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straddleline is back!!!!!

What a good time and a great turn out..... I think damn-near half the entries didn't finish do to rig failure or just plain broke.....The course may look easy but it is brutal on a rig..... :redneck:
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I had a great time racing yesterday...looks like I should fix that hood latch :haha:


What a good time and a great turn out..... I think damn-near half the entries didn't finish do to rig failure or just plain broke.....The course may look easy but it is brutal on a rig..... :redneck:

and thats the way it should always be:flipoff:

blew a ujoint and ate the ears off my front d-line front diggin around one of the last corners. ended the race in 2wd. What a good time though! cant wait for the next one:awesomework:
I had a great time racing yesterday...looks like I should fix that hood latch :haha:



That was a great time,thanks for the ride:awesomework:.I will have my jeep next time and looking forward to trading some paint:beer:
and thats the way it should always be:flipoff:

blew a ujoint and ate the ears off my front d-line front diggin around one of the last corners. ended the race in 2wd. What a good time though! cant wait for the next one:awesomework:

Oh that was u in the first race huh.... looked like you had extras hanging when u came in... :haha: That was the start of the rigs breaking having to pull off in the brush just off the track so the next race could start.... It was pretty entertaining to watch someone coming down off the hill after three races have gone by with their rig barely making it steaming,smoking,wobbling, being drug by a backhoe or all the above......

GOODTIMES... Hats off to all of you guys that gave her hell and raced and hope to see ya on the next round you got a month to repair ur rigs..... :redneck: AND If you were not part of it there is 3 series races left to come show up the rest and take home the gold....

We did not even get to set up the 40"+ course as there was not anyone left at the end to race but 2 rigs..... Maybe next time.... :corn:
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Oh yeah Dirk and Dean Those are two bada$$ Jeeps...I never thought I would say those words :eeek: Dean that thing is bad to the bone.... and she has an owner that knows how to use her the way just wants it hard and fast.... Way to go on the win u deserved it..... :beer: :cool: :beer:
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Lookin forward to the next comp. Already got the axle out ready to strip down for new axle tubes and full truss. Hopefully drunk guys dont knock the coarse down so we can pre run more. :haha:
Hopefully drunk guys dont knock the coarse down so we can pre run more.

wouldn't know what you are talking about.... :fawkdancesmiley: all I know is I awoke after 2 hrs of sleep to people complaining that that course was all screwed up..... :redneck: what arsholes those guys must have been.... :beer:
wouldn't know what you are talking about.... :fawkdancesmiley: all I know is I awoke after 2 hrs of sleep to people complaining that that course was all screwed up..... :redneck: what arsholes those guys must have been.... :beer:

Not sure....... I think it was the same camp of people that put on a show on the car trailer. :haha:
On a serious note ..... From here on out there will be no more engines running after 10 pm.... PERIOD.... Party all u want but no night wheeling or anything of the sort.... MAN HOW WE FUC*ED THAT ONE UP IN A HURRY..... :booo:

It was fun, but the next day when had to answer to the women in charge it was not so fun anymore and well lets put it this way we had sooo much fun that if it happens again 4x4's will be no longer out there...... :mad: So please when you come out and camp please don't listen to the other idiots out there and keep all engines off and vehicles parked after 10 pm..... And if you see someone let them know asap, before all is lost.... DAMN IDIOTS ANYWAYS.... :redneck:
Not sure....... I think it was the same camp of people that put on a show on the car trailer. :haha:

hey now that was a private moment "those people" must have been having.... Oh and he picked her up hitch hiking on the way out there that day.... at least that was the rumor going around that I heard.... :redneck: We have to keep an eye out for them, so this kinda stuff don't happen again... DAMN CITY FOLK....

oh and wheeler4x4samota thank ur wife for bringing back the dog.... :haha: Stupid dog anyways.... Hopefully she was not too disturbed at what she saw, Damn drunk people anyhow....
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That was a great time,thanks for the ride:awesomework:.I will have my jeep next time and looking forward to trading some paint:beer:

No problem...let me know when I need to be ready for a rimrock trip :beer:

Oh yeah Dirk That is one bada$$ Jeep...I never thought I would say those words :eeek: but man that thing is bad to the bone.... and she has an owner that knows how to use her the way just wants it hard and fast.... Way to go on the win u deserved it..... :beer: :cool: :beer:

Thanks, but I think you might have me confused with Dean & the orange TJ...he came in 1st (right). I was 2nd (middle). Gowinator took 3rd (left).


pic stolen from david richardson

Originally Posted by olywa View Post
Oh yeah Dirk and Dean those are two bada$$ Jeeps...I never thought I would say those words....Dean that thing is bad to the bone.... and she has an owner that knows how to use her the way just wants it hard and fast.... Way to go on the win u deserved it.....

Thanks, but I think you might have me confused with Dean & the orange TJ...

I think u miss read it.... :fawkdancesmiley: