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Split Second Decision (CHL)


Dont Tread On Me
May 18, 2010
Sugar Land
"We must never allow the theoretical, sanitized world of our imagination to replace the dangerous and complex world that policeman face everyday. What constitutes "reasonable" action may seem quite different to someone facing a possible assailant then to someone analyzing the question at leisure." (5th Circuit Court of Appeals)

Keep that in mind as you read below.
I initially hesitated to post this on a public forum. But I think the lessons learned here have a magnitude that should affect all-CHL's.

Yesterday (Oct 23rd)

My family and I, were at my wife brothers house (BIL) (Houston, Tx) for the afternoon to carve and paint pumpkins, and have a late lunch.

It got to be 3pm and we had to be somewhere by 3:45 to meet some friends.

As we left, I was driving my wifes Tahoe, we got a few blocks away sitting southbound at a stoplight. As I rolled up, I was one car back in the middle lane (left was a turn lane, center and right were straight lanes). As I rolled to a stop I noticed a Hispanic man on the curb of the Turn lane waiting on traffic so he could cross. Also noticed a group of black males further to my left across the median & northbound lanes. We were talking, and I was watching the lights. Then all of a sudden I saw something fly behind the Tahoe via my driverside rearview mirror, but it doesnt come out the passenger mirror and I dont see it in my center rearview. I'm like "What was that???" Then I see a foot on the ground in the drivers mirror, just past my back tire. When two of the black males run and dive down behind my vehicle.

In a split second, I wasnt sure if the Hispanic had tripped and fallen, and the black guys where there to help, or one had tackled the Hispanic. I actually exited the vehicle, with my hand on my firearm, and recognized it was the latter. I went to draw my firearm, but instead dove back in the Tahoe vs. shooting. My family was in the Tahoe, and I had and recall clear conscience decision to not shoot

They beat the man and robbed him of everything in his pockets, and his shoes.

They then ran back across the street, then south across the intersection, I'm yelling for my kids to get down in the car, and my wife was already dialing 911. The lights change, and I basically end up in pursuit of these guys down the street. Trying to take pics with one hand, firearm in the other, and steering with my knee.

We stopped following once they ran into an apt complex, one block south of the incident. Completed the 911 call, then I circled back to render aid, and people were helping the guy. The pool of blood in the street was very large. They smashed this dudes face & skull in.

The cops were there pretty quick. No they did not catch anyone.

So here is my internal struggle since the incident:
As I stepped from the drivers door, they were all on top of this guy on the ground directly off my back bumper. Clean as day shots at all three. One was ripping his shoes off, the other on his pockets and the 3rd pummeling the guys head into the asphalt.
I had perfect flank shot on all 3, but crazy, I remember what my head did and I grabbed my firearm, but spun and jumped back in because of wife and kids. Now I have that burned in my head, but had to ask my wife did I really get out, immediately after it happened.
But no kidding I had doubts that happened, it was so quick, insane, not real, surreal...

Had I been solo, and not had thoughts of my wife and kids in the car, would I have intervened? I think so, but now I dont know. I would have gunned them down, and thats so scary.
It wasnt until waiting for the police, I thought about, that I only have 6 rounds, and there were 3 of them. And I didnt know if they were armed or not.

Im glad I didnt shoot them, but Im destroyed on how I could have stopped them nearly killing this guy.

Now for the "WHAT-IF":
They coulda easily smashed a window and robbed someone sitting at the light. I was alert, actually identified them on the curb across the street, but I looked away for mere seconds and they easily crossed 2 lanes of street, and a fairly large median, and I didnt see any of that. What if that'd been my wife, or son, or friend...


I'd say you made the right decision. At first glance I'm sure it looked like a normal mugging and in reality it probably was but what if something else had been going on to instigate it that you weren't aware of and didn't find out until after there's 3 dead bodies and you're in jail.

Best advice I heard was that before you pull the trigger you need to ask yourself if it's worth spending the rest of your life in jail for. When it comes to friends and family that's an easier decision but with strangers it's not. Yeah you could've helped a completely innocent civilian or that dude could've just been caught raping homeboys little sister and been getting some hood justice. There's no way you can tell in the time you had.

