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3 tons o fun

Cole pisses haterade
Dec 13, 2007
Im sure alot of you have seen this. The GF showed it to me .

Why is it terrible ? Stupid fugger killed himself, I dont feel bad for his dumbass :indianajones:

I was kind of amazed at how well there "infared" was working.. that was way better then what i got to use in the Army back in the late nineties fo sho ! thumb.gif Thats cool **** ! I thought it was badass that they seemed to be audio linked to the men on the ground too, he told that one officer to NOT go over the fence , imagine being that officer and getting that bit of advice could have saved his life, Mr Suicide obviously didnt have anything to lose. If that officer had followed him over the fence he prolly woulda got dead quick. laughing1
That's some wild **** - he damn sure didn't what to go to prison...
P said:
Why is it terrible ? Stupid fugger killed himself, I dont feel bad for his dumbass :indianajones:

I was kind of amazed at how well there "infared" was working.. that was way better then what i got to use in the Army back in the late nineties fo sho ! thumb.gif Thats cool **** ! I thought it was badass that they seemed to be audio linked to the men on the ground too, he told that one officer to NOT go over the fence , imagine being that officer and getting that bit of advice could have saved his life, Mr Suicide obviously didnt have anything to lose. If that officer had followed him over the fence he prolly woulda got dead quick. laughing1
not terrible that he killed himself, the amount of splatter was crazy. maybe terrible wasn't the word for it, but I wouldn't want to be the first responder to see that or the coroner that got to use the stick and spoon to scrape up the pieces of head and brain
blacksheep10 said:
not terrible that he killed himself, the amount of splatter was crazy. maybe terrible wasn't the word for it, but I wouldn't want to be the first responder to see that or the coroner that got to use the stick and spoon to scrape up the pieces of head and brain
Mulching mower and a neighbors dog will make short work of that cleanup
Bones said:
Mulching mower and a neighbors dog will make short work of that cleanup

Got a buddy who was an investigator for the Muscle Shoals PD and he brought out some classified photos of a man who did that in his backyard sitting in a chair, terminal cancer and felt he was a drain on his family. Still sitting, shotgun still in place, nothing left from lower jaw bone up. Pretty graphic. :(
blacksheep10 said:
I wouldn't want to be the first responder to see that or the coroner that got to use the stick and spoon to scrape up the pieces of head and brain

They don't go through the trouble.
they call the fire dept and wash the pieces down the drain...
dad has told me stories like that for years...
I got brains, I got big ol brains, I got a whole palet of brains !!

knock knock trick or treat whos there... brains
P said:
I got brains, I got big ol brains, I got a whole palet of brains !!

knock knock trick or treat whos there... brains

oh ****, well played. laughing1

Sucks to be the person that owns that house. Makes for a tuff sell i would assume. [lame pun] Thats a sure fire way to keep a house on the market. laughing1 [/lame pun]
Did anyone else see the dog taking a leak right at the end of the video- almost pissed on a piece of brain ;D
LMAO! True similar story! Few weeks ago a married couple next door to my work did the murder/suicide thing. Very messy! Supposedly she was cheating which they said he was OK with but one night she was up in his face with it. He shot her 6 times in the face and then himself according to reports. Couple days later I see a caravan of people descend on the house and pile everything including rolled up bloody carpet out on the road for the trash truck to haul away. BUT! Before that can happen I witness a piece of **** truck and trailer with a couple of hard-luck looking guys pull over and jump on the pile like vultures. In a few minutes everything is on the trailer and gone. I'd love to see their faces when they unroll that carpet! lol :eek: :eek:

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