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Dad's stang...

Just thought I would give an update.

First on the car because thats my dads pride and joy and something he builds allot of strength from. He has gone to a number of car shows and is just LOVING IT! I sat at one with him and my mom and folks who stopped and looked at it really liked it.

He ordered a few items for it so here soon he is going to bring it up and we are going to work on it for the day--I will make sure to get pictures of that.

We have also been talking about doing a tranny swap but going to an auto. He was the ease of driving it and the auto will give him that. Plus my mom had said she can then drive it too,lol. I don't know if thats a good thing or not,lol.

As for my dad. The last CT scan showed the tumor in his Colon has grown a bit and unfortunately they are unable to remove it due to its location so chemo is the only option. The last round of chemo was noneffective so they had to change. The downside to this was they had to switch to a mix that was like his very first round that was causing some nerve damage so they are going to have to watch that closely. So he started his first round of that yesterday and will go 4 rounds with another CT scan and go from there. But I saw him yesterday and he is still staying positive.
Hope everything works out...
Yesterday I went and saw a old friend's mom who's got cancer (forget what type) who apparently I was her 'favorite'; definitely a tough thing to see :booo:...you could see her spirits almost instantly boost...
Keep your heads up and spirits positive is all I can say---We're prayin' for you and your family...:awesomework:
He will win! Any place strength can be drawn is a good thing!

If its an auto then he can ride shot gun and your folks can still go cruizing and to shows. Might be a good way to lift his spirits if needed and it means he can still get out of the house.
Sorry to hear the bad news, but stay strong and keep his spirits up:awesomework: Make sure he stays busy and gets out of the house or else he may loose that motivation to get better. Best of luck to you and your family!:beer:
So we had a family get together at my sisters house on sunday to celebrate her birthday. It was a good day I brought my toy, the kids quads and we shot guns.... Good day.

I was helping my mom dig up some ferns when she we had a talk. I knew it was bad when my mom started to tear up before anything was said.

She basicly said the new chemo treatment was again doing nerve damage. This I could tell watching my dad shoot off his .22 earlier. She simply said if it gets any worse he is going to stop the chemo. he doesn't want to be stuck in a wheel chair and wants to enjoy the time he has. He already sleeps allot as is and my dad has always been active and I know it really bugs him. he has his beautiful car sitting out in front of the house and he has no energy to even go clean it or anything of that nature.

He also recently started going thru all his pictures and scanning them to digital format as I think he getting everything in order. This truely saddens me and I still have to talk with my kids but we will wait for a while till we do.

Something else that just broke my heart. I was talking with my dad and he simply said "if anything happens to me son I just want you to know that the car will be yours to stay in the family". I didn't know what to say at that point as I was simply speachless. Of course that will mean wheneve Don wants to use it he will be fully welcome to it.

On a positive note the new dash bezel/cover came in so as soon as he is feeling up to it me and him are going to spend some time on his baby..
Cherrish the time! Enjoy it! Make the most of it! And get that darn auto in there so your mom can drive him around energy or not!
sorry to hear mike....:booo:
I agree with Eric! Get him out there one way or the other...:awesomework:
Keep the positive attitude Mike.Spend/make plenty of family time.If you need anything get ahold of me.

On another note I saw the car and can drive a stick I'd drive Bob around.Hes a cool guy:awesomework: with alot of stories we could drive around the country and he'd still have more to tell.:D
Keep the positive attitude Mike.Spend/make plenty of family time.If you need anything get ahold of me.

On another note I saw the car and can drive a stick I'd drive Bob around.Hes a cool guy:awesomework: with alot of stories we could drive around the country and he'd still have more to tell.:D

Did you see him at the Stanwood show Wayne?
This is sad to hear the chemo is not working as it should. Not to second guess or anything but alot of people do ok without a colon at all I thought. I'm suprised they can't operate on it..
This is sad to hear the chemo is not working as it should. Not to second guess or anything but alot of people do ok without a colon at all I thought. I'm suprised they can't operate on it..

Unfortunately at this stage they are unable to remove it due to its location :booo: They fear it spreading quickly if they do so as it was explained to me by my mom.
that sucks mike..

i lost my mom 16years ago to breast cancer.

just make every minute count!

i believe that the quality of life you have is far more important than how long you live.
So my dad is still doing his chemo and started his 18th--yes 18th round last weds. He has been super excited to hit every car show he can and finally got a 3rd place for his class--all he could talk about...

So this morning he came over to hang for a while and work on his car. We had 2 projects to do but only was able to do one due to more parts needed for the second.

But he rolled up with a smile as it was a nice sunny day and he simply LOVES to drive the car. Today my mom had said its crazy how much that car has helped his quality of life. When he's beat down due to the chemo (usually about 10 days after his treatment) he will slowly wander out to his car and do something to it.

So the 2 tasks to do was the cluster and the bushings for the clutch/brake(I think they call it the equalizer bar). Unfortunately we needed the cast aluminum end pieces so we didn't touch that today.

But his cluster bezel was looking REALLY faded/old with everything else around it all shiney. So he ordered a new one and the plastic lense.


So I carefully pulled the cluster out again,lol. Thats ok I did not mind one single bit as I got a chair setup for dad so he could sit back and enjoy the time.

So ya--now it really looks bad compared to the new one.
