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Leftovers, how old is too old?

The Luke

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
I'm staring at some Chicken Parmesan and some alfredo in the fridge. It's been there since last wednesday. Too old? Yay or neigh?

What's your leftover cutoff age?
I usually jus go by smell or color/change. I've eaten some ham that I thought was......suspect.....but I was fine. Generally I'm just a pizza re-heater-upper for leftovers.

I popped some 5 day old bacon in the microwave yesterday. Twas decent.
"A good way to help build up bacteria in your gut is eat old ****" An old guy told me once.......Never seen him sick.

Three, four days max.....Then I throw in the back yard. If the dogs don't eat it then some critter will.
When I saw the title of the thread, I thought Shawn Broady/ Kevin McMinneyme were characterizing me. Play on... :flipoff1:

I have ate some foods at 5 days, but usually 3-4 is max for me. BUT.....I usually don't let leftovers sit around that long in the first place. When I cook, I always am sure to cook extra, but the leftovers are usually gone within 3 days or so. If I got leftovers, that usually means awesome food easy and quick to fix that's already paid for, so I eat the **** til it's gone. Lol
If it's questionable, just nuke it for an additional 30 seconds and it'll be just fine. That's how it goes in our household up to 7 days. Anything after that may require an additional 30 more seconds, or the trash.