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wrangler prices.... WTF

Re: Re: Re: wrangler prices.... WTF

ridefast said:
If you want to see the reason first hand, spend 10 minutes in Chattanooga. Never in my life have I seen as many overblown mallcrawlers. "Built" Jeeps is the new iPhone/NorthFace jacket/beaniebaby/MUSTHAVE accessory.

Thanks jerks ::)
Or florida around the beaches.. every other vehicle you pass is a jk
ridefast said:
If you want to see the reason first hand, spend 10 minutes in Chattanooga. Never in my life have I seen as many overblown mallcrawlers. "Built" Jeeps is the new iPhone/NorthFace jacket/beaniebaby/MUSTHAVE accessory.

Thanks jerks ::)

The jeeps look like someone threw a quadratec catalog at it lol.
jpony645 said:
Shiiiiiiiiit, car prices in general are outrageous. I don't know how people afford new ones. Jeeps and pickups at $40k plus......... :wtflol:

I'd be happy as a pig in **** too if someone gave me $6000 for my 98 TJ right now. Any takers? :****:

I'd trade you a beat, locked, & loaded Lexus for it :****:
jeff150 said:
And Samurais. I have one for sale priced way higher than what I think they are worth but have had several calls on it. Can't blame a man for pricing it for what the market will bear. :dunno:
Wish I had bought every one of them I saw back when you could get them for $800-$1,000 each.

No doubt! I bought my stock 87 Samurai for $800 back in 2005. It was in great shape. They can't be found for even double or posssible triple that now in the same condition.

I agree about Jeep TJ prices too. They have gotten stupid. Idiots must be paying that much or the market wouldn't support people asking those sky high prices.
Re: Re: wrangler prices.... WTF

ridefast said:
If you want to see the reason first hand, spend 10 minutes in Chattanooga. Never in my life have I seen as many overblown mallcrawlers. "Built" Jeeps is the new iPhone/NorthFace jacket/beaniebaby/MUSTHAVE accessory.

Thanks jerks ::)
This but they also like 4Runner's, Disco's, and XJ's too in Chattanooga.

I spent three days working in the North Shore I was like where does all the money come from for all this.
ridefast said:
If you want to see the reason first hand, spend 10 minutes in Chattanooga. Never in my life have I seen as many overblown mallcrawlers. "Built" Jeeps is the new iPhone/NorthFace jacket/beaniebaby/MUSTHAVE accessory.

Thanks jerks ::)
some may be jerks,but those "overblown built jeeps" you speak of has put money into local pockets and shops from buying all of those parts. In return helping feed family's here in chattanooga. :flipgotcha:
Re: Re: wrangler prices.... WTF

RockHales said:
some may be jerks,but those "overblown built jeeps" you speak of has put money into local pockets and shops from buying all of those parts. In return helping feed family's here in chattanooga. :flipgotcha:
Mall Crawlers building the local economy one parking lot at a time!

I truly want an FJ40 Cruiser to DD... but in all honesty, I'd DD a wrangler IF the mothfuckals weren't higher than giraffe *****. JEEBUS, I ain't paying 35k for a 5 year old Wrangler.