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I think you did the right thing protecting your wife and kids first. Still sux and a bad situation to be in, got to keep your head on a swivel at all times in this F'ed up world we live in. Maybe you could of helped the guy, maybe got yourself or family hurt. Got to protect your own first.
Man.. what a scary scenario.. Glad you guys are ok. Just that quick life can change.. You done the right thing as hard as that may be to deal with. If you`d of shot them you`d probably be in jail right now. Did you think to ask the police what their take was on using lethal force to help someone else in a situation like this was? I`d curious to really know.
onepieceatatime said:
I'd say you made the right decision. At first glance I'm sure it looked like a normal mugging and in reality it probably was but what if something else had been going on to instigate it that you weren't aware of and didn't find out until after there's 3 dead bodies and you're in jail.

Best advice I heard was that before you pull the trigger you need to ask yourself if it's worth spending the rest of your life in jail for. When it comes to friends and family that's an easier decision but with strangers it's not. Yeah you could've helped a completely innocent civilian or that dude could've just been caught raping homeboys little sister and been getting some hood justice. There's no way you can tell in the time you had.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

My thoughts exactly..^^
truckbroke said:
Did you think to ask the police what their take was on using lethal force to help someone else in a situation like this was? I`d curious to really know.
I should have asked this in the text yesterday Wyatt, was there any mention of carrying to the cops? I'll be honest, I wouldn't have even brought it up as it could open up a whole new can of worms (In my small KS town anyway) Just curious if that chat was had as well
Yes, when questioned, I had to provide my license and CHL.
There were 4 officers, and had spoke for 2-3 minute telling the story above. One asked, as if to confirm I was carrying, I said yes. That was it. They didnt change tone or demeanor towards me at all. After another minute of so, one left the circle to go get an incident #.
I said I felt scared for my family and got back in vs. They said I did the right thing not drawing down. But as we broke group, one officer mumbled to me, I shoulda taken care of 'em.

One thing I found interesting was, when I offered to text the pics, they couldnt accept as those are evidence. But all pulled out their phones and took pictures of the pictures on my phone.
This morning got a call from a Detective Investigator and he had me email the pics to add to the evidence on the incident.

There were 4 cop cars, an ambulance and a fire truck, no messing around.
That's a messed up situation, glad you and your family made it through OK. I think you made the right choice putting your family first, especially considering you only had 6 shots. It sucks for the guy they jumped, but better him than you or your family. One of the guys I work with is an ex cop and he said that a lot of times its a gang initiation thing and there were probably other members watching it unfold, had you done something they could have jumped in and made it way worse.
My rule is mind my own business, unless it's a child or woman and then it depends on the situation, you prob never shoulda got out the vehicle, but instincts are instincts, not very many people are worth going to prison over

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Re: Re: Split Second Decision (CHL)

Zjman said:
My rule is mind my own business, unless it's a child or woman and then it depends on the situation, you prob never shoulda got out the vehicle, but instincts are instincts, not very many people are worth going to prison over

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My thoughts too.

I wonder if having a full size pistol and no family in the vehicle would have changed your choice.

I know the 6 vs 17 shots is always in the back of my mind.
Zjman said:
My rule is mind my own business, unless it's a child or woman and then it depends on the situation, you prob never shoulda got out the vehicle, but instincts are instincts, not very many people are worth going to prison over

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well said
Awesome story. Thank you for sharing and getting us all thinking. Furthermore, thank you for being a good samaritan who was genuinely concerned for the health and well being of another. It is very easy for someone who has never been put in that type of stressful situation to Monday morning quarterback it. I think that all is well that ends well.

Something to think about is that by pursuing them, you may have provided useful information that hopefully leads to an arrest, but you also dramatically increased your family's exposure time. I would not be surprised to see them take a couple of pot shots at someone pursuing them after an incident like that.

At the end of the day, you and yours are ok. I think you made the right call and I am glad it wasn't me in your shoes. Thanks again for sharing.
creepycrawly said:
Awesome story. Thank you for sharing and getting us all thinking. Furthermore, thank you for being a good samaritan who was genuinely concerned for the health and well being of another. It is very easy for someone who has never been put in that type of stressful situation to Monday morning quarterback it. I think that all is well that ends well.

Something to think about is that by pursuing them, you may have provided useful information that hopefully leads to an arrest, but you also dramatically increased your family's exposure time. I would not be surprised to see them take a couple of pot shots at someone pursuing them after an incident like that.

At the end of the day, you and yours are ok. I think you made the right call and I am glad it wasn't me in your shoes. Thanks again for sharing.

We didnt intentionally leave the stoplight with the intent to follow. But they ran across the street in front of us and running down the sidewalk next to us. But you are absolutely right, I couldnt speed up as the car in front of me did the same, slowed way down.
As for would I have done it different with bigger mag, or no fam in the car question.... I dont know. I would have answered with a resounding "YES" two days ago. Now, I'm not so sure.

