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90's throw back....Manche build

Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

mcutler said:
It's 14" wide. If you have the space, you could certainly build off it. I plan to, and suggest some additional plating left and right though. I will tie my link towers into my bump pads. I personally feel a forward facing truss does more good than a vertical, especially as much as we run into ****.

Mine is just a Zuk based cone killer, overkill adds a lot of weight and so far hasn't been necessary. Trying to get it back under 3400, as the motor swap bumped it over 2900. Just want a simple and clean link/ram mount with better steering.
Here is a pic I borrowed from brave motorsports. Kinda shows what I was suggesting.



Wouldn't add a terrible amount of weight.

mcutler said:
Here is a pic I borrowed from brave motorsports. Kinda shows what I was suggesting.

Wouldn't add a terrible amount of weight.

Dave is one of my good friends, I was actually there today bouncing ides off his head.

Probably solid delrin "wobblestoopers" on the shock eyes misalignment spacers. I know a couple guys who have done this successfully, rec and racing.

5BrothersFabrication said:
Wonder how the links keep from flopping side to side and wearing the hell out of the shocks and spacers?
Can't think of the technical term, but it's basically a solid piece of nylon instead of a wobble stopper. Zoom in on the leading arm and you can see they're made of black derlin.
Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

sleepsontoilet said:
Dave is one of my good friends, I was actually there today bouncing ides off his head.
I really like their work. No bones, straight up race car.


sleepsontoilet said:
Can't think of the technical term, but it's basically a solid piece of nylon instead of a wobble stopper. Zoom in on the leading arm and you can see they're made of black derlin.
mcutler said:
Probably solid delrin "wobblestoopers" on the shock eyes misalignment spacers. I know a couple guys who have done this successfully, rec and racing.


Yup...and Yup.

It's a spacer machined out on the back side to fit snug against the body of the shock eye. Campbells U4 cars are set up the same way in the rear, or at least have been in the past. I've seen a few guys mounting their coil overs on the rear top links in the same fashion. Most U4 guys have gone to a spacer on the shock eye rather then the bent or fabricated arms to get the eye lower then center, just for the sake of ground clearance.
Fwiw, I use Poly urethane shock bushings cut in half, on either side of my tie rod and drag link to stop the wobble.

Works great, cheap, and still allows some forced misalignment.

Cut the bushing in half and squeeze the 1/2 wide bushing between the washer and heim body.

I'll see if I can dig up some pics.

For sure not as solid as delrin or nylon, but is enough to keep the hydraulic ram from rolling the tie rod heims, while still allowing some misalignment and preventing bind.
Spoke with Drew today, and he mentioned you...

Made any progress? I'm not sure his link kit will work as it puts them around 6" apart(axle side) and mine touch in the middle of my current axles truss, stupid 23" wide Zuk frame. Most likely I'll have to build link mounts off the back of the ram, so I'm intrigued by what you come up with.
Yes, I've started some floor tubing, so I can engage some front frame rails to the engine support. Nothing picture worthy yet. Some elderly family difficulties of late keeping me away from the shop. Thanks for checking in and I'll be sure to post more progress asap.

I think you wouldn't have a problem mounting off the back of this mount, mine will ultimately rest on the corners, roughly 7"spread.

I haven't spoke with Drew lately, hope he's pleased with this project.



You could very easily french the mounts in to his unit similar to this. This was the truss I built on my Chevy 60 in the buggy. Iirc, the to links were 3-4"spread.

Guess mine aren't as close as I'd remembered, after looking at build pics and comparing them to yours. I just would like to improve on this design, which wouldn't take much. I'd never built a truss before and threw this together in an afternoon. It hasn't given me an issue, but there are cleaner ways of doing things. Thanks for the updates, hope your family situation improves.

Finally some noteworthy progress.

Seats finalized, front mounts anyway. Will get the rears in once I start the floor. 54" at widest point of seats. Leg room appears tight and awkward, but it's more comfortable than it looks. Definetly no less tighter than my buggy was. Can finally get this cage rolling.





And the obligatory weld close up...



More progress close by..

I now have all the sheet metal trimmed out of the cab and ready for the cage work. Probably lost 50# or more. I've got a few tubes in place, may or may not be their final resting place. Also got a bedside trimmed up with a reverse bob; trimmed from the front of the bed and opened up the rear of the wheel opening. It was time to get a mental picture of all the skins, to pull some measurements for the back half tubing. Next will be the rub rail/nerf bars so that I can attach the cab to the chassis, these will be 1.75/.120 tubing lined with solid 1.5" 7075, (the bumpers will get the same treatment). The roof will get cut off to do full welding on the cage.











Things are a little random. It takes me some time to get a real good mental picture of how I want things to end up. I think I've finally had my ahaa moment and made some good decisions on the final design. More to come..


mcutler said:
Thanks Dustin, when is yours making an arrival in the Tarheel state?

Picking it up end of the month. Then headed to Mars Fab for all inside an out sheet metal work..
Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

MoonlightRacing77 said:
A wolf in sheep's clothing right here :****:.Nice build
Hell yeah, that's the plan. A race truck disguised as clapped out, rusted Comanche, with tires too big so the redneck had to cut the fenders way the Hell out....lol

Aside from the tires, the c-pillar, bumpers and sliders will be the only outward giveaway of a non-stock truck. I'm also gonna put the tailgate back as functional too.

Thanks moonlight...
