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Moral Decay in America!

BPINAZ said:
So, as an American I don't have the right to get pissed off and make a statement? Do I not have the right, or freedom, of speech like homosexuals, liberals, blacks, atheist, muslims, and others? Why is it that they can voice their opinions and beliefs, but as soon as a white guy does it, it's considered hate. Well sir, I'm not exactly white. Maybe I should be politically correct and use the term caucasion so that nothing gets lost in translation. My family is mixed. My father Cajun, mother Irish, grandmother Scandinavian, and so on. My wife is hispanic......do I need to continue with the family lineage? Needless to say, my family is colorful. Also, are certain races entitled to use words and names while others are not?

Are you insinuating that homosexuals do not have equal rights? If so, you're wrong. For instance, the whole bakery ordeal. Several bakers lost their businesses due to the fact that they would not comprises their moral conviction. Basically, the beliefs of the homosexuals were forced onto the bakery owners. How would you feel if you lost your livelihood simply because you did not agree with another person at your place of employment?

I'm not angry with you because of your rebuttle to my previous posts. You have the right to say, write, post, or believe whatever you like. The real culprit here....you're profile says your 26 years old, I'm in my 40's. I would be willing to bet that I was taught a different variation of history, or at least a different perspective, than you were. Just like my children were taught a different version than I was....I've read their high school history books. Therefore, we'll both have a different opinions on the 1st Amendment based on who's point of view we were taught by....teachers not only teach their area of expertise, they pass on their personal beliefs and inlfuences of the subject.

One more question.

Besides Jus Soli and Jus Sanguis, what have you done to earn your freedom of speech, you're entitlement to voice your personal beliefs and opinions? I'm asking, because we are loosing our rights. Broken window affect.....think about it.

Yeah man no anger here. I just love a good debate :smoke: All of that post wasn't all specifically directed at you. Probably should had said that in the beginning.

Im not trying to say you don't have the right to make the posts you did but just like tbitoy said... leave people alone and they should leave you alone. The whole story about gays forcing their way into those stores is wrong just like I believe trying to force your beliefs in their life is wrong. Live and let live and be done with it. As long as they aren't trying to harm you or take what is yours then let them get plowed in the ass or scissor all day long if they want to. As long as they do it in the walls of their own home then im ok with it. There shouldn't be pro white pro black pro gay or pro anything.... just everyone live their lives and stop trying to force their opinions on other people.

I honestly don't remember any of my teachers opinion on the 1st amendment, I just read it and don't see anywhere where it sais anything about Christianity. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... that's the part about religion anyway.

What have I done to earn my rights? 1 word... taxes. Military service is not required in this country to earn citizenship but im signed up for the draft just live everyone else is that's 18 or older.

I 100% get that a person who is steeped in religion is not going to agree with this new law and thinks its one more step closer to the 2nd coming and all that but I just wish people would try to talk to gay people with a little more love and not all this hate. I personally don't see how you can change a person from being gay because its not like they chose that life. Not a single person on this planet could convince me to like sucking ****... will never happen I don't care how many religious quotes you throw at me. Im a male who loves me some women and even if the majority of the US turned gay I would still be heterosexual and I would hope they would leave me alone about it. Shouldn't religious people be happy about the 2nd coming anyway???? Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to go now... ( funny song imo )

If your not religious and you just don't like the idea of a gay couple being married... then that's called being an asshole in my opinion. Marriage at its core is about religion so look in the damn mirror. If your married and not religious what you have isn't a marriage its more of a " legal binding" than anything in my opinion. I was brought up in the church of Christ and ate that **** up as much as I could. It wasn't until I got to about 18 I started seeing a lot what I believe to be major flaws in religion so one day when I get "married" I could give a **** less if we use a preacher or not so if the name was changed to something else besides marriage because it wasn't based off religion I would be ok with that as long as it has the same legal applications a marriage does. I personally believe in a god because I see evidence of intelligent design but im not so sure god is what the bible sais "he" is. Agnostic is the word I believe.