Things that I've thought about since. NO ONE stuck around. There was a car that pulled up behind me, and this went down in front of them, they high tailed it. Imagine if there had been shots fired? Flight kicks in.
So hypothetically lets say, I got out and save this guys life, and shot all 3 of his attackers? Surely arrested, gun confiscated, the news would LOVE it "3 black men gunned down in the street by a white man" The Hispanic ends up being an illegal, and he flees the country. All witnesses that do come forward are black and defend their people because I was at a black neighborhood intersection. #BLM blows up that whites are now coming to black neighborhoods and shooting them....
See where I'm going?!?!?

None of that crossed my mind before or during, just since. Im really re-thinking my daily CHL parameters. Basically dont skin leather unless ME or MY FAMILY are specifically at risk. And even then, its probably stacked against me if I had done anything in that situation.

Glad this is provoking thoughts for a few.
That's a hard situation. So many pros and cons to anything you do.

A lot of you are saying that you wouldn't have done anything because it's not your family and I just couldn't disagree with that more.

These situations never work out in the real world the way we work them out in our minds..

You did what you did and it all worked out so that's all you can do. You all went home at the end of the day.

I'd sugggest you go get a bigger gun! :****:
TBItoy said:
That's where I'm at.

It would be insane to do otherwise. The thought of starting some **** over some random person and crossfire taking out one of your family members is unthinkable to me
I think we all agree it was wise to get away and call cops in this case as you were not being threatened.
There was a case in KC a month ago, 2 black guys went up to a lady strapping her 1 year old in the car at the Wal Marts. They hit her on the head bad enough to mess her up. Doing whatever they were going to do, another guy walks up to try and stop them. He is immediately shot 3 times (he wasn't armed to my knowledge). Then another armed guy sees this go down, draws down and kills one, wounds the other thug who runs off and is later caught. He wasn't in immediate danger, but he was close enough to help a woman with baby and good samaritan not die. Did he do the right thing? I'd like to think so, even though he and his own were not in immediate danger. He likely had cover and a few seconds to evaluate the situation as the danger wasn't in his face.
When to intervene is the question here
The more I think about it I dont know how i would act. It would have to be a on the spot choice. We can all say i would have done this i would have done that but the truth is i dont think any of us truly know what we would do until it happens. My roommate says this **** all the time "If i see clown i'll shoot it" or some **** like that and i always ask him what if it's someone just goofing off or something. i know terrible example but it works.
InDaShop said:
Things that I've thought about since. NO ONE stuck around. There was a car that pulled up behind me, and this went down in front of them, they high tailed it. Imagine if there had been shots fired? Flight kicks in.
So hypothetically lets say, I got out and save this guys life, and shot all 3 of his attackers? Surely arrested, gun confiscated, the news would LOVE it "3 black men gunned down in the street by a white man" The Hispanic ends up being an illegal, and he flees the country. All witnesses that do come forward are black and defend their people because I was at a black neighborhood intersection. #BLM blows up that whites are now coming to black neighborhoods and shooting them....

This is probably the shittiest part about the whole deal. At the end of the day, this whole thought process being part of the "What If" changes the face of self defense because we actually have to question those repercussions. Not the standard repercussions of "was the shooting justified and in self defense", because the race card changes everything in society today.

Every day I have to drive through the shittiest part of my town where hood actions are the norm. There was a drive by shooting that claimed the life of a high school kid just down the road. I drive by the house on the way to work every day and the family still hasn't had the means to fix the bullet holes in the siding of their house. I haven't passed a single white person standing outside of one of those homes or waiting at a bus stop on that road in the 6 months I have been driving it. Yet I carry every single day. That same "what if" race card scenario has played out in my head a few times before after one guy on that road ran a stop sign, cutting me off, flipped me the bird, sped off then looked back when his dumbass ended up at the next light with me and made a "finger gun" and glared at me. Because at first glance, all I saw was something pointing at me with someone staring me down and I immediately grabbed my pistol off my console, but didn't show the weapon because I realized he was just being a ****ing thug.

I think you made the right call by leaving your gun holstered and not drawing on them. Your family wasn't the immediate threat, even IF you were being the good samaritan in that situation. No room for doubt. Now if one of those shitbags had even reached toward the door of your vehicle I would have not hesitated to end a life.

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