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trails disscusion

im seeing less reason to go to thes work parties all it sounds like u guys are doing is pushing is well built rigs away, so why would i spend my time helping that. and i see ur point that i was off the trail so it was illeagle, but there was little to no environmental harm, so lets use some common sense. how do you think these old timers started these trails, they didnt plot it out with dnr folks they started wheeling in the woods and then they became trails then the dnr got involved, it just wasnt illeagele then. and why should it be legal to tear the hell out of a mud hole even if it is on the trail, once u quit moving stop and use ur winch there is nothing more annoying than waiting for some idiot whether he has big or little tires sit in a hole stuck trying throttle out. that is what should be illeagle.
I have no respect for dicklick and will not respond. This guy truley is the problem.
Go to Elbe on the same weekend and I'm pretty sure you'd see just the opposite.

So perhaps clarified... for those that NOW run Elbe, those that run tire 35-36" and over are the majority.

I'm all for different trails for different vehicles and different drivers. I don't believe that any one trail can meet everyone's needs.

Your probably right about Elbe that place is ruined and I have no reason to vist there anymore but I will say I promise there will be 3x as many rigs in Liberty. A couple hundred is no exageration and the majority will be Jeeps or Toyotas with average 36 or smaller.
My question is this. If for the last 50 years it has been good fun and a hell of a challange to get to the top of the mountains why must we tear the **** out of the trails and make it harder to get to the top of the same said mountain?
There is only one answer and it is my junk is overbuilt and it boares me so we had to make it harder. THATS :rb:
...and this is the reason, less and less people post pictures... not everyone of you abide by the law every second of the day... thus, if your slightly in the wrong, this board will tear it apart... they're all a bunch of tree huggers in disguise. the master plan of the environmental groups is at work... turn the wheelers and the dirtbikers on themselves... do people intentionally make mistakes, yes. do people accidently do something or not know all the details, yes... do people do things intentionally, yes... have you ever done something questionable when no one is looking or you thought no one was looking, yes. :rolleyes:
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...and this is the reason, less and less people post pictures... not everyone of you abide by the law every second of the day... thus, if your slightly in the wrong, this board will tear it apart... they're all a bunch of tree huggers in disguise. the master plan of the environmental groups is at work... turn the wheelers and the dirtbikers on themselves... do people intentially make mistakes, yes. do people accidently do something or not know all the details, yes... do people do things intentially, yes... have you ever done something questionable when no one is looking or you thought no one was looking, yes.

I agree. :cool:
im seeing less reason to go to thes work parties all it sounds like u guys are doing is pushing is well built rigs away, so why would i spend my time helping that.

The DNR's first priority is protecting the environment and their crop(trees), then recreation, go down the recreation list and you'll find us motorized user under their boot somewhere. That's the reality of it. Sometimes a trail system can support the big rigs, sometimes it can't or shouldn't.

and i see ur point that i was off the trail so it was illeagle, but there was little to no environmental harm, so lets use some common sense.

Common sense doesn't apply here. Illegal is illegal, and every time you go off trail it shows the next person behind you wether they saw you do it or not it's ok because they'll see your tire track no matter how light.

Few exceptions are made for this and none of them I would consider "recreational".

how do you think these old timers started these trails, they didnt plot it out with dnr folks they started wheeling in the woods and then they became trails then the dnr got involved, it just wasnt illeagele then.

It may have probably illegal, but the sport was a fraction of the size today so it wasn't worried about. The issue was so small and self managed why bother. Then throw in today's politics.

and why should it be legal to tear the hell out of a mud hole even if it is on the trail, once u quit moving stop and use ur winch there is nothing more annoying than waiting for some idiot whether he has big or little tires sit in a hole stuck trying throttle out. that is what should be illeagle.

There may be something out there about "excessive wheelspin", but if there is I haven't seen it enforced. It would probably be hard to enforce too.

