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Harlan KY Attendance

Why start any rumors or concerns of the park shutting down? They have a 30yr lease or something with the owners. A lot of guys from NC that used to wheel there have gotten out or are still there cruising in sxs. What may be lacking in crawler attendance is totally made up for with the sxs. We were there this yr and didn't have to wait on anyone, anywhere, it was awesome. I've been going to Harlan for 9yrs now, love the place. I have plans to go back at least two more times this yr and I'm 4hrs away.

This thread should be about opening new trails if anything. The property is huge. Plenty of places for more trails. And yes, for those of us that have been going there since it officially opened, we have been running the same trails for a long time now.

When I saw this I wanted to throat punch the next dumb **** I saw throw trash out on the trail. If it doesn't get done before I get back up there I'll just tie off to my winch line and pick up a bag full.

starting rumors???? never said..did you hear the park was shutting down......NO!!!!! I am just voicing my concerns that I see since we wheel there all the time and the numbers of people have dropped significantly over the past couple of years...... they raised their prices to help cover cost...and that's perfectly fine....still a great deal but I am trying to get the people who run the place aware of issues that aren't being addressed

I mean face reality.....look at the offroad parks that have shut down recently! if no money is coming in....theres no money to keep the places open. last thing I want to see is Harlan shut down. Maybe if some issues can be addressed then attendance will increase
Speaking of trail maintenance, I don't think that colored feller is gettin' in there in his Cavalier to see that the trees are down. You probably gotta tell the people at the shack or do it yourself. I'm sure some fellers on here will chip in a gallon of mogas and a bottle of 2-stroke oil for your trouble. Whats your paypal? :dblthumb:
Pretty sure Harlan is different than a privately owned park, in that it doesn't actually have to turn a profit in itself to be viable.

It is under the KY state recreation act that allows landowners to essentially sign their land to the state and defer all liability of letting people access the property for recreational purposes.

Yes, it would be great to see attendance increase, and the entire local economy continue to grow with the park. But at the same time, I don't think there is a danger of it shutting down just because they don't have huge events with a lot of attendance at one time.

I remember when clubs or groups would have "events" (not SFWDA events) at Tellico that were basically big trail rides with minimal organization, no raffles, no races, no "bounty hills", no BS, and tons of people still showed up just to get together and ride.

Seems like now, every is wanting to be "Entertained" when they go wheelin, and you see people say all the time on the boards "I miss the good ol days of just trail riding"... Well guess what, get some buddies, and go ride!

5BrothersFabrication said:
Speaking of trail maintenance, I don't think that colored feller is gettin' in there in his Cavalier to see that the trees are down. You probably gotta tell the people at the shack or do it yourself. I'm sure some fellers on here will chip in a gallon of mogas and a bottle of 2-stroke oil for your trouble. Whats your paypal? :dblthumb:

I definitely don't wanna see it turned into a cookie cutter park catering to the SxS crowd only (got a park like that bout 20 mins from me right now :puke:) or just a "make it or break it"obstacle park.I'll take a good rough trail any day over a graded road or a "I'm screwed if I don't make it" obstacle.
Not everyone/every rig is gonna make all the trails and obstacles.Hell that's what makes it fun and challenging!! :driving: :woot: Sorry I don't believe in the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality! ::) Just like to see some new trails and the park continue to flourish! :drinkers:
Been there twice and I love that park for the way that it is. You're definately "out there" when you're on those trails and that's part of that I love. I didn't hear anything when we were there this year but 2 years ago they were saying that they might be doubling in size. Anybody hear about that?
highrolrcustoms said:
starting rumors???? never said..did you hear the park was shutting down......NO!!!!!
One of my favorite places to wheel, closer to you than me, shut down a few yrs ago, along with other places. All it takes is ONE idiot to read your concerns and take that to another board to get a rumor rolling and panick sets in. It's happened before, just saying.

I honestly think you just want to see big names and crowds up there for your enjoyment. The ledges on mason jar didn't get bigger because no one has been wheeling them. I'm not trying to argue with you, I just don't believe there is an issue with attendance. I do know there are a lot less people wheeling the whole region in general. Look up the old Harlan ride threads on pirate and figure out who still wheels.
TBItoy said:
Seems like now, every is wanting to be "Entertained" when they go wheelin, and you see people say all the time on the boards "I miss the good ol days of just trail riding"... Well guess what, get some buddies, and go ride!


