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WOW Meeting - WED 05/05


Truth be told both of these organizations "help" our sport. Truth be told without such organizations we would be far worse than we are.

I don't agree with certain aspects of one of the organizations but I will continue to support it.
If you ever get a chance ride with one of the jeep racers. Way fun. I can talk to some if you want to try your regerjation skills :puke::puke::puke::haha:
I went back and read all those post's. I read them as every ones personal opinions or perception of the PNW4WDA. Just the same as what you post, your personal opinion. I guess if you don't think like a PNW4WDA member than your not aloud to say anything. That's exactly one of the MANY reasons why I am not and never will be a member of the PNW4WDA. I joined WOW because you can think and say what you want and feel. People may not agree with you but you still get heard. Again this is my personal opinion, like it or leave it:awesomework:

Jim, since your speaking the truth why don't you tell us how much money the PNW4WDA spent on trails last year? How much did they spend on event insurance? How much money do they make from there jeep racing that they put back into public property? How much money does the PNW4WDA have in its account?

Our finances our not for joe public they are for our members. I am sure one of your members that also belongs to the PNW4WDA can provide them for you. Event insurance is paid for by the clubs that put on events. The only time the PNW4WDA pays for insurance is for Jamboree and summer convention when it is hosted by the comp committe. Even then it is paid back after the event by proceeds from the event. Most of the playdays are lucky to break even and several of the clubs actualy underwrite the cost of the event (loose money)
How are we not working together?

Both associations are working to keep are trails open, are we not?:eeek:

Good point :awesomework: I have been working with Grant and Bryan for a while now as we have interacted at meetings and such. I havent had much contact with WOWs elbe person or for Tahuya but its been my understanding that my landchairs from those areas are working with them.
Read posts 54,56,59,62 all contain wrong or eroneous information. Have you ever seen a PNW4WDA member make claims that WOW "only" does mud bogs and "only" allows rigs with 38" tires or bigger or dosent allow jeeps (oh my) ? No, you havent but statements like the ones in the above posts are common place. I like to make sure people know (or at least hear) the truth about these things and as long as its a problem I will keep correcting things when I see them.

You really don't get it...

Go back and read the first 3 pages of this thread... Until you started popping of about 48 years, there's was no issue...

You needed to jump in and correct who/what???

The way I see it, is you do more damage when you open your mouth than help...

Learn when to shut up and stay out of it...

There was no reason for you to post... Not just in this thread, but many more...

I'll be waiting to enjoy your pm's shortly...:rolleyes:
You really don't get it...

Go back and read the first 3 pages of this thread... Until you started popping of about 48 years, there's was no issue...

You needed to jump in and correct who/what???

The way I see it, is you do more damage when you open your mouth than help...

Learn when to shut up and stay out of it...

There was no reason for you to post... Not just in this thread, but many more...

I'll be waiting to enjoy your pm's shortly...:rolleyes:

Whatever :rolleyes: I guess in your book everyone but me is entitled to a opinion :booo: No PMS I have nothing to hide everything has been right here in the open :awesomework:
Good point :awesomework: I have been working with Grant and Bryan for a while now as we have interacted at meetings and such. I havent had much contact with WOWs elbe person or for Tahuya but its been my understanding that my landchairs from those areas are working with them.

Jeff and I have been working great together. He is very thank full for all of WOW's help.:awesomework:
WoW is great. If you are the type of person that likes to be told how to act and what to do. Veiws of others are not welcome in a club like WoW. Its a do as i say kinda thing. If you want to be a indivual N come up with new ideas and make them happen. Find some good people that think feel, N act the way you do N start a club N make it happen. Without having to bring it to a vote and listen to all the reasons why it cant happen N just get it done.
Why follow a small croud. When you can be part of a pack.
WoW is great. If you are the type of person that likes to be told how to act and what to do. Veiws of others are not welcome in a club like WoW. Its a do as i say kinda thing. If you want to be a indivual N come up with new ideas and make them happen. Find some good people that think feel, N act the way you do N start a club N make it happen. Without having to bring it to a vote and listen to all the reasons why it cant happen N just get it done.
Why follow a small croud. When you can be part of a pack.

What you're describing here Casey, it one of the differences between a club, like WTF and an association, like WOW or the PNW4WDA. You and your friends with similar likes and dislikes got together to form a club. WOW and the PNW4WDA were formed to support a much broader group. I think that when you joined WOW at the beginning, you were expecting it to be more like a club with a bunch of buddies going wheeling, having fun and attending some work parties. WOW is to be bigger than that. I think it was you I heard at one of the few meetings I went to, but it could have been someone else, that said "screw all this talk, let's just go wheeling." Associations like WOW aren't the wheeling clubs - that's just not the role that they play. I remember a number of discussions/arguements about this in the first couple of months that WOW was around.

WOW and the PNW4WDA are in place to organize clubs and individuals towards a common goal and to provide unified representation where necessary. They represent the group concensus but not necessarily, everyone's individual opinion. In WOW, an individual member has far more opportunity to exert influence and to get involved in the decision making process.
WoW is great. If you are the type of person that likes to be told how to act and what to do. Veiws of others are not welcome in a club like WoW. Its a do as i say kinda thing. If you want to be a indivual N come up with new ideas and make them happen. Find some good people that think feel, N act the way you do N start a club N make it happen. Without having to bring it to a vote and listen to all the reasons why it cant happen N just get it done.
Why follow a small croud. When you can be part of a pack.

