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Nascar In Wa???

Thats just like that ass hat Reirdon and his comments about putting the track up here in Snohomish County. They didn't look at the long term possibility of revenue. The track would have made back 10x the initial investment. :mad:
Anyone who thinks this racetrack or any other professional sports facility paid for primarilly with tax money is going create a financial windfall for taxpayers needs to put down the crack pipe and/or pull their heads out of their azzes. We are NEVER going to see any profits from the Safeco Field and Quest Stadium projects.

Despite that article, I think that few if any of our local and state politicians are genuinely opposed to ISC building a racetrack in Washington. If NASCAR fans want a local track, let them pay for it through ticket sales. Don't like the idea of having to "carry your own water", as ISC claimed they would do? Then settle for watching it on TV.

If ISC cannot make a sound business case for building the track with their own money, then it's not a sound investment for the taxpayers, either. Sit down and actually think about it for a minute. If the state is stupid for passing up this revenue, isn't ISC even stupider for offering to share it with the state in the first place or not going it on their own without begging for welfare? There is a reason why they want the taxpayers to provide them and their overpaid drivers with a nice new racetrack.

Same goes for the Sonics. They can go to Oklahoma. Fawk them and their $400,000,000 extortion plan.
Boomer said:
Anyone who thinks this racetrack or any other professional sports facility paid for primarilly with tax money is going create a financial windfall for taxpayers needs to put down the crack pipe and/or pull their heads out of their azzes. We are NEVER going to see any profits from the Safeco Field and Quest Stadium projects.

Despite that article, I think that few if any of our local and state politicians are genuinely opposed to ISC building a racetrack in Washington. If NASCAR fans want a local track, let them pay for it through ticket sales. Don't like the idea of having to "carry your own water", as ISC claimed they would do? Then settle for watching it on TV.

If ISC cannot make a sound business case for building the track with their own money, then it's not a sound investment for the taxpayers, either. Sit down and actually think about it for a minute. If the state is stupid for passing up this revenue, isn't ISC even stupider for offering to share it with the state in the first place or not going it on their own without begging for welfare? There is a reason why they want the taxpayers to provide them and their overpaid drivers with a nice new racetrack.

Same goes for the Sonics. They can go to Oklahoma. Fawk them and their $400,000,000 extortion plan.

I have to agree, even though it pains me to.
Don't get me wrong would love to see a track closer than Vegas but not by taxing the over tax taxpayers, can you say Washington.
I think they should move it to Post falls or Spokane it does not seem very popular on the west side.

Although I would have like to see the track go in up in Arlington.
The Tri-Cities would probaby be a better choice with better weather year around but the problem with the east side is infastructer, these isn't enough.

Just round number:
100,000 is probably a good number for seats. Say 50,000 come in from out of town, probably more because Canada is in the picture now. I'm not sure anything on the eastside could take that influx of people using hotels, resturants, or whatever else.

The consideration is what to do in the down time, haven't looked into this at all. They will most likely need a Sat. night (local) show, driving school, SCCA racing, or something else to to use the track for more than once a year. The Sat. night show will also pull from an already thin population of racecars.
spokane just got done dealing with tthat type of influx.for the world figure skating championships a month ago.so it could be handled here,but locally through our counties we are already taxed to hell.the east side would probably be a better venue for it as there are a lot of frickin rednecks over here.(my ol'lady watches nascar religiously)heheh:redneck: :flipoff: just ssayin that regardless , our representatives are getting out of control with there"wee don't want them kinda folk around here "statements. they better look around abd realize who does live here before they get shot.sorry,this kinda **** pisses me off.i don't really care if it comes or doesn't.but the fact that these bastards think they can run this ****in state this way,is well,downright annoying.:wtf: thats why i left texas.:D
I lived in NC for 4 years and was SOOO glad to leave the lame world of left turn racing. I was saddened to find out upon arrival back in washington that there was rumors of a track being built here....I always thought my home state was better then that....

Sitting in the stands of a race most people are just hanging out using it as an excuse to drink and only watching about 10% of the race, the frist 10 laps, the last 10 laps and of course the only real excitement, the wrecks.

But what do I know, I dislike professional wrestling, having grown up at age 10, and really wish the sonics would shutup and move out of washington all together.

Jim <--Realized he probably pissed off most forum members :flipoff:
Jim1973 said:
I lived in NC for 4 years and was SOOO glad to leave the lame world of left turn racing. I was saddened to find out upon arrival back in washington that there was rumors of a track being built here....I always thought my home state was better then that....

