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Politics/Issues thread

Now that I think about it... it all boils down to Lawyers and Insurance... those two entitys **** up everything.


( I love these threads I might actually learn something... )
On a local note. I just paid my Birmingham business license. Larry's Dome tax cost me an additional $3,166.00 this year.
John Galbreath Jr. said:
On a local note. I just paid my Birmingham business license. Larry's Dome tax cost me an additional $3,166.00 this year.

Funny thing about that ( that pisses me off too... ) I paid my business license and it was around 17 buxs or something . The multi million dollar Company I work for, business license hanging in the office , you know what the fee was for them.

2.06 laughing WTFRENCH TOAST
wngrog said:
Before I wade off into this discussion, I would first like to hear just exactly what you guys think is wrong with this GREAT country.

I will check back later.......

Working my ass off to make an honest living while shaneka gets to live at home with her 13 kids and also get to support her drugheaded boyfriend. **** like that. Makes no sense that me and my wife have to pay full amount for her schooling and some person ^^^ gets to go to school for free!!!! Pisses me off!!!! The damn towel heads that are taking over all the gas stations and hotels and getting charged taxes and **** like that. Here we all are with our small business and having to pay taxes. They get 7 years tax free than sell it t o their brother and get another 7 years of tax free! Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that enough! Sorry for the Rant!
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
Working my ass off to make an honest living while shaneka gets to live at home with her 13 kids and also get to support her drugheaded boyfriend. **** like that. Makes no sense that me and my wife have to pay full amount for her schooling and some person ^^^ gets to go to school for free!!!! Pisses me off!!!! The damn towel heads that are taking over all the gas stations and hotels and getting charged taxes and **** like that. Here we all are with our small business and having to pay taxes. They get 7 years tax free than sell it t o their brother and get another 7 years of tax free! Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that enough! Sorry for the Rant!

Here, you forgot this:


wngrog said:
Before I wade off into this discussion, I would first like to hear just exactly what you guys think is wrong with this GREAT country.

I will check back later.......

This country remains the only hope this world has along with a few staunch allies. I love this country but its heading down the path to destruction.


I'll open with this by Alexander Tyler,

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

You tell me if it fits our current road to destruction or not. I say it does. Even though we are not a democracy, that has become the defacto modus operandis. If you think im wrong, ask a teenager if the U.S. is a democracy. Ive already had this discussion with my teenage daughter. guess what she thought? Yes, thats what our schools teach.
Our economy cannot survive while we are taxed into oblivion. Here are some facts.

The top 20% of income earners pay 60% of the taxes
The top 40% pay 80%
You do the math on whats left and then i return to my point that if your on the government tit, you should have no right to vote. These number may vary a bit from year to year. these in particular were from 98. I cant imagine its better now.


There is a war against individualism and the very concept of the individual going on in this country. Individuals have individual rights; and among those individual rights would be the right to their own life, the right to the control of their own body and the right to property. Not to mention the right to bear arms, the right to drive what ever gas guzzling POS you want,the right to send your kids to the school of your choice, etc. The individual is under attack. The government doesnt want an individual. This applies mostly to the liberal agenda but is ever so quickly bleeding into the right wing as well. They are both of the opinion that you are not capable of spending your money in an appropriate manner or that you are to stupid to save money for your retirement or for that matter, your not capable of manageing your own health care or even your childrens idiological beliefs. Our children are indoctrinated in public schools starting with the school supply pooling and moving up from there to charging all parents fees to pay for the parents who cant because their sorry ass wont put down the crack pipe long enough to get a job. Is it the kids fault? no. Should we help? yes. but not at the point of the government gun.

"All our lives we fought against exalting the individual, against the elevation of the single person, and long ago we were over and done with the business of a hero, and here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all." [Vladimir Lenin, as quoted in Not by Politics Alone]

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." [Hillary Clinton, 1993]

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ..." [President Bill Clinton, 'USA Today' March 11, 1993: Page 2A]
These 3 quotes sound alot like many people running for the presidency. Dont they?

Atlas is shrugging people.

Pig out pepper.gif
"Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. "
Benjamin Franklin

^^^^Racial profiling needs to happen at security check points. We need to quit listening to the damn "extreme" liberal freaks. Also the death punishment. Needs to be forced more strictly! If someone commits a vicious murder kill that S.O.B. for what he did. It doesn't matter if he can feel pain while we are excecuting him. Just do it already! Get them out of the Judicial system so others can have their day in court. One more thing. I read a while back that someone had some land for sale across the road from a military base in Florida or Georgia, can't remember which. The land was purchased by someone from Saudi Arabia. That should never happen. I know we don't have a war going on sith them but it sure is close enough! I can keep going but I'm not. Most of the stuff i believe in is COMMON SENSE ISSUES.
We are on a good road here, but dare I add a twist? You know mention one word that could change all?

China :flipoff1:

Had to toss it in there. We are in a freefall, and China is right there picking up the pieces one by one for themselves and then some. Why do you think scrap is $155 a ton right now? The Peoples Republic is a consuming machine!
There are some excellent points brought up in this thread. Some I totally agree with and some I would challenge you to reconsider.
Before I wade into this, I think it is important to get my "street creds" in line with you guys.

I hold a degree in Political Science and a Masters in Political Science (Intelligence and Terrorism).

I spent 10 years in the USAF and served in Desert Storm and the Balkin Conflict. I lived in Germany, Guam, Turkey, Italy, Saudi Arabia and South Korea during that time This does not include 12 other countries I spent more than 2 weeks and less than 2 months in.

I spent 10 years after that in a Fortune 50 company.

I currently am a small business owner.

I watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh. I read the New York Times for the counter-argument every day. I hear both sides of the argument.

I am not a Democrat nor a Republican, I am a REGAN conservative. I believe in a Strong military, a small government and individual rights.

The reason I asked you to state what you find wrong with this country is that the current Media Blitz that you and I are getting is that we need CHANGE. Has anyone here noticed that 3 months ago, all you heard about was Iraq? Wow, the surge starts working over there and *POOF*, those headlines dissappear to be replaced with news of the economy.

I am FAR from being an economist, but to be politically informed, I feel I need to have some idea of what is going on in our great economy. Since 9/11, we have seen ecomomic growth in this country EVERY quarter. The current economic problems are mainly twofold: 1) Fuel Prices 2) Morgage/Housing issues.

The current fuel prices we are seeing are here to stay. We can afford it. In 1990 when I was living in Germany, a gallon of gas cost $3. That was 18 years ago. The cost to produce a gallon of gas is rising. It is harder to find, ship and refine now than ever before. We have to dig deeper, make longer pipelines and use AGNG refineries to make the end product. The one thing most folks don't know is that over 1/2 of the cost of your fuel is TAXES. These kind of taxes are OK, they are the type of taxes that hi those that use the roads the most. If you don't drive or heat your home with fuel you don't pay. Not a bad deal seeing that we all pay for public schools whether or not we use them or not. There is so much to say on this subject I cannot think of typing it all out, but the short-term fix is this. DRILL FOR OIL where you can get it without dealing with the Middle East. ANWAR in NE Alaska has a reserve of oil as big as Iran's. The liberals won't let us drill there for fear we will disturb the Porcupine Caribou's mating habits. nancy Pelosi won't let us drill off the coast of CA because the Kalifornians don't want to see those ugly ass dereks out there. We have not built a new Nuclear plant or refinery in this country in 20 yrs. Alternative fuels are awesome as is conservation, but that will not help us in the short term. Leave that to the free market (no govt mandated BS like Ethanol) and we will get that right too, just like the US has for the last 200+ years.

Morgage/Housing.........the govt told the banks they needed to make home ownership more readily available to the lower income folks. Loans were made on interest only and ARM terms that were barely sustainable with all of the welfare, crack sales or non-existant child care payments about 5 years ago. Those loand all defaulted about the same time. Govt gets involved in the free market and the **** it up every time. Housing......WTF makes a 1200SQ FT crackerbox in Compton CA worth 300 a sq ft? That market needed adjusting and it needed it BAD. Too bad it happened at the same time the sub-prime morgage world took a dump. If you still have an ARM, get the fuc out of it. That is a lose-lose. Some interest is not bad too pay. Pay off the credit cards and keep the mortgage...you can write that off....

