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Well... Heres "The Blazer" - Or Whats Left Of It (No 56K)


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
I guess this can be a lesson to us all in one way or another. I noticed quite a few beverage cans that may or may not have played a part in this, but its sad to see something like this up there since it could have been avoided.

It almost hurts to post these pictures since I know what its like to be young and broke. But, I guess sometimes you just gotta learn the hard way. Looks like theres a heck of a recovery operation that needs to take place, hopefully I will have my truck operational again by then (more on that later :mad: )...







jesus, that sucks. i read the other thread, but was it set on fire, or did it catch fire while the guy was driving it?
FordFrk06 said:
jesus, that sucks. i read the other thread, but was it set on fire, or did it catch fire while the guy was driving it?
He said it caught fire. It sure looks like he just walked away with it in flames though, and there is no evidence of a fire extinguisher used either.
crash said:
Thanks for posting pics TJ. I snapped some but I have had zero time to post anything.....
No problem, Im gonna post pics of the Birfield too :D

Ashley and I hiked back up cause I was really curious after getting so damn close and all. Man, that sure is a lot of work to hike up, especially in the snow. The trucks sure make it easy :D

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For the record we are EXTREEMLY lucky here folks---that thing could have easily caught a tree and gone very bad from there. From the evidence I saw it got sooo hot the windshield MELTED and dripped down the steel dash...
Ashley and I hiked back up cause I was really curious after getting so damn close and all. Man, that sure is a lot of work to hike up, especially in the snow. The trucks sure make it easy :D


so that was you walking i passed by you guys coming outta sack up....
:puke: man that really sucks that has got to be pain full to look at for the owner.:puke: :wtf:
crash said:
For the record we are EXTREEMLY lucky here folks---that thing could have easily caught a tree and gone very bad from there. From the evidence I saw it got sooo hot the windshield MELTED and dripped down the steel dash...
Yeah, no kidding. The extremely moist conditions were all that kept the whole place from going up in flames. Yet another lesson in this tragedy. ALWAYS CARRY AT LEAST ONE FIRE EXTINGUISHER!
crash said:
For the record we are EXTREEMLY lucky here folks---that thing could have easily caught a tree and gone very bad from there. From the evidence I saw it got sooo hot the windshield MELTED and dripped down the steel dash...
Yup. In the 5th picture down to the left of the steering wheel you can see it running down all the way to the floor. Pieces of deformed/melted glass were all over the hood as well.

blackcj7 said:
so that was you walking i passed by you guys coming outta sack up....
Yeah, I'm guessing so! Thanks for asking if we were good by the way. It always makes me feel better to know people are out there to help so when I do need it, it will hopefully be there.

No its still up there. I broke my axle before I could drive up there, and Crash was by himself otherwise. It also only has one wheel left. Its gonna be hard to pull out of there not only because of that, but where it is too is gonna be slightly tricky IMO. Good winch workout, thats for sure. The front is up against a tree, so it cant go forward, one side is against a root ball, the other a hill side. Its gotta go back up a hill a good 20-30 feet before you can get it on the "real" trail if you wanted to take it down the trail, but that would just be crazy IMO. Its probably better to take it out the top, although I dont know how much worse it gets up that way.

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Wow, ran across this on another forum in the Craigslist finds. Bad situation thats for sure!


no my blazer burnt to the ground so im sol and its snowing here

got stock in a mud pit for about an hour becasue my buddy couldnt pull me out so after that my truck was wrong like crap so my friend wanted to wheel still so i was fallowing him really slowly and then he decided to take a stock rig onto sac up and got stuck so i had to go down and help him and my truck keep turning off and i had to restart it like every 2 mins so then i was geting down to him and i think my tranny went becasue i would have to get to like 5 rpms before my truck would move forward then oil started leaking becasue the top end of the right side blow out so oil was driping on to the exghaust i think thats why it cought on fire but all i knew its there was a hella of a lot of smoke then austin telling me to f^%$*#&@ run so i did then my friend didnt have the fire extinguser he said he would bring so i watched the truck burn to the ground axles and tires are still good tho

the f#*$ truck cought on fire and i ran

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yea that is prity much what happend... this fire was an accident.. thing is we usually do have a fire extinguisher. and i woudlnt purpsle wont to leave it up there becasue this truck was my pride and joy.. and it really sucked watching this thing burn to the ground like it did
Yeah, I can only imagine. I saw you had a lot of pictures of it on your MySpace, so I get the feeling it was more than just a "beater". Bad things happen, I know.

So, DarkShadow, if we organzie an effort to get it outta the woods, are you going to be able to take care of it and dispose of it from there? Get it loaded onto a trailer and take it home or whatever? Or are you gonna need assitance with that as well?

Its up to you as to what needs to happen from here. Its gotta come out of the woods, and you have said you cant get it out on your own so I would probably try and take advantage of the situtation and the people who have offered to help to try and save some skin by at least getting it out - even if it means missing a little work or giving up a day off. Some things are more important. The license plates still on that are a direct link to you if a Ranger finds it and thinks you just abandoned it. You could be getting a fine in the mail soon if someone already reported it. You need to move quickly IMO.

yes i would like you guys to pull it out that would be very nice.. i have someone who would tow it down its just geting him to actually do it ill just have to give him gas money other then that im down... we could do this today if u guys can today is this best day for me
my number is 425 314 5500 im going to go to church this morning so text me or call and leave a message
Wow. That really bites. That reminds me I need to get a fire extinguisher for the new rig I just bought for the wife.
Well, this is interesting as it has unfolded. At first we all assumed some vandal torched it. Now I understand why there was no urgency to get it out of there. Woulda been nice to know that up front. It's too bad really, but you do need to get it out of there. If you scrap it, just be sure to bring your title to the scrap yard. Is it insured? If so, the insurance co. will deal with it for you.
i saw it last sunday when i went up sac up with a buddy.i didnt know it if it was stolen or someone just thrashing their truck.