be required for ORV travel upon these roads, essentially causing an unneeded double permitting process.

These roads that would be closed by the section 3 amendment of this bill are often traveled upon by dispersed recreationalists, meaning recreationalists that are not recreating at a designated park. These recreationalists would then have no choice but to recreate in the current ORV parks, putting more use upon trails systems that can hardly handle the current use. This would lead to a break down in the infrastructure of these parks, of which Department of Natural Resources has very limited funding.

Many of these roads that would by shut down by section 3 of this bill are in ORV parks such as Walker Valley and Elbe Hills, along with another half dozen sites across Washington State. If this bill passes through with section 3 being amended, it would effectively shut down these sites until Department of Natural Resources could go through with the permitting and engineering processes. One of the big problems is, that these processes would be delayed indefinitely, because the Department of Natural Resources hardly has the funding to operate these parks at current levels, not to mention adding a whole load of new engineering and permitting processes that would be required.

Also, this newly amended section of this bill provides a loop-hole that could and would shut down current DNR ORV areas such as Walker Valley and Elbe Hills. The tens of thousands of visitors to these parks would no longer be spending their monies in the local economies supporting ORV recreation. This would put another strain on already weakened local, small businesses.

I would like to stress that I support the first and second sections of this bill. I believe that these sections of this bill could help bolster local economies by driving more ORV sales and thusly more sales associated with these ORVs. I also believe that this would take a strain off local enforcement agencies by allowing ORVs that are already present on some roads to be legal. This would allow officers to be open to respond to more urgent calls.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you. If you wish to speak to me in person, my phone contact number is [phone number here].

[your name here]
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Sabotage from within is my thoughts.

Even more true than this; they have outwitted and outsmarted you to the fullest extent. They took your Bill and amended it to be a detriment.

Man....they are good. :awesomework: I'll give 'em that. By a show of hands, who here still has optimism? Anyone? Oh....no....:booo:
screw them im a born in the usa kind a guy..and those fawkin pigs aint going where my caged fuel injected swamperd locked flexy bored blue printed balenced runner buggy beast is going..from now on they can catch me if they can...lets do a huge wheeling trip at rieter..they gonna bring a bunch of busses out to fill up and rent a wrecking yard to fill up fawk them lets take what we payed for back..im sick of this country turning into a big bellvue..god dang yuppies that dont even go in the woods just drive down the highway and look from a far..there used to be enuff room for them and us not anymore..are you going to let them take it from u...our four fathers didnt..thats what made them real men..tiger mountain you cant hunt only bike or hike or glide off.i remember our off road club puting on play days up there hundreds of jeeps dune buggies baja...now yupies...it will get worse unless we fight back ..and fight dirty:booo:

Sure am glad to be a citizen of a real free country. Does anyone know how soon this could be passed and put into effect? I wanted to wheel this state through the summer before I split.

A few days ago I was talking with my dad about this kind of thing. How ironic the whole thing is really.

Literally months after I was born my family immigrated to America to start a new life. They came here seeking the life, liberty and free pursuit of happiness America claimed to offer. To be part of a country where the government served the people and protected freedom as opposed to crushing and oppressing them.

One generation later and here I am leaving the "Land of the Free" for all the same reasons my folks came here for. A harsh statement, yes, but it is all too often the role of truth to hurt.
hey brother you are here now and the revalution needs your help and your wheeler needs to be fited for fire power and armor....stay and fight for it with us
hey brother you are here now and the revalution needs your help and your wheeler needs to be fited for fire power and armor....stay and fight for it with us

You know I would Luggs. I have lived here 99% of my life. America is my home and I love it.

I support WoW. I go to every work party I can during the summer (4 out of 5 last summer). I learned to do this "email" thing so I can write our representatives in support of OHV recreation. I went to the WOHVA rally and stood with real American Patriots on the steps of our Capitol building.

Then I get onto forums like this one where I am told by "informed individuals" that by doing things like going to the WOHVA rally and scoring 23 signatures on the recent Reiter Funding petition that I am "screwing it up for everyone else." The same people who argue the death out of the details like who will pay for tree damage along pirate trails will also speak out against those who are willing to walk the **** away from their computer long enough to act on how they feel (Free Reiter Movement.)

Wheelin is what I do. When I have a running rig I am out three weekends a month on average. It is what I do and in this country it is going away. I am willing to make major life changes to continue doing what I love. Fighting for my freedom to wheel is also something I feel obligated to do if I am to earn what our forefathers left for us to enjoy.

Some people are fast to condem the kid with the yota stuck on the ecology block for this type of legislation. Far sooner do I blame inactive fear mongering post counters on forums like these for where it is going. Every time we pave a trail or discourage true on the ground political activism they win another battle in the war against our freedoms.

