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Lunch is what's wrong with America

patooyee said:
I know you're a hard worker, but that is funny coming from someone with the screen name "wont work."

Didnt even think of that when posting but it is funny

Just to give a background. The name wont work came from way back when my family raced all the time and people always told us that wont work bu it did.
patooyee said:
I would say to look further than just a day ahead ...
Small minded people worry about their immediate situation. What's best for ME right now. Low hours, lots of pay. Great, join a corrupt union where you become a made man and can **** up non stop and still get paid (not all unions, not starting a fight) or "lets get on gov't assistance its better for me, **** America". Sickening. Look at the big picture. Making it easier for your kids now is making it harder for them later. My son will have it nearly as hard as I did, I don't buy him **** (his mother does). He will learn to earn it, and that hard work and ingenuity is rewareded with desired ends.
wont work said:
My parents wanted better for me but they also showed me how to work and that you had to work for what you get. I talk to parents weekly on their children and make several mad when I tell them their child is not gona make it in the real world. The children that usually weld the worst almost always have the parents that think their child is the greatest.

mine did too, unfortunately i had a lazy streak! i figured out fast that if i didnt get my ass to work and do a good job i would never have anything... i still dont have anything, but my pride knowing the **** i DO have, i got from working hard (even though i didnt want to). ;D now ive got 2 daughters and im trying to change the cycle, i want them to do well, but they arent gonna be handed anything... if they want it, they have to earn it. hang on... my parents didnt give me ****! WTF! ::) oh well, they wanted to, i guess thats the point.
I think conference calls are whats wrong with the american workforce seems like everytime i need to talk to someone or work with them to resolve something they are on a freaking conf
I think the problem is a matter of respect and fear. Too many young'uns don't respect much of anything or anybody, and are afraid of not being able to keep up with the Jones's.
Then you got entitlement....PETA....Green Energy....no work ethic...chronic laziness...ineptitude...tittie babies...wiggers...rap music...These are all ingredients in the big pot of **** that is my generation.

Yep, things aint lookin to good for the future. :****:
Neal3000 said:
I think conference calls are whats wrong with the american workforce seems like everytime i need to talk to someone or work with them to resolve something they are on a freaking conf

I refuse to get sucked into conf calls at work now. My last job was 4.5 years of calls to schedule meetings to schedule longer calls about bigger meetings. We never got anything done. any surprise my last employer was the .gov ?
Wow you pretty well described our company. With the exception that we close at noon on Friday and 4:30 in the afternoon M-Th ;D We are very good at what we do and have always been able to manage our time well. We did not always have the luxury of those kind of hours though. With technology we have been able to work more streamlined. I am able to get my email on my phone which really changed things, instead of having to sit and wait on that one email I can get up and leave, still get the email, and take care of the issue. With being able to get on the internet virtually most any place I may be that allows me to be able to fix most any problem that may come up. The days of being tied to a desk are a bit in the rear view mirror. Hell last Sunday I decided to take off Monday and I had something that had to be done, I was at the deer camp and was able to go to one of our neighbors at our camp and borrow his computer and get on the internet and do what I needed to do. If I had not been able to do that there was no way I could take off work. It all just depends on what industry you are in that dictates how many hours you have to spend at the job site.
I work for our company like its my own. The issue is that no one takes pride in the work they do. My boss can look directly at the jobs I manage and know that I have busted my ass to get the job done.

In the same token, if i take a friday off, he doesnt care. I take care of my business and that what he wants. If people took pride in there own work we probably wouldnt need managers for the managers. :gtfo:

Also, I get email on my phone that my boss pays for....basically i work 24/7 :****:
grcthird said:
I've never worked for a large company that I considered to be efficient, the damn beancounters always find the stupidiest things to cut out and make folks lives harder. Any body ever see a bean counter out of work? NO, they can manipulate the "numbers" to make themselves look good on paper for the big wigs. :mad:

As a beancounter, I resemble that remark. Thankfully I am a beancounter that spent 15 years doing landscaping, lawn care, and property development to learn some good ole hard-work ethics. Penny pinching is the easiest thing to do to cut costs, but it's like putting lipstick on a pig in my opinion. Only dresses up the numbers a bit, but won't fix anything.
ridered3 said:
As a beancounter, I resemble that remark. Thankfully I am a beancounter that spent 15 years doing landscaping, lawn care, and property development to learn some good ole hard-work ethics. Penny pinching is the easiest thing to do to cut costs, but it's like putting lipstick on a pig in my opinion. Only dresses up the numbers a bit, but won't fix anything.

You sir are a rare breed of beancounter, I can appreciate your approach to business. :dblthumb: Most I have come in contact with or dealt with were not this way.
grcthird said:
You sir are a rare breed of beancounter, I can appreciate your approach to business. :dblthumb: Most I have come in contact with or dealt with were not this way.

Yeah I had tons of classmates that were very smart people, but lacked anything resembling common sense. They must be the ones that you get to deal with. :****:
I'm a welder/faber at home and at work. I was so happy to get a job in the industry I love, and building off road parts for a vehicle I love. But I tell ya, when you come up with a good idea to make their parts better and you get shot down for the millionth time, or when you do get a new part designed, tested, and sold, and you never get a thank you or even a pat on the back... I even did hundreds of hours of R&D from home, using MY steel and still nothing. It kinda makes the "don't give a ****" or in my case "8hrs and out" factor go through the roof. Now people who get paid well and treated well, no excuse. If I got paid well and appriciated, I'd be WAY more gung-ho on the clock.

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