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Starting soon, recap.

It depends. we have had days we worked the whole day. But with the amount fo folks who came last time, we were able to be done by 1 and spend the rest of the day enjoying ourselfs.

Numbers. How many hours? I have no room to talk since i do nothing for the sport, but i will say this, with those that do work up there, good job. But there are still plenty of hours in the day to pack up shovels and cruise to the next spot for an hour or two... Make a day of it, it's a work party. Use the whole day...

Again, I do NOTHING for this sport so my words are invalid.

QOTD right there :fawkdancesmiley::haha:
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i love how alot of peoples attitudes on here is o well there is nothing we can do, or there is no point in doing work parties well with that attitude we will loose reiter.

The work parties are not just about cleaning up trails.
It is mostly just about us all getting together and having a good time, weather it be watching me almost eat **** a million times, watching monkey aka crash climb tree's:haha:, or watching kat snap tow straps its all about haveing a good time it just so happends that were cleaning up in the process :awesomework:
Numbers. How many hours? I have no room to talk since i do nothing for the sport, but i will say this, with those that do work up there, good job. But there are still plenty of hours in the day to pack up shovels and cruise to the next spot for an hour or two... Make a day of it, it's a work party. Use the whole day...

Again, I do NOTHING for this sport so my words are invalid.

QOTD right there :fawkdancesmiley::haha:

not with how far some of us travel at the last meet there were people traveling 2 hours some people wanna have some fun :awesomework:

wait you live in kirkland and you drive that s10 around lol hahaha how does that work with all the cops
i love how alot of peoples attitudes on here is o well there is nothing we can do, or there is no point in doing work parties well with that attitude we will loose reiter.

So you are saying that if you do work parties you will keep Reiter open for ORV use the way it is now?

There is a point to work parties, there area of focus needs to be carefully thought out in order to ensure that volunteer hours are used to the best of their ability...instead of wasted on planting grass for example.
As for the greenies if you were there listening to david they just sold a logging plot at reiter so bring on the greenies because there not gonna be too happy :fawkdancesmiley:

i know for myself tho everytime i go out i will try to do one thing weather it be check on previous work, or work on blocking a bypass a little better, or just pick up some garbage:awesomework:
So you are saying that if you do work parties you will keep Reiter open for ORV use the way it is now?

There is a point to work parties, there area of focus needs to be carefully thought out in order to ensure that volunteer hours are used to the best of their ability...instead of wasted on planting grass for example.

i'm not saying that for sure but its better of sitting and talking and doing nothing we have to start somewere and untill dnr gives the finaly ruleing we might as well keep working on the trails until they decide because we will have at least a year before any closures most likely
The problem for me is the following:

I came to this site for education mostly for Reiter and the things that might be changing there. The problem is that there might be a handfull of threads that lightly touch on a subject and then become a giggle fest of emoticons and such.

So guess what...I stop reading, because I don't have the time to wade through 9 pages of **** to find quality content that may never arrive. I shut down the thread, return my focus to something different and move on. There in lies the problem with our "local" agencies, a lack of direction and bright focus.

How many acronyms do we really need for "our cause". I know that in my simple little life I have trouble keeping track of who or what WOW, RTW, PNW4WDA, WOHVA, DNR, BLM etc. stand for. Imagine what the governmental agencies do when they talk about things...they glaze over and can only picture crack-head, littering, meadow mudding, car burning, erosion creating 4x4 redneck ****s.

It is so not difficult to clip out and save the bad press that has been generated from our sport. It is so not difficult to walk along a trail and shoot a photo of damage to ecosystems. It is so not difficult to enter the domain of motorized users and create a report that details how un-educated, un-organized, and how damaging our HOBBY is. How expensive it will be to maintain the lands this HOBBY utilizes, coupled with the fact that it is not a neccessity automatically defaults the issue to "...how can we eliminate the wastefull spending..."

Polishing the lense, focusing a line of sight, and bringing Reiter to the front of the public, and governmental mind has really only done one thing...certified that it will be gone. A few small construction projects are all that remain from gates being placed at the entrance points and keeping motorized use out.

Elimination of the problem is the simplest and quickest way to eliminate the cost involved in dealing with a NON-ESSENTIAL problem area.

We are their problem.

So where do the bike and quad guys sit in all of this? They are not immune. Are their trails as theatened as ours? Will they be picketing and rioting?

I'd be VERY interested to hear from one of them......post up!
i'm not saying that for sure but its better of sitting and talking and doing nothing we have to start somewere and untill dnr gives the finaly ruleing we might as well keep working on the trails until they decide because we will have at least a year before any closures most likely

A year before closures, who told you that?

