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Binge Worthy TV Series

Narcos. Only one season out but watched six episodes last weekend. And, I rarely watch TV unless it's car shows or sports.

Most I can think of have already been listed.
Two good ones that are definitely for when kids aren't around
(Hell my wife thought I was watching porn)


The Fighting Season and Battleground Afghanistan are really good, vets can keep up with it better. My wife was lost, kept asking questions. I was like, "Write it down, save it for a commercial."

Top 5.
House of cards (netflix) Kevin spacey at his finest.
The Americans
dmtfabrication said:
Breaking Bad
Teen Mom
Jersey Shore

The first three were legitimately good. The last two were creepily curious. My significant other watched both of them, so I saw parts here and there, then next thing you know I was skipping shop time just for T-Shirt Time. I started putting gel in my hair and wanting kids I wasn't responsible enough for. It was all worth it.

Lol the cabs are here
Deadwood (I'm still pissed about them not finishing this one)
The following
The Walking Dead
South Park
Sons Of Anarchy
The League
Always Sunny In Philly
American Horror Story
Being Human
The flash
Sometimes you just gotta be a lazy sorry ass and watch the tube. Especially on them cold as hell Jan./Feb. weekends if you don't have heat in the shop. :popcorn:
94xjsport94 said:
Lol the cabs are here

You didn't say it right. CABBSYEEAA!

House of Cards (even if Kevin Spacey plays a democrat)
The League
Dexter (got kind of repetitive, but couldn't turn it off)
Re: Re: Binge Worthy TV Series

youngbloodlvmc said:
Hell on wheels and shameless

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I just started watching this season shameless on showtime.

Ballers has 1 season and they are looking to make another.

Entourage and the movie

Billions is new this year and I like it, showtime.
scubajeeper said:
Homeland, and I sure miss Walter White!

Homeland, was surprised no one else listed it. Might be my favorite series ever.

Sorry on SOA, iti go old after a few seasons. I think I ended somewhere in Season 5.
Breaking Bad's a given. Entourage, Walking Dead (though its had some ups and downs)
Breaking Bad is a must! Just finished it this morning. SOA and Justified were also great.
I'm trying Longmire... again, 1st episode and and I can't stay focused. :****: :dunno:
Think I may try Dexter or Mad Men.
Neal3000 said:
I read that Netflix has Better Call Saul (Breaking Bad spinoff) available this month

Its pretty good. Season 2 starts on TV Feb 15th.