I am going to read some of the comments above and let you know my thoughts....more to come....wife and kids are out and I have a whole bottle of Coppola Zinfadel :)
I totally Agree with you. The one thing I do find funny though, Mike Huckabee is the only candidate not mainly focused on the war in Iraq. Everyone of the other candidates are. He is trying to change the country not the war. That is definetly on of the strong points I like about him. He definetly need to be sellf dependent. We do not need other countries be able to affect the cost of anything that we have or do over here.
InDaShop said:
With it being the election year. I thought we could get this thread kicked off. I respect everyones political views, but I'll still call you a big fat doo-doo head if you disagree with me. I for one, am completely done with this process, and our electorate, that which does exclude the political lobby. And why isn't the election here yet? The campaign has been going on for over a year right? Seriously? Why do we need 26 months of campaigning? I think these ****ers should be limited to a $'s cap, and they can't start campaigning until July 1 of said election year. Kinda like the Oklahoma Land Rush, hell a shotgun start works too, we'll get ol' **** Cheney to pull the trigger.

No ****. They got started too early...especially the Democrats. That may work to the Republicans advantage. That and the fact that Obama is PISSING Hillary off so bad, they may spend all of thier cash.

Just like the other day the Huckabee article with his effectively bad rap sheet for past service. Seriously? I read it, he's bad for business, but he's way better than the other candidates from what I can tell. And WHAT CLAIM DOES HILLARY HAVE ON THE WHITE HOUSE? Seriously? What claim? She has zero credentials to qualify her for the position. What she was married to Bill, i.e. ****s Bill. In that case I nominate Monica Lewinsky, or Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Gracen, Sally Perdue, or Dolly Browning.

This is 2 parts. First, Huckaby is up here because the MEDIA wants him to be successful NOW so they can tear his asshole out if he were to win the nomination. This guy is Jimmy Carter redoux. Total cornpone with liberal views in most everything but the flat tax. Other than that, he is a total windbag. He will not win the nomination.

As for Hillary's qualifications? I laugh. Did you see the thing Brett Farve's wife said? (I paraphrase) She has been married to Brett, traveled to the games, knows the playbook.....she is going to be starting QB for Green Bay next year when Brett retires :rolleyes:

Which brings me to the pic, that started this thread, I pasted it in and then started typing, and ended up with all ^^^^^ that crap.
So heres the pic, that put anything into perspective? We have the equivalent of the Troy Horse but its Mexican sitting at our gates. The corporate lobby is pushing to let the horse in, and the american public are saying no keep it out. Who wins? Yeah the ones with the money. And we thought our vote counts? ???

I think the imigration issue is going to surface more in the debates once the Republican nomination is complete. I do agee that there is a lot of worry about cutting off the nearly free labor from the South, but the main reason these people are being pandered to is votes. Everyone is scared to alienate the Hispanic vote now and in the future. They are the FASTEST growing voting block in the US. No one wants to lose that.
P said:
I agree with you 110% **** will not change though because IMO, the 'Merican public in general is to complacent to force the type of change required.

Fact. You say so yourself later where you will not vote. I will comment more there.

want to see a High ranking military General or Enlisted no excuse hardcore ****er run for president. Thats how this **** got started, I say its time to get back to roots. :popcorn: Im tired of pretty boy born and raised to be's.. F that, I want a real world workin man thats seen some ****, made a ton of mistakes and learned from and openly wears them on his sleeve type hardass. laughing
I am not a huge Romney fan, but the guy has creds with me. He is a pretty boy, but he made a TON of money in the private sector. This mofo knows business.
InDaShop said:
I wanted the Colin Powell ticket so bad back in the day! Fugger would have kicked some ass, and taken some names. We wouldn't be all mixed up out there like we are now in the world.

