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The swa-wing


Got it out today--and the thing works absolutly wonderfully :awesomework:
Here are a couple pics. The weather turned---really wet so I wasn't able to get any I really wanted.


So continuing with the tweeking. One thing I wanted to do was get a stout enough steering setup that helps protect the servo horn on backflips. Well I really like how DR Frank(from RCC) did his and Jim also did the same setup. So I went ahead and made the same thing. This was not an easy/quick think to build. The hoop is solid steel and the ends are made from 1/8 steel also. This small stuff certainly takes patience. I also welded a tab for the drag link to connect to vs. drilling/tapping the hoop.

But in any case here is the setup




Only thing I had to play with was getting the servo horn just the right length--but I was very impressed with how it worked. It turns just as strong as any of my past setups.
Something else I have been wanting to do for some time--delrin links. I went and got a sheet and took a stab at doing some for the rears at this point. The one downside to the alum. ones I have been building/running for over a year--I usually end up kinking/slighly bending a lower link. Also with the delrin you can do a nicer slope/curve. So I will see how these go and hopefully do a set for the fronts.


So one thing I wanted to do when I origionally built this chassis was run the battery up front but I just didn't think I could make it fit(big reason I bent the front upper links for room). Well I ripped the electronics out of it--sat there and did a bunch of measuring. So you know how it is--some times you can't see it till you make an attempt at it. Well thats what I did and I was amazed I was able to whip out a craddle for the battery to sit. Its mounted to the chassis and allowed to swivel up/down and on the diff side its held in place with velcro--worked like a champ.


I still have a little tweeking on the wiring for how the battery plugs in and due to the sire pannels I still have to make.

But I was able to fit everything back into the chassis..

So along the way I have been slowly tweeking it--because right off the start line this thing performed great--but there is a big learning curve with the new setup.

So I went and upped the shock oil to 60w and added 1/8" more droop to the rear.

I went and pulled 4ouz total from the rear and 6ouz total from the front.

Every step it seems to perform better but at the same time I am having to change my driving habbits a little bit.
So one thing I was unsure of was the change in the wheel wieghts-it definately changed how it climbed. So since I now moved the weight of the battery way forward I wanted to try it out. Well I was pretty impressed but at the same time still on a learning curve and still unsure if I need to add a tad weight back up front. But in any case I am able to pull some lines I could not before and ones I could but with a different thought process. But all in all I am really stroked on how its working.




Lookin good Mike! Interesting looking setup you got there, the MOA setup sure gives you a lot of freedom with chassis design.