It seems to me that with every new generation there is more and more acceptance to things. I cant tell you how many times I hear older generations talk **** about my generation and Im sure that the generation that is dead talked **** about their kids generation. Id say that if you go back 200 years every single one of those people would think we were ALL going to hell. They would pass the **** out if they saw a woman walking down the road with exposed skin and having a job... Carbon emissions wouldn't come from cars.... they would come from the billions being burned at the steak haha.

Every single one of us has the right to be pissed at anything that doesn't follow mainstream thinking... so flame the **** on if that's what you want to do I just personally don't think its the Christian thing to do.

Gonna get flamed for this, but here's my thoughts on gay dudes. I think the comedian Ralphie May said this first.
For every gay dude couple that's two free chicks I can chase without worry of competition. Chicks love gay dudes because they keep good hygeine, dress nice, and are nice to them. So not only is that 2 less dudes to compete with but it's 2 less pretty competitive dudes to deal with while hunting beavers. The other thing is every time a girl tells me they have a gay friend and act all shy about it like I'm gonna hate the gays, I act cool about it because I know I don't have to worry about that dude, but they see it as me being really nice and that makes them wanna bang me even more. So basically gay dudes just make it easier for me to get laid. As far as lesbians go, I think I've met one that I would actually knock the boots with so it's not like I'm missing out on anything. All that lesbian porn **** guys dream about is all show unfortunately.
AW10 said:
What have I done to earn my rights? 1 word... taxes. Military service is not required in this country to earn citizenship but im signed up for the draft just live everyone else is that's 18 or older.

Jus solis and jus sangius are laws defining how a person derives their United States Citizenship. It means by right of birth, or right of blood...basically, born within the continental US, or US territories, or born to at least one parent that is a US citizen. There's more to it than that, but too complicated to go into. It was unfair of me to ask you in that way. No one really knows that crap unless they've taken some classes on immigration law. Paying taxes....I hear ya bro. Our tax dollars are wasted so bad.......thats a whole other discussion though.

Take care Man. Good talk, or uh correspondence........lol
Well I guess that I'm one of those that thinks the "younger generation" SUCKS!! Its a huge part of what's wrong with this country/world today.... but that's my right to think that. :flipoff1:
johneddie said:
Well I guess that I'm one of those that thinks the "younger generation" SUCKS!! Its a huge part of what's wrong with this country/world today.... but that's my right to think that. :flipoff1:

I will second you on this!

Most of these snotty nose brats have no respect of where we have came from...and the men and woman that have gave ALL for us to enjoy the great lives that we are all accustomed too. And they all think that they are soooo smart. i was talking to a younger kid the other day and they didn't even know what the Berlin Wall was...GOVT EDUCATED image that, and they have ABSOLUTELY no ability to think for them-self, there work ethics SUCK and all they know is a cell phone in there face, they do not know how to carry on a normal face to face conversion and forget hard manual labor. And all of these little SHEEP are helping to seen the country down the toilet.

THANK SOMEONE that has really lived life for a change and get a prospective of the struggles they have been through and maybe you could start to appreciate how WONDERFUL you have it.....WARNING you have to put down the cell phone and actually try to have a conversation for this to take place.

AW10 said:
If we want to talk about the "Moral Decay of America" .................................. the countless racist remarks that are made on this forum daily... but 90% of you wont agree with that statement so **** me I guess...

couldn't agree more. everyone throws stones on this board and there's so much racial hate. it's sickening.

Elliott said:
I've been looking on celebrities social media and its amazing that all of them support this crap. We really need to hit them in their wallets, stop buying products and watching movies and shows with this crap on it.

so true. quit looking at actors and athletes as role models. whatever happened to the parent being the role model?
Do yall think people (that aren't in prison, the priesthood or in the navy) choose to be gay, or did God make them that way?
Moral decay....yep it sure is....but this thing of marrage is something that should be left up to your state and be voted on by the people who live in your state. And if your state votes to say marrage is only between a man and women then that is how it is in your state. If you don't like that, MOVE you butt to another state that voted to have marrage between dudes, chicks, and what every else you lefty think it should be between. Plan and simple, it's up your your state to say what goes on in your state, not the federal gov to say. That is way there are many different state in this country, so if one does things you don't like you can go live in another one.
FlatlandFSJ said:

Time will fully tell...but they may have just ****ed up passing the gay marriage ****.