The problem with excessive wheelspin on big tired rigs and knobby tires is it almost guarantees that smaller rigs are going to do it just to try to get through what the big rig left behind. The busy didn't get to where it is because a couple individuals tore the ground up with big tires. No, it took a lot of people doing that, and that happened in the pretty recent past with the upswell of big rigs.
im seeing less reason to go to thes work parties all it sounds like u guys are doing is pushing is well built rigs away, so why would i spend my time helping that. and i see ur point that i was off the trail so it was illeagle, but there was little to no environmental harm, so lets use some common sense. how do you think these old timers started these trails, they didnt plot it out with dnr folks they started wheeling in the woods and then they became trails then the dnr got involved, it just wasnt illeagele then. and why should it be legal to tear the hell out of a mud hole even if it is on the trail, once u quit moving stop and use ur winch there is nothing more annoying than waiting for some idiot whether he has big or little tires sit in a hole stuck trying throttle out. that is what should be illeagle.

It's not illegal to be stuck, but it's poor trail manners to not take a tug when appropriate. It is illegal to do "mudding" on a trail.

Your excuse for not going to work parties is stupid and again, you're proving the opposition's points. Get off your lazy butt and get involved in the work parties and you'll have a LOT more respect and understanding for why some people (myself included) get so ticked off when you do stuff like drive off the trail and try to make excuses for it. All it takes is one person to drive off the trail, knock down some underbrush and then the next person goes there... and soon we have another illegal bypass to fire the greenie's flames and makes more work for us that DO bother to go out and work the trails, to fix what you started.
they're all a bunch of tree huggers in disguise. the master plan of the environmental groups is at work... turn the wheelers and the dirtbikers on themselves...

Just curious, have you been actively involved with trying to keep an ORV area open in today's world?

I'm not talking work parties, I'm talking working so close with the government that officials know you on a first name basis.
Why did you even drive up on the stump in the first place?
to look cool? (sure looks cool to me)

to test a possible broken suspention part? (would have been a great exscuse)

to pose for a picture (you got the pose part down)

or because your gay and you think your rig is the ****? (this is my guess)

I would not mention a thing if you were on the trail or doing a hill climb in a clip with no seatbelt,(thats your bag) but any time your tires leave the designated trail it is bad for all of us weather you think so or not, it is fact. Just try to use your noggin next time.

I have not met a guy yet that drives up on stumps along the trail that was truley a good guy and was down for protecting this sport.
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...and this is the reason, less and less people post pictures... not everyone of you abide by the law every second of the day... thus, if your slightly in the wrong, this board will tear it apart... they're all a bunch of tree huggers in disguise. the master plan of the environmental groups is at work... turn the wheelers and the dirtbikers on themselves... do people intentionally make mistakes, yes. do people accidently do something or not know all the details, yes... do people do things intentionally, yes... have you ever done something questionable when no one is looking or you thought no one was looking, yes. :rolleyes:

If you read from the start of this today, you'll see that it started out as an FYI, giving the person in the pic (I didn't know who it even was) the benefit of the doubt that he didn't know any better. That wasn't SLIGHTLY in the wrong, it was plain wrong and it was intentional. Perhaps misinformed, I'll still give the benefit of the doubt on that, but if Nancy had seem him, she would have been fully in her right to hit him with a nasty ticket. I'd rather someone learn from the mistake rather than getting a nasty ticket. Maybe, just maybe, on the next run, someone will actually let someone know when they're doing something the shouldn't.
I have not met a guy yet that drives up on stumps along the trail that was truley a good guy and was down for protecting this sport.

I have, many times... but once I started taking an active role in helping at Elbe I realized the problems and stopped.
Why dont you all stop your bitching and just wheel. This thread is going no where but twisting up all your panties and causing a midol malfunction. Fawk all this "Im telling on you cause you drove here or your gonna get fined for going there or my ***** hurt cause my tires are to small or im jealous cause your tire are bigger"....... Just fawking get out and have fun!!!!!:rolleyes: :mad:

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