Neither WOW nor the PNW4WDA are great places to throw in your hat if you don't like to "not" get your way (I'm putting my hand up here as one of those people :mad: ). I don't know you well Casey, but I have a feeling that that's one thing that you and I have in common.:beer:
What you're describing here Casey, it one of the differences between a club, like WTF and an association, like WOW or the PNW4WDA. You and your friends with similar likes and dislikes got together to form a club.

So than they should acsept people for who they are. Not try N change them into what they want their members to be. Other wise they would have criteria to meet to be a member. Instead off who every has a extra 20 buck can join.

"screw all this talk, let's just go wheeling." Yeah that kinda sounds like me.

I understand that in a majority rules type group. A single member may not always like the way things go. Im fine with that. I didnt like how WoW as a group without pointing out individuals says one thing does another. And has very little regard of a proper way of doing things and lack of appreciation.
What you're describing here Casey, it one of the differences between a club, like WTF and an association, like WOW or the PNW4WDA. You and your friends with similar likes and dislikes got together to form a club. WOW and the PNW4WDA were formed to support a much broader group. I think that when you joined WOW at the beginning, you were expecting it to be more like a club with a bunch of buddies going wheeling, having fun and attending some work parties. WOW is to be bigger than that. I think it was you I heard at one of the few meetings I went to, but it could have been someone else, that said "screw all this talk, let's just go wheeling." Associations like WOW aren't the wheeling clubs - that's just not the role that they play. I remember a number of discussions/arguements about this in the first couple of months that WOW was around.

WOW and the PNW4WDA are in place to organize clubs and individuals towards a common goal and to provide unified representation where necessary. They represent the group concensus but not necessarily, everyone's individual opinion. In WOW, an individual member has far more opportunity to exert influence and to get involved in the decision making process.

Nice Gibby...pretty good observations :beer:
I gotta throw in my bit......

We need Org's like the PNW4WDA, WOW, RTW, etc.

We need clubs like WTF, WHORE, etc.

And last but not least, we need the maverick do-gooders to do their own thing.:hi:

I chose to support the Org's (although, only in mind), I'm a member of a club (WHORE, not really a club though) and I do lots of good:redneck:deeds on my own.

The way I see it......the Org's can point you in the right direction, the clubs are the man power and the individual freedom of thought and opinion is where it all starts.

The personal issues arise from the individual club members; supporting the Org's; forgetting they don't need permission to think.....and then act (accordingly).

Do what I do.....cut out the middle-man, 'relationship' your way through the DNR (the REAL folks in power) and just do your thing. :;
I gotta throw in my bit......

We need Org's like the PNW4WDA, WOW, RTW, etc.

We need clubs like WTF, WHORE, etc.

And last but not least, we need the maverick do-gooders to do their own thing.:hi:

I chose to support the Org's (although, only in mind), I'm a member of a club (WHORE, not really a club though) and I do lots of good:redneck:deeds on my own.

The way I see it......the Org's can point you in the right direction, the clubs are the man power and the individual freedom of thought and opinion is where it all starts.

The personal issues arise from the individual club members; supporting the Org's; forgetting they don't need permission to think.....and then act (accordingly).

Do what I do.....cut out the middle-man, 'relationship' your way through the DNR (the REAL folks in power) and just do your thing. :;

Am I reading this wrong? Are you making yourself easier to blow off by the bureaucracy? The voice of one doesn't carry as far as the many! Do you think if we didn't have the NRA we'd own any guns right now? PNW4WDA, WOW, and RTW are our NRA. Join the fight or wonder why your only wheelin is something on Xbox.
I'm not talking about a "voice". But if I was......I'd say I have my OWN voice, thank you very much.

Oooohhh......:clappy:now we're getting all metaphorical and ****.
Do what I do.....cut out the middle-man, 'relationship' your way through the DNR (the REAL folks in power) and just do your thing. :;

I'm with Money on this... this is exactly what our club did, we built a good relationship with our dnr rep(Nancy) and she let us build a log crawl where a not very challenging part of a trail once was. when were finished it will most likely be the nastiest challenge out at Elbe. Best part is we did it without any help from any org (except you Anthony thanks again for your operator skills)
I'm with Money on this... this is exactly what our club did, we built a good relationship with our dnr rep(Nancy) and she let us build a log crawl where a not very challenging part of a trail once was. when were finished it will most likely be the nastiest challenge out at Elbe. Best part is we did it without any help from any org (except you Anthony thanks again for your operator skills)

That's great and my hats off to you guys but I still think you're missing something....What you have is a club targeting one specific project which is important to you. How long do you think it would last if that was all that "we" did? With all effort towards one area the other areas would close in short order leaving your one area vulnerable to be the next and last target. "We" need bigger organizations to take care of the big picture so that while we're working on the areas important to us the rest of the picture doesn't get out of hand......Really how many of us only wheel one area? Or one land agency? Mark thinks getting on the DNR's good side will take care of all of his problems but what happens when he wants to wheel at funny rocks and the forest service gets run over by greenies because nobody is watching that front?...
Really guys there is a much bigger picture that should be important to us even if we don't have time to cover all of our bases.:beer:
.....but what happens when he wants to wheel at funny rocks and the forest service gets run over by greenies because nobody is watching that front?

In this case I would support and rely on the big Org's to fight for me.

I DID say I support (in mind) the big Org's :;

The best part about a big Org like PNW is I (an individual) can come and go as I please.......and use them for my (our) own benefit.