It is fast becoming my opinion that 90% of the wheelers in this state do not deserve the freedom to four wheel. All talk and no walk. I did not recognize too many faces at the last rally but the ones I did I consider to be far more American than those not in attendance. For the majority of OHV users the words Freedom Isn't Free are just that, words and never action. Here we are at the end folks. Enjoy it.
screw them im a born in the usa kind a guy..and those fawkin pigs aint going where my caged fuel injected swamperd locked flexy bored blue printed balenced runner buggy beast is going..from now on they can catch me if they can...lets do a huge wheeling trip at rieter..they gonna bring a bunch of busses out to fill up and rent a wrecking yard to fill up fawk them lets take what we payed for back..im sick of this country turning into a big bellvue..god dang yuppies that dont even go in the woods just drive down the highway and look from a far..there used to be enuff room for them and us not anymore..are you going to let them take it from u...our four fathers didnt..thats what made them real men..tiger mountain you cant hunt only bike or hike or glide off.i remember our off road club puting on play days up there hundreds of jeeps dune buggies baja...now yupies...it will get worse unless we fight back ..and fight dirty:booo:

When is this reiter trip. I use to run from the cops in high school in a 2wd chevy through the woods. They didnt catch me then and wont catch me now.
Then I get onto forums like this one where I am told by "informed individuals" that by doing things like going to the WOHVA rally and scoring 23 signatures on the recent Reiter Funding petition that I am "screwing it up for everyone else." The same people who argue the death out of the details like who will pay for tree damage along pirate trails will also speak out against those who are willing to walk the **** away from their computer long enough to act on how they feel (Free Reiter Movement.)

You don't really need to understand the details of what's going on but it sounds like you need to redirect your anger. Support other people who are involved on the right track and keep up the fight!
One day you may understand and we can all go wheeling.:awesomework:
what really makes me sick is that some of the people on the inside were for parts of this amendment. Some people would love to see laws making it more than an $87 fine to wheel... perhaps they're right, if its so bad, maybe the 4x4 community will band together and get places they want to wheel organized faster.

but I doubt it. I don't see laws restricting our use as good for the whole. Illegal use did not shut down Reiter. OVERUSE shut it down. Just like what it is doing to Walker. I don't see much of a difference between the two, except that walker is designated and Reiter wasn't. Walker is seeing the same impact and issues that Reiter did. why? because its being over used!!! Until we get more mileage we will never solve the problem of impact by ORVs.
what really makes me sick is that some of the people on the inside were for parts of this amendment. Some people would love to see laws making it more than an $87 fine to wheel... perhaps they're right, if its so bad, maybe the 4x4 community will band together and get places they want to wheel organized faster.

but I doubt it. I don't see laws restricting our use as good for the whole. Illegal use did not shut down Reiter. OVERUSE shut it down. Just like what it is doing to Walker. I don't see much of a difference between the two, except that walker is designated and Reiter wasn't. Walker is seeing the same impact and issues that Reiter did. why? because its being over used!!! Until we get more mileage we will never solve the problem of impact by ORVs.

Who supports higher fines?:eeek:
BTW overuse was an issue at Reiter but that's not what shut it down. Reiter was shut down due to different groups of people insisting to get it changed to an official ORV park...
Siding with the greenis and agreeing that our environmental impact is horrible will get you no where. I like to call it acceptable level of impact.
Now I don't mean wetland impact, salmon impact but a couple ruts in the woods is just what happens when you drive there DUH and is less impact then all those bike trails covered in asphalt or those gravel hiking paths which are "engineered"
I just got passed word from Mike Armstrong (on the trans committee) that this amendment has been pulled! Will wait to see the official word in the agenda, but it sounds like we might be okay!
Good job folks!
Who supports higher fines?:eeek:
BTW overuse was an issue at Reiter but that's not what shut it down. Reiter was shut down due to different groups of people insisting to get it changed to an official ORV park...

Reiter was closed because the enviro-hiker guys brought Goldmark on a field trip and showed him what they call damage. They then forced his hand in closing it or face legal actions. This would have happened wether it was changed to an official ORV park or not. The only difference is they wouldn't be even talking about opening Reiter again if it *wasn't* designated as an ORV park. :;
Siding with the greenis and agreeing that our environmental impact is horrible will get you no where. I like to call it acceptable level of impact.
Now I don't mean wetland impact, salmon impact but a couple ruts in the woods is just what happens when you drive there DUH and is less impact then all those bike trails covered in asphalt or those gravel hiking paths which are "engineered"

I agree. I wrote this last year and still believe it today.
We should not be entertaining Bill (Lider)on anything! He will never be happy so don't even acknowledge him, **** him!
what really makes me sick is that some of the people on the inside were for parts of this amendment. Some people would love to see laws making it more than an $87 fine to wheel... perhaps they're right, if its so bad, maybe the 4x4 community will band together and get places they want to wheel organized faster.

but I doubt it. I don't see laws restricting our use as good for the whole. Illegal use did not shut down Reiter. OVERUSE shut it down. Just like what it is doing to Walker. I don't see much of a difference between the two, except that walker is designated and Reiter wasn't. Walker is seeing the same impact and issues that Reiter did. why? because its being over used!!! Until we get more mileage we will never solve the problem of impact by ORVs.

I think the $87 fine is a joke but making it a criminal offense has taken it to a whole other extreme. And the money doesn't even go to the DNR who is paying the officer to write the ticket. This seems like a way to get more money in the state budget and lock up some of us. :eeek:

I hope Armstrong is right and we have managed to get it pulled. :awesomework:
Reiter was closed because the enviro-hiker guys brought Goldmark on a field trip and showed him what they call damage. They then forced his hand in closing it or face legal actions. This would have happened wether it was changed to an official ORV park or not. The only difference is they wouldn't be even talking about opening Reiter again if it *wasn't* designated as an ORV park. :;

We're going to disagree on this one. The hikers can't force Goldmark to close any more than we can force to open. Remember some of us were there every step of the way when these things were happening. These groups of people were getting it closed long before Goldmark took his tour. Many years before Goldmark was in office.:;
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