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the race was awesome, we had a lot of fun. had some bad luck pre running- broke the rear limit straps - Scott L. had some bad luck too, he rolled on an obstacle that they ended up eliminating from the race, then he broke a front output shaft.

We started the race on the front row and was doing really well on the first lap, we one shotted all the obstacles and had a good lead. we caught up to everyone about middle ways of the second lap and made a couple passes. then broke the inner and outter axles on the front end. made it back to the pits and got that changed fairly quickly and actually caught up and passed a couple people that was still on their second lap. got up to the leaders and they were all stuck on a bad obstacle and we ended up breaking both sides of the front end trying to make up time. i think all the rain made the course a lot tougher than anyone expected, even with last minute changes to try and make it easier. I am looking forward to Auburn!
Thanks for all the AL support! We had some record breaking rain the week prior to the event (nearly 10"), which made the course much, much different than when we laid it out. We left the original course as-is for pre-running. Noticing a lot of challenges with the course from the heavy rains, we made several adjustments to eliminate some of the problem areas or to change direction on some of the more difficult areas. It worked but what was meerely ankle deep mud at the bottom of a brand new trail turned into a deep mud hole that we never anticipated getting that bad. We do what we can to adjust to the weather and course changes but its not always perfect.

The next event at GAP is coming quickly. John has been working a lot to get ready for everyone. We hope to have a great time and good weather in Alabama and we will work on the course so that regardless of weather, we'll all get in our laps!

If anyone has any questions or thoughts, feel free to let me know. Remember, this series is for you all and we built ECORS from our customer's input.

Thanks for a great weekend!
Neal3000 said:
somebody ought to tell Wes Keen about the ecors race in Auburn AL, would be a good chance for him to go up against some KOH racers

I wish he would. I for one would be grabbing one of his ball hairs and :tc

ecors said:
The next event at GAP is coming quickly. John has been working a lot to get ready for everyone. We hope to have a great time and good weather in Alabama and we will work on the course so that regardless of weather, we'll all get in our laps!

Sure has! And it will definitely be spectator friendly... can't wait!
good pics here: http://www.nc4x4.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108891&page=2



Matt O. said:
Who won?

Sounds like someone needs some real axle shafts...

yep! ;D i knew that was my weak link going in but just couldnt swing new shafts before the race. RCVs will be on order as soon as i get the tow rig fixed ::)
Dude that lost his front axle is the guy I got my motor from. He lives 10 minutes from me, dude is nuts behind the wheel
wizzo said:
what axle shafts were you running??

spicer 35 splines nothing special at all.

Matt O. said:
Dude that lost his front axle is the guy I got my motor from. He lives 10 minutes from me, dude is nuts behind the wheel

he was a wild man for sure, if he could get that motor dialed in so it would idle he would have been a lot faster. i hope he is OK, he was a little light headed after the roll and carnage
Team 4426 has had some shithouse luck getting the bugs out of the rig and to add fuel to the fire our trip from TX was less to be desired....
So about 80 miles out of Marion on I40 early Friday morning BJ looses control of his 44' race trailer and jacknife'd the whole damn setup........truck was a F450 with 944 miles on it.....FUBAR. I call Jim to see if he knows anyone that can help and he calls Travis Watford up.....BIG PROPS TO YOU MAN!!! He comes and loads our junk up...we take the buggy, some tools, spare tires, jacks, fuel jug, CO2, some real basic stuff to get us to the race until we get a backup plan. Then we call home and have another buddy load up with his small enclosed and come up to bring us back home. So then comes race day.......another blown up stub shaft on pretty much the first rocks in the race......guess what...spare axles are at exit 24 at the totaled race trailer. Then while winching the rig has a small electrical fire AGAIN...same problem we had at KOH. WE FOUND THE PROBLEM THIS TIME! We thought the Lokar throttle cable rubbed through the charge wire at KOH....well it wasn't. So that is fixed and we are gonna try this **** again in Auburn in 6 weeks!!!! OH and 300M ST shafts on the way....this blowing up 4340 shafts and 300M ujoints is getting old. The Ouversons held together like a champ over the other NON breakable u Joints.....

Thanks again Travis for getting us to the race we still had a freaking blast!


Dude there has to be another problem if you keep breaking just the pass side shafts? There is no reason you should be blowing up shafts like that, something else has to be causing it. That is terrible luck, the truck and trailer look awful. Damn, hope he can get it all fixed on insurance.
He broke the driver side at the race 2 weeks ago.....check that he broke another one of those unbreakable 300m joints.
sommertime said:
He broke the driver side at the race 2 weeks ago.....check that he broke another one of those unbreakable 300m joints.

Longfield or CTM? What 300m shafts he gonna go with?
Longfield.........2 u joints gone. Shafts where just 4340 Branik clearanced. Has a new set of 300M Spidertrax on order
Go with the CTM 300m axles,Kevin #147 beats on them as hard or harder than most and has yet to break a set

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