x2.... Quoted for speaking the truth.
sledneck said:
x2.... Quoted for speaking the truth.
x2 I might be switching jobs soon and my new position will give me a rotation of having weekdays and weekends off. Pretty excited to be able to go out on weekdays with just a couple buddies and really be able to cover ground.
I think the April Fools Ride was a little low on attendance because of the weather there was a huge storm on Thursday and part of Friday and keep a lot of people at home IMO Like I said early the trail change every time I go over and them big rocks don't move themselves I love the way Harlan is and the fact that you can go though most of the park with ease I think that helps bring in the crowds to watch the big rigs do cream puff, little jagger and lions den I love it just the way it is
i have also noticed that over the past few years the number of vendors have decreased at rides such as fall crawl but as far as attendance fall crawl was packed like always last year just not as organized as years past. The april fools run wasn't that packed because it stormed like hell thur and rained some of fri. The weather put us was behind but we still made it. As far as the trails go the only one I know of that's NOT passable is upper damnation and under estimated maybe. I personally like the way the trails change at Harlan because u never know what to expect. Far as the trash is concerned that's uncalled for, we picked a bag of cans up at canopener sat at april fools run. Don't get me worng most of our group drinks but we always carry a trash bag or throw em in the floor board . I personally would like to see a few more trails opened up because their is tons of potential their for more. By far my favorite place to ride whether its crowded or not.
Its always busy when we go in October. I like the rock bouncers but, honestly after a little bit of seeing one after the other over an over I`m usually over it and wanting to go ride.. I know its good for the sport and all but, damn the crowds and traffic are aggravating as hell. I like trail riding the stuff harlan has and seeing the changes that have happened from year to year. I could really care less to ever see a rock race up there and sure wouldn`t go watch.. from what I`ve seen its like 10-20 rigs and like 200 sxs`s with people crambed all over them blocking trails and all wearing crawling sucks T shirts.. Just sayin
Re: Re: Re: Harlan KY Attendance

truckbroke said:
I could really care less to ever see a rock race up there and sure wouldn`t go watch.. from what I`ve seen its like 10-20 rigs and like 200 sxs`s with people crambed all over them blocking trails and all wearing crawling sucks T shirts.. Just sayin


Rock racing is cool and all, but IMO there are more appropriate venues for organized racing and bounty hill climbs than Harlan
this time last year there was a guy on pirate asking folks to come up and help cut trails… I was going to go help but ended up not being able to afford the trip. I think it was the shoppe fella but i can't remember.

All the place needs to draw more buggies is some new trails.. yeah the trails change every time you go and thats fun but our group has been going up there at least twice a year for at least 8 years, we've seen the trails in every condition..

On the trail maintenance… I'm not complaining about your turn, I'm good with it being unpassable sometimes.. it just seems backward to put all the effort into destroying lowerD when there are plenty of easier trails and there's so much potential in other areas of the park for new trails that would bring more folks to the park. I can understand budget cuts, it happens to everyone but getting a group of volunteers together to cut a trail is damn near free to the park plus getting the community involved in that would bring folks in like wildfire..

for now I'm burned out on harlan and i won't be spending any money there this year in hopes I'll actually want to go there again…

Is anyone on here local to harlan that might want to help set up a hardline trail cutting day? I'd show up for sure…. this seems like the hardline thing to do, help out a park we love while we still can...
TBItoy said:

Rock racing is cool and all, but IMO there are more appropriate venues for organized racing and bounty hill climbs than Harlan

^^^^^^^ Nail on the head.

highrolrcustoms said:
Last fall crawl in harlan was like 5 sxs to 1 crawler ratio. I have noticed a large increase in sxs up there.

Well how much easier is it to go to the polaris dealer and buy a sxs that you get instant satisfation out of than building you a rig. Hell really most folks probably don`t have know how or even a shop to do it. Not hatin cause I love my Ranger but, just sayin at every Srrs I`ve been to its absolutely crawling with the damn things and that litter thing we keep talking about. I seen the Gray rock after math last time they had an event and it was like a damn landfill. Luckily its small enough to run around and pick it up easily. Somewhere like Harlan that would a nightmare.
Toddy said:
What happened to Ronnie Shoope? I know when it first started he had a lot to do with the big events.


As of last year he was still on the board. They cut a trail on the far side of the park called Grasshopper or something of that nature. I forgot to look fro it last weekend when I was there.

I txt him when I was there about some parts for a buddy's rig and like always he came thru with someone who had something. I assume he's still helping with the park, didn't really ask.
Also, Mike from the cabins showed us a new trail just past the pay station Trail 5. It has a lot of steeper loose climbs. Looks like it will turn into something nasty eventually. We did it at night and got lost as ****, but it was a hell of a ride.