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Reiter trail repair, 06/08/2008

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Also--does anybody have any old cable?

Get a hold of Markus. He can get you TONs of cable for free. He works on cranes and they can't get rid of their old cable... Someone would have to pick it up but otherwise it's free.
Get a hold of Markus. He can get you TONs of cable for free. He works on cranes and they can't get rid of their old cable... Someone would have to pick it up but otherwise it's free.

May want to ask what size cable it is before you go to pickit up.:;
Anywhere from 5/8" to 3/4" cable and it's in LONG pieces so it would need to be cut in chunks.

that should really prolong the bypasses from being reopened. :cheer: if it's cheap, than maybe sacup could possibly have it's bypasses blocked... probably wishful thinking...
We have some left over 5/16ths cable from when i broke my cable on the costco winch twice, I will bring it.
Also--does anybody have any old cable?

Markus works mostly up in Bellevue. Maybe someone can meet up with him to grab some when they take their next crane down.

I will get in touch with him and have him post up in this thread.
Dudes, I do have access to LOTS AND LOTS of cable. The stuff in the neighborhood of 10 mm to 30 mm (3/8 to 1 1/4 inch). But you would have to pick it up. The 22mm is very common. I would go with something big as to deter those with bolt and cable cutters. I believe the smallest lengths are around 700 feet. You would have to cut it. Torch, hot saw, or sawall needed.

That is just my two cents.
WHo said anything about making the trail easier?

Just trying to kill the new/old bypasses that bypass the hard stuff.. The trail deserves to stay hard

That is all,,,

Look at all the Bullshit you could have avoided by just saying that to begin with :rolleyes:
Then what would you have to post about:eeek: :haha:

I don't know Jim?

In all actuality if you were doing your job as a mod you would've cleaned out all the bullshit from the Trails section and left me nothing to post about at all, keep up the good work :awesomework:
I don't know Jim?

In all actuality if you were doing your job as a mod you would've cleaned out all the bullshit from the Trails section and left me nothing to post about at all, keep up the good work :awesomework:

but then you send me those real mean pms:booo:
so? what happened?

was there cable used to do the blocking?

was there any blocking completed?

is the trail back to its' original route?

did anyone working on the trail even make it through?

just curious......
Are we still looking at doing the BYS trail? Or are we looking at fixing the Wall trail or both?
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