Sitting in the stands of a race most people are just hanging out using it as an excuse to drink and only watching about 10% of the race, the frist 10 laps, the last 10 laps and of course the only real excitement, the wrecks.

But what do I know, I dislike professional wrestling, having grown up at age 10, and really wish the sonics would shutup and move out of washington all together.

Jim <--Realized he probably pissed off most forum members :flipoff:

:wtf: :flipoff: You own a Subaru Outback and hangout at Starbucks don't ya?? :haha:
ok heres something to ponder, the safeco feild and quest feild projects went through even though tax payers said no, now if we said no to a race track maybe we will get one.

seriously, they cant add another race to the season the roster is already packed and on top of that what east coast state is going to give up their race to give it to us. plus it rains 90% of the year on the east and west side. there wont be enough revenue comming in no matter where it is, its too far from the main pack. the closest tracks are in cali or in vegas. they arent going to drive 1k miles to get to our track and have it rain out. thats absurd.
Damn, I own a Subaru Outback and I also think Nascar is the Gheyist kind of Ghey. :rb:

Sure, it's high speed and all, and it is easy to view live. There, I described any and all retaining value of the sport. Figure 8 racing backwards in busses is more entertaining.

I have no problem with folks who like Nascar, that's fine. I work with a guy who owns a (now former) Nascar team / car.

I still would rather watch (rally, Dakar, etc. )
toyrunner95 said:
ok heres something to ponder, the safeco feild and quest feild projects went through even though tax payers said no, now if we said no to a race track maybe we will get one.

seriously, they cant add another race to the season the roster is already packed and on top of that what east coast state is going to give up their race to give it to us. plus it rains 90% of the year on the east and west side. there wont be enough revenue comming in no matter where it is, its too far from the main pack. the closest tracks are in cali or in vegas. they arent going to drive 1k miles to get to our track and have it rain out. thats absurd.

I say we get rid of California:flipoff: .... nobody even likes that track except Jeff Gordon:haha: What is sad is that they got rid of The Rock in NC. It had a lot of history to it. I don't support gettin rid of a track down south, but I could give a rats ass if they decide to get rid of a track north of Virginia. As far as who gets stuck w/ the bill here.... you live in Washington folks, if ya cared about a hard earned dollar you'd move :D I'm ****in around, but this State rapes us anyways, so I wouldn't mind seeing a track through it all. If you don't like Nascar/toilet bowl racing, then that's your deal. More people tune in to the race on Sundays in this country than any other sport.:corn:
Boomer said:
Anyone who thinks this racetrack or any other professional sports facility paid for primarilly with tax money is going create a financial windfall for taxpayers needs to put down the crack pipe and/or pull their heads out of their azzes. We are NEVER going to see any profits from the Safeco Field and Quest Stadium projects.

Despite that article, I think that few if any of our local and state politicians are genuinely opposed to ISC building a racetrack in Washington. If NASCAR fans want a local track, let them pay for it through ticket sales. Don't like the idea of having to "carry your own water", as ISC claimed they would do? Then settle for watching it on TV.

If ISC cannot make a sound business case for building the track with their own money, then it's not a sound investment for the taxpayers, either. Sit down and actually think about it for a minute. If the state is stupid for passing up this revenue, isn't ISC even stupider for offering to share it with the state in the first place or not going it on their own without begging for welfare? There is a reason why they want the taxpayers to provide them and their overpaid drivers with a nice new racetrack.

Same goes for the Sonics. They can go to Oklahoma. Fawk them and their $400,000,000 extortion plan.

While your argument is well written and almost makes sense, it still fricken STUPID!! I mean real STUPID. The tax dollars alone from ticket sales, memorabilia and food would make the state money in a very short time. This is completely overlooking the new business that would be built. Like Hotels, Restaurants Ect ect. I support the "Back the Track" group, and live less than 5 miles from were the track would be built.
Example: Fontana Motor speedway in California is already in the black and making money. That a very comparable facility to the proposed Washington track. So Boomer, I propose you put down your crack pipe you fuzzy headed liberal loving goat roper.
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03RUBICON said:
While your argument is well written and almost makes sense, it still fricken STUPID!! I mean real STUPID. The tax dollars alone from ticket sales, memorabilia and food would make the state money in a very short time. This is completely overlooking the new business that would be built. Like Hotels, Restaurants Ect ect. I support the "Back the Track" group, and live less than 5 miles from were the track would be built.
Example: Fontana Motor speedway in California is already in the black and making money. That a very comparable facility to the proposed Washington track. So Boomer, I propose you put down your crack pipe you fuzzy headed liberal loving goat roper.

Already in the black? So the California Speedway was financed primarilly with public loans and they have all be paid off in their entirety?

