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money_pit_yj said:
I try not to get involved in conflict and probably wont respond after this, but your statement is basically calling Piper a liar and accusing him of antagonizing JohnG. From the time I have known Piper, it seems likely to me he actually did make a mistake and think the ban was lifted. Granted Piper likes to stir the pot and argue with folks, but for him to go out of his way to make things right with Nick from the original post shows he does have some character. I respect you and your opinion and wealth of wisdom, but I just cant handle when folks attack other peoples character without thinking through what they are saying. Similar to how you stood up for waiters and waitresses and the hard work and hours they put in to their jobs. If I am wrong and Piper did intentionally try to circumvent the ban, I will be the first to admit that I was wrong, but I will stick up for a friend until that happens. I will go back to being a non contributing member of this forum now thumb.gif

You misread my post. I was saying that I thought it is more likely that Jon mistakenly thought that he was un-banned than that he nefariously circumvented the ban process. Just from the few times I've met Jon I don't think he would care enough about a ban to bother trying to intentionally circumvent it.
patooyee said:
You misread my post. I was saying that I thought it is more likely that Jon mistakenly thought that he was un-banned than that he nefariously circumvented the ban process. Just from the few times I've met Jon I don't think he would care enough about a ban to bother trying to intentionally circumvent it.

Ok cool. And for what its worth I had to look up nefariously :dunno:
Re: Re: RedNeckLights

twizt3dfuc said:
This does happen JOHN.G, I am a member of another forum and it has a blocking function and works on browser but tapatalk bypasses it. It is completely possible that is taking place with Pipers ban.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

x2. Native mobile apps or platforms like Tapatalk don't always recognize certian settings of some BB software in real-time or at all so its a pretty good chance that is what happened.

I was circumcised as a baby, and I can post via PC or tapatalk......

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
JohnG said:
Jon Piper has circumvented the ban process. It was only for two weeks. I will not have that so I have deleted his account and every post he has ever made. He may come back, but the posts are gone.

Yep, I'm pissed.


My question is regarding the use of the word "may". Does that mean the jury is still out and he may or may not be allowed back? Or is it may as in may I post in your forum? Yes you may.

:ban: :ban: :ban:
It's funny as many times as piper bashed tap a talk and said he only used it to post pics because he hated ot so much blah blah blah he just happened upon a thread that wasn't even near the top and posted on it.
creepycrawly said:
My question is regarding the use of the word "may". Does that mean the jury is still out and he may or may not be allowed back? Or is it may as in may I post in your forum? Yes you may.

:ban: :ban: :ban:
He means the month of May Drue. Jesus lord help us..
I'm telling yall right now.. It was the butler, did it in the kitchen.. With a wiffle ball bar.. Yall negros go to work or something .. Hahah
kushKrawlin said:
He means the month of May Drue. Jesus lord help us..
I'm telling yall right now.. It was the butler, did it in the kitchen.. With a wiffle ball bar.. Yall negros go to work or something .. Hahah

He did it like this, he did it like that, he did it with a wiffle ball bat!!
Sorry couldn't resist.
Dear Hardline,

I want to apologize to the forum members and especially the Hardline Club members. When I took one of the three administrator positions, it was agreed that no moderation would be taken without consulting the other admins and the entire club if warranted. Over the past few years, the club has become inactive and I took over the primary administration duties alone. There was no double check of what I do.

Today, I banned a good friend, Jon Piper (aka Rednecklights). While I am in personal turmoil as to what I did, the fact is that I should have consulted the whole club before hitting a delete button that was irreversable. I failed our double check system. I am going to set up Jon a new account and email him the credentials.

I have a personal demon I am fighting in my life right now. It has affected my wife, Hardline, even a clerk in Walmart. The latest recipient of my rage was Jon Piper, and I am sorry.

I have tried to live my life by the Serenity Prayer, however recently I have failed.
God grant me the SERENITY to
accept the things I cannot change;
COURAGE to change the things I can;
and WISDOM to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it:
Trusting that He will make all things
right if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen

I am going to work on myself and get my head back on straight. Unfortunately, I am going to lose some friends over this. Some are real close.
John you did what you felt needed to be done. No one should befriend you over this period. ;)
Wow, I'm not sure what you're going through in life and I can't speak for Piper, but it seems like you're taking this a little hard. I, for one, chalk it up to just simple human error. It's just posts on a hobby forum. I mean, I might miss mine if they disappeared but in the grand scheme of life they mean virtually nothing. Any friends you lose over this little thing weren't friends to begin with.

Other than this one little incident I feel like you've been doing a good job moderating single-handedly. I'm almost certain that I couldn't remain as level-headed as you do through some of the BS here. I would have probably banned and deleted the posts of like 50 people by now. It would be internet-forum-genocide. :) If there was an election for moderator you would still receive my vote. Relax and I hope whatever you are dealing with in life gets sorted out for the best ASAP.
patooyee said:
Wow, I'm not sure what you're going through in life and I can't speak for Piper, but it seems like you're taking this a little hard. I, for one, chalk it up to just simple human error. It's just posts on a hobby forum. I mean, I might miss mine if they disappeared but in the grand scheme of life they mean virtually nothing.

Until this one little incident I feel like you've been doing a good job moderating single-handedly. Relax and I hope whatever you are dealing with in life get sorted out for the best ASAP.

i agree with patooyee, especially the part about admining on your own. It's very admirable of you to step and say you messed up takes a real man to do that, esp to hundreds of people.
John G I may have gained a lil more respect for you today. If you need help running the board I'm here for ya thumb.gif sorry had to on the last part. But it takes a lot to admit your wrong amongst a crowd this size.
Joc said:
John G I may have gained a lil more respect for you today. If you need help running the board I'm here for ya thumb.gif sorry had to on the last part. But it takes a lot to admit your wrong amongst a crowd this size.
Damn that means alot coming from you. Telling someone your wrong is much harder than telling them your right!

For some reason guys when talked about loosing close friends over it, it felt more like in everyday life, something more than the forum.
For a lot this place is everyday life. I have met some life long friends off here.. Hell it made me realize most of my "friends" were lame as **** and selfish asses. I have yet to meet a really active HL member that sucked like that. Except Chad. But he's special... MR John is still the biggest pimp I know.. And the real deal.. Hell if I was him I prob wouldn't even talk to me, but that's not how he rolls.. Cool as a fan.. It would Take more than a ban for me to "u friend" him.
Hope everything is ok John G. I'm sure you know there's a **** ton of folks that u don't ever have to worry about "losing" as a friend.
Boy piper... One things for sure... If u was not telling the truth (not saying you weren't, at all) you gotta feel like a Fukin brown fuzzy now.. If not you have no soul and prob going to hell. Just kiddin bud.

Internet group hug. (Ur not invited Jonny)
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