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Random Thoughts


I never seen it like that before, definitely something I hope to be able to avoid for the remainder of my life.

I'm too happy of a person to be surrounded by all this depression, ready for it all to be behind everyone.
Re: Random Thoughts

Stay close to her, she'll be upset a long long time. Sorry for your loss.

Yeah it's gonna be a long rough road for sure. She is handling it better than I thought, it's gonna be tough on her living at home without her dad there. Her and her son been living with him for a few years. I'm hoping for us to be living together sometime this year anyways, then it won't be as bad on her. Funeral is Tuesday, after that and after the siblings split up all his belongings amongst them, it will begin to get better. Their brother is being a **** about the whole process wanting to control things and wanting more **** than what was willed to him. Sucky deal all around. Some families don't get along as well as others. Makes me thankful for mine being so down to earth and kind.

Thanks guys, just kinda had to vent about the situation since the only ones I've been around and talked to since Thursday night are those that lost their dad/brother/uncle and are grieving. The gf is sleeping now, and I'm glad. She and most of her family has had less than 5 hours of sleep since Thursday. She gets her son back from his dad tomorrow for the family time at the funeral home, he's gonna be tore up and his 8th bday is next weekend. We'll take good care of him though.

Why in the hell can't a person be consistent? On a 4 lane you can't get them to go 65, but on a two lane road they wanna ride my ass and do 70.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Son of a bitch. Never put a fuzzy blanket in the wash with other clothes......ever. Got a whole load of laundry with a **** ton of little fuzz balls stuck all over each article of clothing, inside and out. Washed and dried again, still there. ****! Lessons learned in laundry aren't soon forgotten.......

TacomaJD said:
Son of a bitch. Never put a fuzzy blanket in the wash with other clothes......ever. Got a whole load of laundry with a **** ton of little fuzz balls stuck all over each article of clothing, inside and out. Washed and dried again, still there. ****! Lessons learned in laundry aren't soon forgotten.......

Easy fix, found it on Pintrest:

Put clothes in dryer. Drill holes in new jar of peanut butter, and place in dryer with 2 big buckets of ice. Set dryer on low heat as not to melt the ice and turn on for 1 cycle. Now fuzzy clothes are no longer your issue.
Re: Random Thoughts

Does anyone else feel like fibromyalgia is a made up disease used as an excuse for people to feel better about being a ****ing pill head?
Re: Random Thoughts

pholmann said:
Does anyone else feel like fibromyalgia is a made up disease used as an excuse for people to feel better about being a ****ing pill head?

Hence my divorce.
Re: Random Thoughts

pholmann said:
Does anyone else feel like fibromyalgia is a made up disease used as an excuse for people to feel better about being a ****ing pill head?

I know two people that suffer from it. One is legitimately sick and one is just looking for sympathy/pills/ etc. I think it is similar to Lyme disease as far as being unknown how to diagnose and effectively treat it. People need something to be wrong with them so they are enabled to putt themselves and have excuses for not living life to the fullest. My sore back, knees, feet, shoulder and tingling hands are not symptoms of a disease, they are symptoms of 34 years of poor decisions, drinking and treating my body like a rental. I don't need a dr to diagnose me with a vague disorder to tell me the next 35 are gonna hurt in fully aware of it. :indianajones: :spin:
Re: Re:

money_pit_yj said:
Easy fix, found it on Pintrest:

Put clothes in dryer. Drill holes in new jar of peanut butter, and place in dryer with 2 big buckets of ice. Set dryer on low heat as not to melt the ice and turn on for 1 cycle. Now fuzzy clothes are no longer your issue.
Sounds like an excellent idea! Lol
Re: Random Thoughts

pholmann said:
Does anyone else feel like fibromyalgia is a made up disease used as an excuse for people to feel better about being a ****ing pill head?

Yep. Misty says doctors literally made it up to get uninsured pillheads out of the office. They would show up every day with different ailments until one stuck, so doctors made it up so they can finally treat legitimate patients.

The last time I went to the Dr office, there was a huge poster looking straight at you from Pfizer showing how to "diagnose" fibromyalgia, like which pressure points to touch, exact instructions on how the patient should react, and how many reactions are required to "diagnose" and prescribe pain meds...

I fully considered following the poster to the T and seeing if the Dr would diagnose me...
Re: Random Thoughts

What does 35% actually mean? :dunno: I know there's lips and boobs and butts and sheep and stuff in the threads but not sure what the 35% signifies. I have seen other threads on other forums say NSFW 35%. 35% of people don't want to see it? 35% of people do want to see it? 35% of what?????