The only thing that appears stupid here is your logic, or complete lack thereof. If this track is going to be such a moneymaker, then why won't ISC "carry their own water" and pay for it themselves as they previously said they would? Why do they need welfare for such a supposedly financially viable venture? Why were they ready to pay for the entire cost of a new track in NY but not here?

I would support exempting sales of tickets, memorabilia, food, etc at the track from state and local sales taxes and allowing the track itself to be exempt from property taxes as that is tax revenue that would not be otherwise generated if the track is not constructed. That is it. There, no ISC gets to keep ALL of the profits their track generates and the state is still on the hook for improving the surrounding road system to accomodate the new raceway. If that STILL does not make for a sound business case for them, then fawk 'em. Don't reach into MY pocket to subsidize YOUR sport.
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Nextel Cup has become one of the largest spectator sports in America. I don't think it is possible for your feeble brain to comprehend the revenue that 160,000+ crazed fans bring to Washington. Nor do you show the ability to understand the amount of jobs a facility like this would bring to our region of Washington. I certainly can not tell you what those numbers are, as I am not a expert on this subject, but I can tell you that every new track that has been built has been a huge success for the region it was built in. There is no reason what so ever to think that ours would be the first one to fail and not be profitable for both the tax payers and the ISC. We have Safeco, we have Qwest, we need this track, It's a win win for everyone involved. If you can't see that I am sorry but you have no right pass judgment on those who are bright enough to see it.
As far as why the ISC won't pay for the whole thing. It's simple economics. Why pay for the whole thing when you don't have to? Did the NFL pay for Qwest? how about MLB did the pay for Safeco? use your noodle bro. If a few dollars more tax really bugs you then you should not live in Washington anyway, we are taxed to death in this state. Gotta love the liberals.
03RUBICON said:
Nextel Cup has become one of the largest spectator sports in America. I don't think it is possible for your feeble brain to comprehend the revenue that 160,000+ crazed fans bring to Washington. Nor do you show the ability to understand the amount of jobs a facility like this would bring to our region of Washington. I certainly can not tell you what those numbers are, as I am not a expert on this subject, but I can tell you that every new track that has been built has been a huge success for the region it was built in. There is no reason what so ever to think that ours would be the first one to fail and not be profitable for both the tax payers and the ISC. We have Safeco, we have Qwest, we need this track, It's a win win for everyone involved. If you can't see that I am sorry but you have no right pass judgment on those who are bright enough to see it.
As far as why the ISC won't pay for the whole thing. It's simple economics. Why pay for the whole thing when you don't have to? Did the NFL pay for Qwest? how about MLB did the pay for Safeco? use your noodle bro. If a few dollars more tax really bugs you then you should not live in Washington anyway, we are taxed to death in this state. Gotta love the liberals.

So, to summarize:

You admittedly know very little about the subject. :looser:

This raceway will employ thousands of skilled, highly paid workers. (To do what, sweep the track and mop up vomit from drunken fans?) :rolleyes:

You cannot provide any data to substantiate your ridiculous claims. :wtf:

But we should take your word for it anyhow. :haha:

Simple economics somehow requires massive public welfare for a supposedly hugely successful industry. :dumbass:

The Seahawks and Mariners received new stadiums at considerable public expense (that will take decades to be recouped, if ever) so everyone else should, too. (Should we all receive welfare because in some trailer park a NASCAR fan and her brood from 10 different fathers does?) :mad:

If it bugs NASCAR fans to pay a few extra dollars for tickets to cover the costs of enjoying their own sport, then maybe they should move somewhere else. :flipoff:

Pay your own way, NASCAR fans. Enough is enough.

Edited to add that if you are going dig up some numbers to try to prop up your ridiculous argument, they had better be from an unbiased, objective source and not NASCAR, ISC, or any other entity that stands to gain from being welfare bums.
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Hell, with all of the money Washington state and the city of Seattle must be raking in from Qwest and Safeco fields, you'd think that they could afford to replace the Viaduct with a 12 lane super tunnel instead of squabbling over a mere 2 billion dollar difference in price tags between an elevated roadway and a small tunnel. How much do we still owe on those stadiums again? And what about the Kingdome that no longer exists. Has that been paid off yet? Anyone else care to chime in with what fantastic investments of public money these all turned out to be and how our taxes have been reduced by the enormous revenues generated by them? :looser:
I am messin with ya just a little it's fun to get under people skin whom have such a easy thin skin to get under. However please click this link and read the economic study PDF.

I rest my case :flipoff:

Can you do that math or would you like me to do it for you?
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