Couldn't this also be applied to the ban on 30rd. Mags and other gun control measures enacted by liberal states? I agree someone should make the attempt, although I highly doubt the courts will support it, but it will highlight the hypocrisy of the Federal Government and expose their true agenda.
Oh the hypocrisy of a thread about morality on a 4x4 forum where 3 of the top 5 most viewed threads are porn. Or that of a bunch of dudes who would happily have a threesome with a couple of beautiful bi-sexual women claiming to be morally superior to those same two woman.
I don't personally care what the queers do. They can go ahead and get married so they can lose half of everything when it goes south like the rest of the married folks.

Also, don't knock a threesome til you try it. It's just not something you do inside a committed relationship IMO. Great for a single fella though.
1tfrot said:
couldn't agree more. everyone throws stones on this board and there's so much racial hate. it's sickening.

so true. quit looking at actors and athletes as role models. whatever happened to the parent being the role model?

ThIs is what's wrong with society here. Yes, the younger generation may be government educated, snotty nosed brats, but why? Who raised them, who gave them the Xbox, who put the cell phone in their hands, who taught them right from wrong and the proper way to conduct themselves? Weren't they rewarded for doing nothing, had everything handed to them with no sense of earning, passed around between school, daycare, babysitter, and whoever else - while those RAISING the kids were forced to not teach respect and were punished for disciplining the child. Yes, there's issues but were they self taught issues?

I'm not bashing anyone, just stating before you point a finger look at why and how these kids got this way.
patooyee said:
Oh the hypocrisy of a thread about morality on a 4x4 forum where 3 of the top 5 most viewed threads are porn. Or that of a bunch of dudes who would happily have a threesome with a couple of beautiful bi-sexual women claiming to be morally superior to those same two woman.

This is so true.
Shortbus said:
This is so true.

You guys have missed the entire point of the thread. It's not about moral superiority. It's about the supreme court's enfringement on the 1st Amendment. Let gays marry, who cares. They have to answer for it. However, now, it's law. The supreme court says that it has to be accepted. What they did was force a religious belief onto the people.

As of yesterday, there's already pastors who are being sued because they will not perform a wedding ceremony for homosexuals. How would it make you feel if the federal government forced a belief upon you?

Now, for everyone on this thread screaming HATE. Why is it that a black, homosexual, atheist, or whatever can openly say whatever they want about a white person and that's perfectly okay? However, if a white person returns the favor, it's considered hate?

Wake the **** up! You've been programmed by a cowardly, liberal media to believe that ****.

Porn on HL.......3 combat tours buddy......I'll have a lot more to answer for than looking at some pics of hot ass women. At least I don't suck **** and force my beliefs on anyone else. I'm not perfect by a long shot, but I can ask for forgiveness and that's between me and God. So, **** off POUGE BITCH!
BPINAZ said:
You guys have missed the entire point of the thread. It's not about moral superiority.

Sorry, I figured by the title "Moral Decay" the thread was about morality. Please explain how "Moral Decay" really refers to freedom of religion ...
Also, homosexuality is not a religion. It is a sexual persuasion. The Supreme Court decision that was the genesis of this thread merely gives equal recognition under the law to a gay marriage as it does a straight marriage. It does not force a preacher to perform a ceremony for a gay couple against his / her religious beliefs. In case you weren't aware you can get legally married simply by going down to the courthouse, you don't need a preacher. A preacher doing it isn't even saying that God recognizes the marriage. (Last I checked, preachers does not speak for God.) All the preacher is doing is blessing the couple in the eyes of that preacher's church.

There will be preachers who perform gay marriage ceremonies. If you believe that the simple act of a preacher performing a ceremony is a direct act of God then you must also believe that God blesses gay marriage as well since God would not perform the ceremony if he did not.