Closures have already begun in a certain capacity at Reiter.
So where do the bike and quad guys sit in all of this? They are not immune. Are their trails as theatened as ours? Will they be picketing and rioting?

I'd be VERY interested to hear from one of them......post up!

They're in the same boat. "ORV" includes them.

Contact the Stump Jumpers on their board.
A year before closures, who told you that?

Closures have already begun in a certain capacity at Reiter.

you have clearly never worked with the state before
i say a year because once the planning commision is done then to even think about doing anything they have to go thru a planning process.

They have get engineers, and they have to check with department of ecology and department of fish and wildlife and a couple other places to get there approval to make sure any of the work that is done does not adversly affect the run of into streams or affect wildlife in some manner

and to close reiter they would have to bring in gates wich would have to go thru a permit process so that authoried emergency persanel have access
all of this takes time and money
you have clearly never worked with the state before
i say a year because once the planning commision is done then to even think about doing anything they have to go thru a planning process.

They have get engineers, and they have to check with department of ecology and department of fish and wildlife and a couple other places to get there approval to make sure any of the work that is done does not adversly affect the run of into streams or affect wildlife in some manner

and to close reiter they would have to bring in gates wich would have to go thru a permit process so that authoried emergency persanel have access
all of this takes time and money

I work with the government daily, thanks for playing :awesomework:

You obviously have not been keeping up on what is happening at Reiter. Planning will be done in a matter of 60 days or less, implementation can being as soon as funds are available.

Closing is by far the easiest thing to do, I'm not saying that it's what will happen, but it's easy. Look at Sultan Basin, there was no planning, no committe, no public notice, it just happened.

The DNR working jointly with F&W and others can move as quickly as they want/need based on the immediate need.
And like David said the night before, yes the planning meeting part will be done BUT there will NOT be any money till at least January of 2009.
And like David said the night before, yes the planning meeting part will be done BUT there will NOT be any money till at least January of 2009.

You mean 2010?

There's $40k available right now.

That would buy one Bridge for a creek crossing...

It might cleanup the parking area a bit...

It could buy multiple gates...

It could buy a shitload more eco-blocks...

But of course, all this just assumes that the Planning Commitee will come up with an area that we can use for ORV use :awesomework:

You folks must have your blinders on...the DNR didn't make any guarantee that there will be an ORV area at Reiter, did they?

The money that David refers to in January of 2010 is for when and if there will be either improvements made to existing trails or new trails built.

The bottom line is that we can only speculate as to what is going to be in the Planning Committee report, and we can only keep our fingers crossed that there will be a designated ORV area at Reiter...
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Just like David said...

"You guys didn't know what you were getting yourselves (ORV users) into with all of this"

Me and david had talked about this some time ago. One downside to this committee is the fact the light is fully shined on all aspects of the area. Double edged sword.
erosion is the reason behind the new seasonal closures at evens. Elbe offers no scenic stuff really, so not many greenies around here.

Evans creek is located on a dead end to the mountain, the back of the mountain gets little traffic compared to the other park entrances. Not nearly as many EYES. Anybody going to the Carbon or to mowich drive right by the evans parking lot and see nothing destructive to complain about.

Elbe is located in a forest with nothing more than firewood gathering/logging going on. No greenies get in there. Theres no hiking trails, no vistas, no close by population, no thru traffic. If you see anybody up there thay have an orv or a skidder, plain and simple.

you guys all live in or close to yuppieville. reiter is so close to thousands of users. thousands of eyes. thousands of folks hiking to the lake, hiking for the veiw, walking thiers dogs cuz they live in apartment, folks that have NOTHING TO DO but finger you while you wheel.

SAD BUT TRUE. you guys have to share with too many nerds and nerds make the rules. Plain and simple.:rolleyes:

Evans creek / Elbe / Tahuya all still exist for a multitude of reasons the main one is involvement from the membership of the PNW4WDA and its long term commitment to keeping these trails open (since 1974) learning to work with the controling agencys and keeping education and more importantly the funding going. Reiter can do the same thing but it takes time and dedication to do so. It takes a select few (already in place) to lead then the rest of the users to support and Reiter can be "saved" as well.
**** this **** im joining the greenies at least they can get organized and not bitch about **** all the time and get something done for christ sakes people get a god damn clue
Me and david had talked about this some time ago. One downside to this committee is the fact the light is fully shined on all aspects of the area. Double edged sword.

Yep, they wil expose everything from every angle in this report including suitability for recreation of all types.

That's OK though...I'm wheelin Reiter tomorrow :redneck:

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