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Unofficial DNR/Reiter Rocky Buggy

You can count on me to Donate any plasma cutting, plate work, or materials. I can help with labor and a place to do the work, tools, etc. I may also have some parts once i know what it is you need. I am 30 min from your house Money. I'm available anytime, 206-919-8325.
You can count on me to Donate any plasma cutting, plate work, or materials. I can help with labor and a place to do the work, tools, etc. I may also have some parts once i know what it is you need. I am 30 min from your house Money. I'm available anytime, 206-919-8325.


Thank you sir.
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Well. If it helps open Reiter I am all for it. Your air shocks might not like the idea though...I think you make some good points. I also know you have the time, the desire, the correct vehicle and the determination for this. So Thanks mang:cool:
Well. If it helps open Reiter I am all for it. Your air shocks might not like the idea though...I think you make some good points. I also know you have the time, the desire, the correct vehicle and the determination for this. So Thanks mang:cool:

Thanks. And yes the air shocks might be an issue.......we'll see.:redneck:
I made it home safely. Thanks Money.. The heim joint / steering end / seatbelt bolt Money fab held together.:awesomework:

Hopefully I can make the next work party, and get you your joint back.
Or I can get it back sooner if need be.:cool:
No problem, that joint is yours......just spare junk. :cool: Thanks for the donations.

:awesomework::awesomework: If I make the next work party I'll see if I can round up more stuff. I do have some extra cable with eyes, and hooks.

those pulleys are yours to keep. Just be carefull, as they are really old, and I don't know how much they can handle. They don't look too strong.
Sounds interesting Money. I will follow where this goes and talk to you when I get back to WA, to see what if anything I can do to help out. :awesomework:
Specific things needed:

plate metal
spray paint
welding wire/gas
special power tools (would be returned to owner after use)
do-dads and thing-a-ma jigs that have anything to do with leverage forces and a way to manipulate them
winch rope/cable

design......actual real design of a working system
Specific things needed:

plate metal -got it
spray paint got it
welding wire/gas got it
special power tools (would be returned to owner after use)got it
do-dads and thing-a-ma jigs that have anything to do with leverage forces and a way to manipulate them not sure what that is. lol
winch rope/cable

design......actual real design of a working system got it

:redneck: How wide is the rear of your chassis at purposed mounting points? some decent triangulation in the lateral plane is required for movement while holding weight. it will dictate the maximum length of the gin pole setup. we could do fixed peices with bolt on to the roof, or a strap to the roof. as simple as we want and in the end we will probably be limited to youre air struts capacity. You have airbumps tho, dont you? :cheer: I got a D-ring i can throw into the mix too.
What's your weight distribution? Do you have a place on the back of the buggy where you could put some counter weight if needed?
Specific things needed:

plate metal
spray paint
welding wire/gas
special power tools (would be returned to owner after use)
do-dads and thing-a-ma jigs that have anything to do with leverage forces and a way to manipulate them
winch rope/cable

design......actual real design of a working system

I have 100 feet of new 5/16 winch cable and a good block I will donate if you could use it.PM me if interested:awesomework:
something to think about is tire pressure, you will have to air up to accomplish this task and thus reducing the tread lightly effect? what about rigging up a trailer with a simple turn table crane and out riggers this would minimize the damage and still allow you to drive on closed trails (what you want to do any how). how much do you think these logs weigh? Ill bet someone on here has an old m style trailer that could be modified out riggers could be just pin in place (no need for hydraulics) crane is even easier could just do some heavy ball bearings or I might be able to call in a favor and get a slew ring bearing. let me know what you think I could through some designs together
What's your weight distribution? Do you have a place on the back of the buggy where you could put some counter weight if needed?

The boom needs to on the back like a skidder so the counter weight needs to be in the front. Money I can offer my shop, but I'm in B'ham. Please post when and where this is going down.
Why all the talk of counter weights, out riggers, and more tire pressure?

He's not flying in steel I beams, he's skidding logs.

I'm pretty sure he'll be fine dragging most anything he hooks up to, and if not thats what chainsaws are for.

He's gonna have a winch on the front, and back of the buggy, so he can hold with the front, and pull with the back if he has to as well.

Don't me wrong, I can see the benefit of the counter weights etc, I guess its just about how far you wanna take it.
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A simple small gin pole off the back with a block and winch will do wonders. If you go to high you will keep tiping over when you turn.

Simple a-frame on the back. Chain to be able to adjust hight or block at top of a frame.

All could be made to go into 2 reicivers and one or 2 points up higher.

the log only needs to be a few inches off the ground to get it to move easily.

I would say all you would need would be

some plate or recivers for the attachement points
about 6 feet of tube or square stock
a good block
a good rear winch.

You may also want to reinforce the back of your buggy a little, not only for the added stress but also you will have the but of logs hitting it at some point.

If you want explination or some more ideas, give me a call and I can drive up. And I dont mind lending a hand if I can.

Pm your way
Well, up here I have MANY (probably close to 150ft) feet of 3/8 wire rope along with cable clamps for said cable, and there happens to be a portable winch plate avail to use for the project if needed:awesomework:...possibly even a winch to mount to the plate. Let me know.
Money, I am mroe then willing to help with any aspect of this. . . Money is tight but i got plenty of time!! I have driven and helped work on the ur buggy. . .

Anytime at all all week whatever, since I'm not working I am more the willing to spend my days working on whatever is needed!!!
Something like this? :redneck:


Like has been said, tire pressure, springrate, and a "bumper" for the butt of the log are some things you should think about.

It's good to see more people thinking outside the box on trail maintenance. In alot of threads I read "we just don't have the equipment.:booo:", when there are many here that have the tools, materials, and know how to build such equipment. :cool:

Make sure you post up pics of this contraption when you get it finished, and if you need any labor help, I am out of work so I've got time, not so much for resources.