General Powell was a superb general, I served under him and met him 3 times. I am a HUGE fan of his. He was a dissappointment to me as Sec State because of his unwillingness to support the war on Iraq. He was very soft, much softer in private life than as a General Officer. He is a soldier. One of the best ever, but he is not a good politician which makes me like him even more.
InDaShop said:
Who wants to move to New Zealand with me?

They are about like us with Taxes. Major reform in the 80s like with Regan where top taxes dropped from 70% to 35%. In NZ, they went from 66% to 35% and now they are around 40% if I remember correctly. Still, too much to pay IMO on taxes.
braves10and22 said:
get out of class, just to re-enter it. loller.gif

this is interesting. OF COURSE, the people i go to school with are a bunch of global warming, prius driving, obama ass kissing, democrats. makes me sick to hear some of the things that come out of their mouths.

carry on...

I agree with the post above this one....Ted for Prez!!

Braves....stay strong. The best way to beat the college liberal BS is to be informed.

Believe me, the more money you make, the more conservative you will be. Of course, the UBER rich that did nothing to earn their money like Hollywood actors and Trust Fund babies can be liberal because they did not EARN the money.
P said:
Thats alot of the problem I think.. " Democrat or Republican" mentality. Neither is worth a **** because no one can be from either party and not have a "party agenda"

Seems to me as long as civilians continue to ride the party bandwagons, nothing will change. I have no intentions on voting, cause I feel like I dont have an option and I know my vote WILL NOT count.

That is fine, and that is your perogotive, but if you have NO RIGHT to bitch moan or compalin about the system if you do not participate. Broken or not, this is the system we have and it is the BEST system in the world. Participate. VOTE.
Warpig said:
there is no constitutional right for everyone in this country to vote. There i said it, now prove me wrong. that was not the way it was meant to be. THATS a democracy which we, at least for now, simply are not. The reason things have gone to **** is because the people who make their living off the government and live off welfare and various other freebie systems have an equal vote to the people who are busting their ass to make money and make change. Why the hell should the dead beats have an equal vote to the ones who actually pay for and run this country. Class warfare is the tactic of the left and they use is very very effectively to buy votes. Wouldnt voters living off the govnt be stupid to vote against any one offering them the biggest handouts?


Neither party stands for what they were once repected for and both are equally impotent. I am a consevative and i do land right of center, but i vote no party line. The republicans were an utter failure. They were handed the reins of the house and senate and voted in with the promises of the changes proposed and smaller government. They lied, they failed and they are paying the price for their desire to be re-elected rather than do what they were sent there to do. They deserved the asskicking they got in the last elections.

Nice x2

If it wasnt for their stupid ass stance on not defending our country i would probably fall into the libertarian agenda. I agree with most of what they proclaim to aspire to.

See "Regan Conservative" under Google. You will fit right in.

The fair tax system proposed is the only thing that i believe can save this country from itself and huccabe is the only one with the balls to include that on his campaign agenda. Therefore he will likely get my vote. Whether or not he would actually do it, i dont know. He would have to do a good enough job in his first 2 years for conservatives to take back the house and senate. otherwise hes as powerless as Clinton was in his second term to make any real change.
The people who have made the good decisions and pay for this country are the ones who should be voting. If your on the government tit. No vote for you. IMO

It is very easy to get drawn into Huckabee. He is very likeable and witty and the flat-tax thing is DYNAMITE. I LOVE it. Hell, my wife and I will pay over 6 figs in income tax this year........are you ****ING kidding me? Huckabee's record with taxation and immigration speak volumes with me. I am not decided, but other than the flat tax and that he is not scared to speak his faith, he scares me.
P said:
People in general not having / taking enough personal responsibility and expecting the goverment to take care of them , then turning around and bitching about how little they get.

Yeah, that sucks. I hate the welfare system in this country. I breeds contempt and class warfare. With Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security this country will be bankrupt in 20 yrs if there is no reform. George W tried and was MURDERED over it. He had a great idea. WE...all of us reading this board, will pay for the country ignoring him.

Large corporations having financial pull with legislation...

Fact of life. I don't know what to tell you.